3000-word (plus or minus 10%) essay. It will be in based on a subject or critical issue of your choice, though you are recommended to develop one of the ideas discussed during the seminars.You may use one of the questions that have provided for you under the respective weeks, or you can create one based on your own interests.
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Seminar 8 – Alternative Education and Assessment Prep
▪ Requirements:
▪ 3000 word essay (+/- 10%). Word count does not include the reference list!
▪ Choose a question related to one of the critical issues we have looked at.
▪ Answer the question using a range of literature/sources (journal papers, books,
policy texts)
▪ Bear the following structure in mind:
▪ Introduction – What will you say and how will you say it?
▪ Main body – This is where you say what you said you will say in your introduction, in the
same way you said you would say it.
▪ Conclusion – What did you say? What is the answer to your question?
▪ Follow the assignment brief carefully
▪ Use reputable sources
▪ Journal papers and books
▪ Wikipedia,, Blogs
▪ Remember that language, structure and referencing are as important as the
▪ Remember that the Introduction should introduce your essay (incl. structure) and
conclusion should be a brief summary of your essay and determine which
framework is more effective.
▪ Plagiarise!
▪ Copy from other students
▪ Use ChatGPT or other AI/essay farms to produce your paper
▪ Copy from websites, blogs, papers, books without referencing
▪ Struggle without asking for help
▪ Learner Development Services
▪ Tutors and Lecturers within reason!!
Write your question at the top of a blank page.
Use the space underneath to note the following:
What are the concepts you will be exploring in your assignment?
What route could you take to answer your question? Are there smaller
questions contained within your big question?
Do you have a hypothesis?
▪ In your assignment, you will be expected to use a range of literature/sources to
answer your question.
▪ Use your question to identify some search keywords and phrases (at least 5)
▪ Using SUPrimo or Google Scholar, enter your keywords to find at least 5 relevant
journal articles, papers, books that could help you to answer your question. These
should be different from the literature on MyPlace.
▪ Write out these references as they would appear in an APA Reference List, and as
an in-text citation.
▪ Due: 29th January 2024 @ 5PM.
▪ Extension requests should be made via MyPlace.
▪ If you need any further support or advice, get in touch!
▪ [email protected]
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