Education & Teaching Question


A 3500-word essay, which focuses on the interconnections between migration, education and international development in relation to a context(s) of your choosing.

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MED module:
Assignments: what is required

Students will be required to complete two pieces of writing that will
be marked together as one assignment. These are:
 1)
A 3500-word essay, which focuses on the interconnections between
migration, education and international development in relation to a
context(s) of your choosing.
 2)
An accompanying public-facing blog piece of up to 1500 words,
which engages with key ideas from the assignment topic, and presents
them in a blog format for academic and non-academic audiences.
 The focus of both pieces of writing must be discussed and agreed with
your tutor.
Assignments: guidance and tips

For part 1 (3500 word essay):

Choose a topic and a geographical focus that is of interest to you. The essay must engage with the
migration-education-development nexus, but a range of different foci are possible within this.

Ensure you engage critically with relevant literature to develop your analysis and argument – the
essential and future reading lists on moodle should provide a useful starting point (but also do your
own research)

You may decide to draw on one of the theoretical frameworks mentioned during the module to
help you develop your analysis
For part 2 (blog of up to 1500 words):

A number of different approaches are possible. You could:

Write on a similar theme to that chosen for part one, summarising key points for a wider audience

Develop a piece of writing based on research you conducted for the group work presentations

Develop a more personal reflection on your own experiences of the migration-education-development nexus,
drawing out connections with themes covered in the module

Engage with a piece of poetry, fictional or biographical writing to explore one of more themes covered in the
It is important to ensure that your blog piece connects explicitly with relevant themes from module
and that your writing is engaging and accessible for a range of different academic and nonacademic audiences
Assignments: process and
We will ask you to upload your initial assignment topic and tutors will be
allocated shortly after the end of teaching block two
 Students will be entitled to two tutorials:

Tutorial 1 will take place in small groups and will provide an opportunity to
discuss initial ideas

Tutorial 2 will be 1-to-1 and will provide feedback on a 2000 word draft
outline of the assignment. This should: summarise the key arguments that you
plan to make in the essay and the blog; indicate the proposed structure for
both pieces of writing; identify key literature that you plan to draw on.

Tutorials will take place in June and July and should be arranged with your
tutor. Details regarding sign-up sheets etc will follow.
The final deadline for submission is 1st September at 4pm
 Ensure that you follow guidance on referencing and plagiarism (on

Next steps

Bring your initial ideas regarding your assignment focus and any
questions you have about the assignment with you to the seminar.
You may want to think about:
 Geographical focus – what country or region do you plan to look at?
 Topic focus – what aspects of the migration-education-development
nexus particularly interest you?
 Theoretical/conceptual framework – do you plan to draw on any
particular theory on conceptual ideas?
 Relationship between the essay and the blog piece?
Keep it to roughly 800 words. (500-1000 is the general rule)
Have a single issue that you succinctly and clearly communicate.
Avoid jargon
If promoting a book or article, keep the focus on the thesis of the published work, not
a description of the table of contents.
Use hyperlinks instead of APA.
Footnotes don’t belong in a blog post.
Feel free to embed images, videos, and podcasts. However, any images or videos
must either be in the public domain or you must have permission to reuse.
Style guide:
a. Title, name of author(s) with hyperlink to online bio (e.g., iris page), text of post,
embedded images, videos, or podcasts inserted in text.
b. Send it as a Word or Text file.

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