Education & Teaching Question


Module 02 Content
While giving a tour to a prospective family at a local early childhood center, the director makes sure to communicate just how important their child’s health is. While the family is touring the center, a group of toddlers are washing their hands for lunch as two teachers are singing a special handwashing song with them as they do it. The family can see that this is an important routine, and the children took great pride in their ability to keep the classroom healthy through handwashing rituals. The parents begin to wonder what other measures the staff takes in order to keep young children safe and healthy.
Assessment Instructions
Create a PowerPoint presentation to share with incoming families highlighting strategies to keep young children healthy and safe. Include the following items in your presentation:
At least 10 content slides, including content in the Notes section that addresses the following:
Describe at least two strategies you use as an educator to prevent diseases from spreading—support your thinking with research or from course resources.
Explain two examples of ways in which immunizations impact child development—support your thinking with research or from course resources.
Describe two health practices that impact a child’s mental health (these should be unique from your strategies)—support your thinking with research or from course resources.
Title slide
Reference slide with the resources you used in APA format
Incorporate at least two resources from the module, Rasmussen library, or other scholarly resources to support your thinking throughout the presentation
Submission Requirements
Your PowerPoint presentation should include a title slide, reference slide, and at least 10 content slides. Be sure to incorporate various fonts, images, and graphics that help convey your thoughts and ideas.
Additional Resources
Assistance creating a PowerPoint presentation can be found here
Assistance creating a Reference list in PowerPoint can be found here

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