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November 1, 2023
Robert Marini
This report will assist community members in understanding and appreciating the benefits of
health coverage expansively. Health insurance enhances individual access to quality healthcare
services (Hoffman et al. 149). Additionally, health coverage aid in the reduction of death rates,
promote better health, and increases productivity levels. This report will address three main
areas: (1) what is health coverage? (2) The effectiveness of health insurance and (3) the
importance of health coverage.
What is Health Coverage?
Health coverage or insurance is an agreement that needs a company (insurer) to pay an
individual’s medical costs and get premiums in return. Primarily, health coverage settles some
bills, including surgical, medical, drug prescriptions, and to some extent, dental bills. Health
coverage can pay for chronicle diseases or injuries incurred by the insured and even sometimes
personally reimburse the individual. In addition, health coverage is usually attached to an
individual’s employment benefit token, which is a strategy by employers to please their
Over the past decade, the rate of individuals taking health covers has risen exponentially (Bureau
U.S Census). Nonetheless, there are still many people who do not have insurance covers.
Notably, there has been a recognizable increase in improved healthcare services and productivity
levels among communities. Figure 1 below illustrates the general increase of individuals with
healthcare coverage and various sources of healthcare service in the United States as of 2019
It is clear that most insurance coverage is apportioned by various private and public institutions
and organizations. In addition, it is also evident that there is an increase in the number of insured
individuals, and most of them are the elderly.
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Figure 1
Figure 1: source; Health care reform in the U.S
However, there is also a significant population of uninsured individuals in the United States.
Unfortunately, most uninsured people are the elderly, who are also exposed to lots of chronic and
lifestyle diseases. Figure 2 below illustrates the uninsured population in the United States alone.
Figure 2
Figure 2: Source; Peterson foundation, 2019
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The Effectiveness of Health Insurance
Examination of health insurance effectiveness goes beyond finances. It affects health-seeking
and community healthcare. This section discusses cost-effectiveness and the favorable impact on
health-seeking behaviors in diverse groups. The study that follows provides information on the
overall efficacy of health insurance that goes beyond its financial aspects.
Cost-effectiveness is among the fundamental factors used in analyzing effective healthcare
coverage in most communities in the United States. Cost-effectiveness highlights the economic
gain by individuals after attaining insurance cover. The greater effectiveness of healthcare
intervention such as healthcare insurance is that it reduces the level of poverty in the community.
In addition, health coverage safeguards an individual from the sudden expensive costs of medical
care. Through healthcare covers, community members would pay less and expect more financial
aid in return. Consequently, healthcare insurance is effective in the manner that it enables the
insured individuals to access free and fair medical preventive care. Free and affordable
preventive care includes medical check-ups, vaccines, and disease screenings.
Effectiveness on Health-seeking Behaviors
Health insurance cover is a practical consideration to achieving comprehensive healthcare
services. Primarily, health insurance is an essential policy approach for advancing medical
results during the current generation filled with many complicated illnesses (Dellen et al. 995).
Health insurance has lowered the rate of medication and hospitalization among various
communities in the past few years.
Projecting healthcare cover to our communities will boost the community’s healthcare
provisions. In addition, health insurance helps reduce long queues made by most individuals who
are still struggling with free public medical care. By effectively introducing health insurance to
the community, the health and medical standards of the general society will increase
Importance of Health Coverage
Health coverage is more than just being able to go to the doctor. It has numerous personal
Disease Prevention and Control
• Health insurance facilitates prevention and control of common diseases.
• Enhances accessibility to medical services, including check-ups and blood-sugar level
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Facilitates regular medical tests for easy health status monitoring.
Enables prompt treatment upon disease detection.
Safeguarding Personal Savings
• Health insurance protects personal savings from the financial burden of unanticipated
• An effective insurance policy ensures handling diseases without personal financial
• Insurance policies assist in managing all expenses associated with ailments.
Contending Against Lifestyle Diseases
• Health insurance helps individuals contend against deadly lifestyle diseases, often
targeting those under forty-five.
• Conditions include heart issues, respiratory illnesses, obesity, and cancer.
• Insurance makes the diagnosis of these diseases more affordable, ensuring access to
quality healthcare.
Protecting Loved Ones
• Health insurance aids in protecting loved ones by extending coverage to family
• Inclusion of family members, such as spouses or children, ensures their access to
better medical care.
• Emphasizes the importance of selecting the right insurance coverage for family wellbeing.
Timely Medical Help
• Health insurance ensures timely medical assistance, preventing the neglect of
illness symptoms.
• Timely medical help plays a crucial role in saving lives.
• Insurance coverage alleviates the financial burden on families, motivating them to
seek the best medical attention without hesitation.
Health insurance policy is significantly important to the overall healthcare plan of every
community. The findings from this report indicate a significant increase in the number of
individuals who are purchasing health insurance covers. In addition, the report has highlighted
some of the critical findings in the effectiveness of health insurance to an individual. Before
purchasing an insurance cover, you should ask yourself the following important questions:

