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Abdullah Zaabanoot
Page 1
December 15, 2021
Robert Marini
Abdullah Zaabanoot
December 15, 2021
This report will assist community members in understanding and appreciating the benefits of
health coverage expansively. Health insurance enhances individual access to quality healthcare
services (Hoffman et al. 149). Additionally, health coverage aid in the reduction of death rates,
promote better health, and increases productivity levels. This report will address three main
areas: (1) what is health coverage? (2) The effectiveness of health insurance and (3) the
importance of health coverage.
What is Health Coverage?
Health coverage or insurance is an agreement that needs a company (insurer) to pay an
individual’s medical costs and get premiums in return. Primarily, health coverage settles some
bills, including surgical, medical, drug prescriptions, and to some extent, dental bills. Health
coverage can pay for chronicle diseases or injuries incurred by the insured and even sometimes
personally reimburse the individual. In addition, health coverage is usually attached to an
individual’s employment benefit token, which is a strategy by employers to please their
Over the past decade, the rate of individuals taking health covers has risen exponentially (Bureau
U.S Census). Nonetheless, there are still many people who do not have insurance covers.
Notably, there has been a recognizable increase in improved healthcare services and productivity
levels among communities. Figure 1 below illustrates the general increase of individuals with
healthcare coverage and various sources of healthcare service in the United States as of 2019
Figure 1
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Figure 1: source; Health care reform in the U.S
It is clear that most insurance coverage is apportioned by various private and public institutions
and organizations. In addition, it is also evident that there is an increase in the number of insured
individuals, and most of them are the elderly.
However, there is also a significant population of uninsured individuals in the United States.
Unfortunately, most uninsured people are the elderly, who are also exposed to lots of chronic and
lifestyle diseases. Figure 2 below illustrates the uninsured population in the United States alone.
Figure 2
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Figure 2: Source; Peterson foundation, 2019
The Effectiveness of Health Insurance
Cost-effectiveness is among the fundamental factors used in analyzing effective healthcare
coverage in most communities in the United States. Cost-effectiveness highlights the economic
gain by individuals after attaining insurance cover. The greater effectiveness of healthcare
intervention such as healthcare insurance is that it reduces the level of poverty in the community.
In addition, health coverage safeguards an individual from the sudden expensive costs of medical
care. Through healthcare covers, community members would pay less and expect more financial
aid in return. Consequently, healthcare insurance is effective in the manner that it enables the
insured individuals to access free and fair medical preventive care. Free and affordable
preventive care includes medical check-ups, vaccines, and disease screenings.
Effectiveness on Health-seeking Behaviors
Health insurance cover is a practical consideration to achieving comprehensive healthcare
services. Primarily, health insurance is an essential policy approach for advancing medical
results during the current generation filled with many complicated illnesses (Dellen et al. 995).
Health insurance has lowered the rate of medication and hospitalization among various
communities in the past few years.
Projecting healthcare cover to our communities will boost the community’s healthcare
provisions. In addition, health insurance helps reduce long queues made by most individuals who
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are still struggling with free public medical care. By effectively introducing health insurance to
the community, the health and medical standards of the general society will increase
Importance of Health Coverage
The first and most important aspect of health insurance is the prevention of diseases. Health
insurance covers aids in the prevention and control of various common diseases. For instance,
healthcare covers enhance the accessibility of different medical services such as check-ups and
blood-sugar level testing. These medical tests make it easier for people to keep track of their
health status. In addition, health insurance enables an individual to undergo treatment of disease
as soon as it is detected in the body.
Secondly, health insurance aids in safeguarding personal savings. Dealing with an
unrecognizable illness can, at times, be a very expensive process, which may also drain someone
financially. Through taking an effective and well-outlined health insurance policy, the
community can be sure of handling various diseases without using a cent from their pockets.
Insurance policies help people in managing all the expenses that come with ailments.
In addition, health insurance helps you contend against deadly lifestyle diseases. Over the recent
past, the world has been struggling with lifestyle diseases that have claimed many people’s lives.
The most saddening part is that lifestyle diseases mainly target people less than forty-five years
of age. Some of these lifestyle diseases include heart conditions, respiratory illness, obesity, and
cancer. The diagnosis of these lifestyle diseases tends to be more expensive; therefore, insurance
assists most people in affording quality healthcare services.
Consequently, health insurance aids a lot of people in protecting their loved ones. When working
on getting an effective health insurance policy, an individual can decide to add some of their
family members to the same insurance coverage. For example, you may decide to include your
wife or children, who are easily affected by diseases. Working to ensure your family gets better
medical care should be a top priority and one of the best choices you can make. However, before
safeguarding your family members, you should focus on getting the right insurance cover.
Health insurance ensures that people receive timely medical help. This is because many people
who lack medical insurance are likely to ignore the symptoms of a budding illness. Timely
medical help saves people’s lives. Insurance helps people get the best medical attention. This is
because the insurance can cover most parts of the medical bill and therefore, one’s family does
not feel burdened or pressured to pay the medical bill. Insurance also motivates the family as to
the well-being of their loved one. This is by them feeling more secure with trusting the insurance
to cover the costs as opposed to them feeling burdened by the medical costs.
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Health insurance policy is significantly important to the overall healthcare plan of every
community. The findings from this report indicate a significant increase in the number of
individuals who are purchasing health insurance covers. In addition, the report has highlighted
some of the critical findings in the effectiveness of health insurance to an individual. Before
purchasing an insurance cover, you should ask yourself the following important questions:
• What are the age criteria involved in the insurance cover?
• What is the waiting period policy for the insurance cover, especially when filing for insurance
• Will the health insurance help me in saving money?
• What part of my medical bills will the medical insurance cover?
• After how long is the insurance renewed?
• Can my family members use my insurance in case of an emergency?
• Is the health insurance applicable in all hospitals?
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Works Cited
Bureau, U.S. Census. “Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2020.” Census.gov, 18
Oct. 2021, https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2021/demo/p60-274.html.
Delen, Dursun, et al. “Analysis of healthcare coverage: A data mining approach.” Expert systems
with applications 36.2 (2009): 995-1003. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2007.10.041
Hoffman, Catherine, and Julia Paradise. “Health insurance and access to health care in the United
States.” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1136.1 (2008): 149-160.
English 205: Business Writing
3-5 pages (not counting visuals and works-cited page, memo report format, New Times Roman
12- point font, single spacing
This assignment requires you to effectively report analytical information while
employing the principles of business writing. Business reports typically have two
purposes: they answer questions or solve problems. You will construct a report
either offering a problem-solving recommendation to an audience or answering a
question you believe is relevant to them. You will be selecting a real problem or
question from your life, work, or school—preferably something that is important to
you and/or is important in your discipline—and writing a report to a person with
the power to solve that problem or who is need of an answer to a question they
have. The topic should be sufficiently complex to merit analysis, though not so
complex that a sufficient analysis would exceed the requirements for this
assignment. So you need to keep the topic narrow.
In addition, your report writing situation must

