Education & Teaching Question


Assessment 2- Identify 3 SEs within the TEKS from your certification level. Break them down into SLOs as shown in the “TEKS to SLOs” and “TEKS to SLOs Practice” videos from the corresponding activity in this module. Be sure to read the rubric prior to completing to ensure you know the expectations of the assessment to demonstrate your proficiency. Specific directions can be found here (You will be asked to make a copy that will save to your Google Drive – Please use your 240 Google account when prompted):

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**If you are EC-12 SPED, choose from a variety of grades (and subjects as applicable) so you have a wide range of exposure. As a teacher certified in all levels for special education, it is important that you are familiar with standards across grade levels and subject areas

(3) Write a one-paragraph reflection on what you learned from this process and how this learning impacts your future practice.

(4) You may type your work and submit that as a document file (Google Doc, pdf, etc.). You may handwrite, draw or use an online drawing application to show your work. If you chose this latter option, please submit it as a PDF or image file (check to ensure that the image you submitted is clear).

(5) In your typed or drawn document, please include the following: your name; the course prefix and number; and your certification field (e.g. EC-6 Core Subjects).A

Assessment 3- Use your notes and what you learned from the activities/videos in this module to create your own ELPS, PLDs, & TELPAS Overview Anchor Chart.

This may be done as one large anchor chart or in separate smaller anchor charts.
You will need to include your learning from all 3 parts of the module activities on this topic. Be sure to read the rubric prior to completing to ensure you know the expectations of the assessment to demonstrate your proficiency.

(4) You may create your anchor chart digitally and submit that as an electronic file. You may also draw your chart on paper. If you chose this latter option, please submit as a PDF or image file (check to ensure that the image you submitted is clear).

(5) Along with your typed or drawn document, please include the following: your name; the course prefix and number; and your certification field (e.g. EC-6 Core Subjects).

(TIP: If you do not know what an anchor chart is, click here! Anchor Charts 101: Why and How to Use Them (Links to an external site.). (REMEMBER… YOUR ANCHOR CHART MUST BE ABOUT THE ELPS, PLDs, AND TELPAS)…