Education & Teaching Question


The purpose of the Historical Review Project is threefold: 1) to choose a special education leadership and administration topic/question and investigate the importance, significance, and impact of this chosen topic pertaining to its history, 2) to demonstrate knowledge and application of the current APA formatting and writing style, and 3) to be able to articulate a biblical worldview concerning the historical topic chosen.

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Education & Teaching Question
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The changing landscape of special education is easy to observe throughout our discussions and research of the historical and contemporary issues in special education. Issues such as school reform, inclusion, public policy and disability, standards assessment, disability classification, and transition planning are among just a few topics that can be viewed from multiple perspectives. Strong opinions and research are available to support or question all of these differing viewpoints.


Develop a research question, narrowed to investigate a particular topic/issue pertaining to special education. Submit yourresearch question/topic and a detailed outline.

Research question details: In developing a research question, be sure to do a thorough review of this topic. Pay particular attention to the historical context of this topic. As you review the research, what questions come to mind? Questions such as why, what, when, and how are good starting places. Develop a research question/topic that can be answered from your research.

Outline details: Once the research question has been developed, discuss the perceived answer to your question/topic by addressing the following questions (the use of headers are encouraged in your final paper):

1.Discuss what interested you most about the topic (known as the introduction).

2.Discuss why this topic is important to study.

3.What significant impact did this topic have on the development of Special Education?

4.What impact did this topic have on the current standing of Special Education?

5.How should a person with a biblical worldview react to this topic?

6.What effect could a biblical worldview have on Special Education both historically and presently?

7.Provide a conclusion.

Submit your research question/topic/outline in an APA-formatted Word document. Include a title page and reference page. Your outline must contain at least six main points (i.e., I, II, III) with references and at least three subpoints (i.e., A, B, C) under each main point. You are also expected to include at least one secondary source in your analysis. Use the Historical Review Project: Research Paper Assignment Instructions and grading rubric as your guide.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool

Important Notes

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Historical Review Project: Outline Grading Rubric |
Quality of
10 to >9 pts
9 to >7 pts
7 to >0 pts
0 pts
A high-quality research
question/topic is presented.
A good-quality research
question/topic is presented.
A poor-quality research
question/topic is
25 to >22 pts
22 to >20 pts
20 to >0 pts
0 pts
A well-written outline is
provided that addresses all
the areas to be discussed
and is fully supported. The
outline includes a minimum
of 6 main points and 3
subpoints under each main
point. The outline also
includes a minimum of 1
secondary source.
A mostly well-written outline
is provided with most of the
areas being discussed and
mostly supported. The
outline includes a minimum
of 6 main points and 3
subpoints under each main
point. The outline also
includes a minimum of 1
secondary source.
A poorly written outline
is provided with few or
no supporting details.
The outline includes
fewer than 6 main
points and fewer than 3
subpoints under each
main point. The outline
does not include
secondary sources.
13 to >12 pts
12 to >0 pts
0 pts
Minimal or no grammatical,
spelling, and/or punctuation
errors are present, and the
document is written in
current APA format.
A few grammatical, spelling,
and/or punctuation errors are
present, and/or errors in
current APA format are
Many grammatical,
spelling, and/or
punctuation errors are
present, and/or errors in
current APA format are
Mechanics 15 to >13 pts
10 pts
25 pts
15 pts
Total Points: 50
EDSP 723
The purpose of the Historical Review Project is threefold: 1) to choose a special education
leadership and administration topic/question and investigate the importance, significance, and
impact of this chosen topic pertaining to its history, 2) to demonstrate knowledge and application
of the current APA formatting and writing style, and 3) to be able to articulate a biblical
worldview concerning the historical topic chosen.
The changing landscape of special education is easy to observe throughout our discussions and
research of the historical and contemporary issues in special education. Issues such as school
reform, inclusion, public policy and disability, standards assessment, disability classification, and
transition planning are among just a few topics that can be viewed from multiple perspectives.
Strong opinions and research are available to support or question all of these differing
Develop a research question, narrowed to investigate a particular topic/issue pertaining to special
education. Submit your research question/topic and a detailed outline.
Research question details: In developing a research question, be sure to do a thorough review
of this topic. Pay particular attention to the historical context of this topic. As you review the
research, what questions come to mind? Questions such as why, what, when, and how are good
starting places. Develop a research question/topic that can be answered from your research.
Outline details: Once the research question has been developed, discuss the perceived answer to
your question/topic by addressing the following questions (the use of headers are encouraged in
your final paper):
Discuss what interested you most about the topic (known as the introduction).
Discuss why this topic is important to study.
What significant impact did this topic have on the development of Special Education?
What impact did this topic have on the current standing of Special Education?
How should a person with a biblical worldview react to this topic?
What effect could a biblical worldview have on Special Education both historically and
7. Provide a conclusion.
Submit your research question/topic/outline in an APA-formatted Word document. Include a title
page and reference page. Your outline must contain at least six main points (i.e., I, II, III) with
references and at least three subpoints (i.e., A, B, C) under each main point. You are also
expected to include at least one secondary source in your analysis. Use the Historical Review
Project: Research Paper Assignment Instructions and grading rubric as your guide.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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