What are the age criteria involved in the insurance cover?
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What is the waiting period policy for the insurance cover, especially when filing for
insurance complaints?
Will the health insurance help me in saving money?
What part of my medical bills will the medical insurance cover?
After how long is the insurance renewed?
Can my family members use my insurance in case of an emergency?
Is the health insurance applicable in all hospitals?
Works Cited
Bureau, U.S. Census. “Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2020.” Census.gov, 18
Oct. 2021, https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2021/demo/p60-274.html.
Delen, Dursun, et al. “Analysis of healthcare coverage: A data mining approach.” Expert systems
with applications 36.2 (2009): 995-1003. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2007.10.041
Hoffman, Catherine, and Julia Paradise. “Health insurance and access to health care in the United
States.” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1136.1 (2008): 149-160.
October 22, 2023
Statement of Problem
The report aims to outline guidelines for students to obtain health insurance coverage and
highlight the associated benefits. It’s essential for students to have health insurance to mitigate
unexpected medical expenses resulting from accidents, injuries, or illnesses. Accidents are
unpredictable and can occur anywhere, so it’s crucial to consider the financial burden they may
pose. Educational institutions prioritize safety and well-being, but students may still face
significant costs when seeking medical treatment outside the school environment. Encouraging
students to secure insurance coverage can provide a safety net in such situations.
Statement of Purpose
This report serves as a guide for parents and students, emphasizing the significance of health
insurance. It’s crucial for both students’ well-being at home and on campus. While many students
are covered under their parents’ insurance, eligibility should be confirmed, especially regarding
network coverage while at college. It’s essential to inquire about accessible medical providers or
consider a supplemental policy for on-campus healthcare.
Numeric Outline
I. Introduction

Brief overview of the report
Importance of the topic
II. Significance of Student Health Insurance

Explanation of why health insurance is important for students
Real-life examples or statistics to illustrate the significance
III. High Costs of Going Without Insurance

Detailed analysis of the financial implications for students without health insurance
Case studies or examples of students who faced high medical costs due to lack of
IV. Dangers of Going Without Insurance

Discussion on the potential health risks students may face without proper insurance
Explanation of how lack of insurance might deter students from seeking necessary
medical care
Taif AlMugbali
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V. Lack of Viable Options for Students

Examination of the current health insurance options available to students
Discussion on why these options might not be sufficient or accessible for all students
VI. Eligibility and Network Considerations
Detailed information on how students can confirm their eligibility for their parents’
● Explanation of network coverage and its importance while at college

VII. Exploring Alternative Insurance Plans

Guide on how students can explore and choose alternative health insurance plans
Tips on what factors to consider when choosing an insurance plan (financial stability of
the insurance company, availability of in-network medical providers, etc.)
VIII. Conclusion

Summary of the key points discussed in the report
Final thoughts and recommendations for students regarding health insurance
Work Schedule
Insurance Plans
Time Frame
Whole Semester/Throughout
As per Income
1 month
Advocating for health insurance plans covering students off-campus is crucial. Many such plans
are available on various websites, and the school will promote preferred options for guidance.
Additionally, consider reaching out to local insurance brokers who can assist in finding
affordable healthcare coverage. Factors to weigh include the financial stability of the insurance
company and the availability of in-network medical providers in your area. Plans with nearby
physicians are preferable to avoid extensive travel. To educate yourself about health insurance,
start your search on dedicated websites that assist students and parents in the insurance purchase
Taif AlMugbali
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October 22, 2023
Hofer, Silvia, et al. “Memo: Spectacular Developments during the Last Decade from the Section
Editors’ Point of View.” Memo – Magazine of European Medical Oncology, vol. 10, no.
1, Feb. 2017, pp. 4–7, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12254-017-0315-7.
“Memo—Publisher’s Report 2018.” Memo – Magazine of European Medical Oncology, vol. 12,
no. 2, Apr. 2019, pp. 109–10, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12254-019-0484-7.
Sillaber, Alois. “Memo—Publisher’s Report 2017.” Memo – Magazine of European Medical
Oncology, vol. 11, no. 1, Jan. 2018, pp. 7–8, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12254-017-0379-4.

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