Editing Question


Subject: Reflective Assessment of Communication Course Dear Professor [Instructor’s Name], As the semester concludes, It is helpful to reflect on my experiences and progress in this interpersonal communication course. Therefore both the knowledge I have gained and my participation in the course must be evaluated. 1. Personal Growth: During this course, I’ve undergone notable personal development in my communication skills. Three key concepts that made a lasting impression on me include active listening, nonverbal communication, and conflict resolution. Engaging in weekly discussions and completing assignments has afforded me numerous chances to implement these concepts, fostering a heightened appreciation for their role in effective communication. In the conflict resolution module, I faced a demanding group project situation. By applying the strategies learned in class, I promoted open communication among team members, successfully resolving the issues and improving the overall quality of the project. 2. Most Improved Area: I’ve observed the most improvement in the area of active listening. Initially, my tendency was to prioritize my response rather than fully grasp the speaker’s perspective. The course content and practical exercises taught me to suspend judgment, ask clarifying questions, and offer thoughtful responses. This enhancement has had a positive impact on both my academic interactions and personal relationships. 3. Self-Evaluation of Participation: a. Preparation for class: I consistently prepared for class by completing readings before posting on the discussion board. This helped me contribute meaningfully to discussions and assignments. b. Presence and attentiveness: I made a conscious effort to minimize distractions while studying, closing unnecessary browser tabs and finding quiet study spaces. c. Engagement in discussions: I actively contributed to class discussions, offering relevant insights and responding to classmates’ comments constructively. d. Engagement: I regularly checked in throughout the week, effectively managing my time to engage with course materials, videos, and assignments. 4. Self-Assigned Grade: Considering the criteria provided, I believe I have earned an A (19 points) in this course. My reasons for this assessment are as follows: – Preparation: I consistently completed readings before discussions, ensuring informed contributions. – Presence and attentiveness: I actively avoided distractions and maintained focus during study sessions. – Engagement in discussions: My contributions were meaningful, and I actively responded to classmates’ comments. – Engagement: I maintained a consistent and effective pace throughout the semester, demonstrating commitment to the course. Thank you for a rewarding semester. Sincerely, [Your Full Name]

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