Edit Existing HTML Website template about Egypt attractions


I need this template to have the following based on the Grading rules uploaded below. It needs to meet all standards, but it is 70% compelete anyways

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Grading Rubric
Proficient: All files are organized into
Web file organization: All images,
appropriately named folders and have
stylesheets, media and other category
names consistent with their contents.
specific files must be in an appropriately
Files are submitted to Canvas in one
named folder within the site. The
zipped folder, as instructed.
main/home page must be named
Sufficient: Most files are in folders
index.html and the site must be properly
that are reasonably will organized, and
posted to your Azure host account
submission instructions were followed
Novice: folder structure is missing, or
folder names and structure do not
follow best practices. Submission
instructions were no fully followed.
HTML tags:
Proficient: Tags are clear, well
Tag/element clarity, syntax and
organized, will pass validation without
error. Use of all expected semantic
elements, and of class/ID name
attributes make the organization clear
and support consistency across
pages. Appropriate comments and use
of indentation enhance
readability/maintainability of the pages.
Sufficient: Tags generally pass
validation with minor warnings. Key
semantic elements are included in all
pages. There are some comments and
reasonable use of indentation,
although this may be inconsistent.
Novice: Pages do not validate and/or
render properly. Few/no comments or
use of indentation
CSS Rules:
Use of rules to format and style the pages
and use of comments and indentation to
make the rules clear and easy to maintain
Information architecture:
Organization of important content (such as
policies, services, products, company
information, hours/locations, and supporting
information) These pages should organize
and highlight the key areas of importance to
your audience or the “call to action” your
organization wants.
Navigation, links and pseudoclasses: You
will have a nav bar for viewers to navigate
to all pages within your site. Each page
must navigate back to the home page.
Image links, email links and links to
external pages.
Box Model and flex boxes
Proficient: All pages are visually
formatted using CSS stylesheets.
There is a wide array of CSS
capabilities used. Use of in-line style
rules is present but is minimal and
purposeful. Comments and indentation
are consistent and support future
Sufficient: Pages are visually
formatted using the most commonly
used CSS capabilities. There are
some comments in key areas.
Indentation is used, but may be
Novice: A minimal set of CSS
capabilities are used on the site.
Comments/indentation is lacking
Proficient: Pages are well-organized
by user functions/information needs.
All client needs are addressed.
Functional priorities/User needs are
clearly prioritized.
Sufficient: Pages address most client
needs, and are reasonably wellorganized in a generic way.
Novice: minimal effort shown in
reflecting customer/user priorities.
Proficient: All of the different types of
links function on the site. There are
effective image links, pseudo-class
attributes and other hyperlink features.
Navigation across the site functions
from all pages.
Sufficient: Most types of links function
on the site and their use is visually
clear. Navigation generally works
appropriately Novice: minimal use of
links or hyperlink features. Navigation
is not effective
Proficient: Wide variety of box model
and flex box rules are used to enhance
readability and the overall user
Sufficient: Reasonable use of box
model and flex box rules.
Novice: minimal use of box model
and/or flex box capabilities
Forms and Javascript: User input form
with validation/calculation results
Images: These must be reasonably
relevant, of good taste and sized
accordingly. Images taken from the
internet must be Creative Commons
licensed or taken/owned by you.
Responsiveness: Pages react to device
screen sizes
Proficient: Detailed form with
comprehensive validation and error
messages. Javascript uses complex
programming logic for responses or
other web page functionality
Sufficient: A few form controls with
some validation controlled by at least
one javascript routine.
Novice: minimal controls without
appropriate validation or use of
Proficient: Page images are
appropriate and clearly support page
content. A list of image sources is
provided in comments or a separate
document submitted to Canvas that
confirms licensing expectations
Sufficient: Page images are
appropriately used on most pages.
Sources are generally clear ( but do
more than say “ I Googled it”)
Novice: Page images are minimally
Proficient: All pages, controls, images
and similar page features are
responsive using appropriate media
queries and flexbox rules. There are at
least three distinct levels of media
query control, and multiple appropriate
use of flexbox rules.
Sufficient: Most pages, controls and
images are responsive, with a flexbox
and at least two levels of media query
Novice: There is minimal responsive
design used.
Proficient: Audio and video are used
in creative ways and enhance the
purpose of the site.
Sufficient: There is some appropriate
use of audio or video on the site
Novice: audio/video is present but
does not enhance the site.

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