Not be a personal complaint. Part of the point of this assignment is to explore
how writing can effect real social change, and while writing a report about a
personal complaint (e.g., “My fries were cold”) has the potential to generate
change for you (e.g., free fries, next visit), it’s more useful, I think, to attempt
to create real change or answer a question that will benefit others.
Must not be too subjective. A report trying to answer the question who is the
greatest rock and roll drummer of all time will almost certainly end up just
being an opinion paper that can’t be backed up with objective proof.
Have a real chance of creating change. There’s little point in writing a report
to make a recommendation or answer a question you know won’t be accepted
(e.g. “I think you should stop selling fries and start selling sushi”); your writing
situation needs to address a problem to which you can offer a realistic solution
that will be taken seriously by the recipient. Or, you need to acknowledge,
after your research, that a solution is currently not available.

Here are some topics students have chosen in the past, just to help you start
thinking about your topic.

Adding more volleyball posts on Bradford Beach
Changing scheduling policies for restaurant staff
Altering the curriculum of a major (e.g., eliminating or adding a
requirement, or adding a course)

Arguing for a rule change at a dog park
Showing readers what to look for when purchasing sports memorabilia.
Making students safe when commuting to campus
Showing how to protect yourself from identity theft
In other words, this can address just about any situation you’d like changed,
whether in your community, your school, your program, or whatever. The point is
that even situations like these are complex, assuming you actually want your
change to occur.
Consider the example of adding volleyball posts to Bradford Beach. Many people
who wanted to accomplish this might call the city or write a general letter (or email) that said, basically, “add more poles!” The student who took on the project,
though, knew that he had to persuade the city on its own terms, by trying to first
understand why they had the number of poles they did – surely the reason wasn’t
just that the people putting them in got tired. Someone made a decision, for a
So he did the research. He called the city to find out why they decided as they did;
it had to do with the ease of maintaining the beach with their mechanical sand
sweepers – more poles = more headache. So then he contacted the city of
Chicago, and learned that they were able to keep more poles on their beach using
a different technique. Knowing this allowed him to write a much smarter proposal
that anticipated the city’s argument and addressed it in a concrete fashion.
Your process for these reports will be as follows:
1. Find a situation/topic and an audience. Once you’ve developed your idea, tell
me about your topic and get your topic approved before you go on to the
other steps of the process.
2. Analyze the situation. Analyze your particular situation, concentrating on the
particular problem and solution you’re suggesting; remember that a crucial
element of the assignment is convincing your audience that the problem exists,
that it’s important that they try to solve it, and that your solution is the best.
3. Conduct research. Figure out why the current situation exists and gain an
understanding of the complexity of the situation. Remember how important it
is that you understand the reasons that policies exist before you can expect
that they will be changed.
4. Draft your report. Taking into account your rhetorical analysis, write a draft of
your report.
5. Revise. Using the feed-back you received from your instructor, you will revise
your report.
Your finished report must include:

At least two visuals/exhibits
A minimum of three sources (also cited in the report)
The text of the report (3-5 pages)
All of these elements are explained in the text and class material. You may also
choose to include end matter and/or a table of contents. The final version of your
report should reflect professional standards.
All of the components of the document in a single Word document.
A successful report, for the purposes of this class, will:
• Effectively construct the problem for the reader, so that the importance of the
problem to the reader is thoroughly established
• Argue effectively for the recommendation that is being offered, persuading the
reader that your solution is the best (in a problem solving report)
• Provide information that will answer all the readers anticipated questions (for
an informational report)
• Include visual elements to elaborate key points
• Follow a logical pattern of organization; 3-point-introduction and transitions
from one idea to the next that guide the reader through the material; unified
• Have high visual accessibility using headings, subheadings, bulleted lists and
anything else that might make the document more scannable.
• Use proper documentation (MLA or APA style had shown in appendix C of the
• Use language and tone adapted to the subject, purpose, and audience
• Be free from mechanical errors (grammar, spelling, etc.)

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