EDCO745 Sta


1. Module 3: Data Screening for Between Groups Assignment Instructions

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Data screening is fundamental prior to any analysis.
This is the second time you will do data screening.
The data are retrieved from the course-provided SPSS file based upon the instruments and variables you identified in Module 2. The type of data screening conducted with a variable is dependent upon the variable’s level of measure.

• The basics of data screening is outlined in your Warner text (refer to Chapter 4, p. 125-182 and Chapter 6, p. 224; also refer back to previous Week 2 assignment handout)


• Turn in your data screening output for analysis of group differences.

Note: You only have to turn in output for data screening of the variables you use in your analysis. No writeup iosrequired

Output should include:

• Variable Selections (choose 2)

• Frequencies

• Boxplots

• Histograms

Note:There are a number of demographics that you can explore differences between (e.g., gender) in the dataset.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

2. Module 3: Group Differences ResultsAssignment Instructions


Writing a results section is the foundation of the peer-reviewed research journal article. When you write a results section, you are producing the building block to the discovery of new knowledge.


Using data based upon the topic, instruments, and variables selected in Module 2, provide a results section of a between-groups analysis (Chapter 6, p. 219) written in the current APA format. Include all relevant tables and figures.

• Attach your SPSS output to the assignment as well.

• Be sure to include a title page and a reference page.

You will find examples of between-subjects write-ups in Warner(refer to Chapter 6, p. 253-256).

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

3. Module 3: Literature Review: Draft Assignment Instructions


Academic writing is challenging because the writer mustcommunicate compellingly while maintaining a steady focus on the argumentrationale. In the social sciences, there is an additional requirement to provide your argument and provide the weaknesses in, and alternatives to your argument. This multi-position approach is contrary to how we generally interact with the world. The literature review’s goal is to develop an argument for examining the proposed research problem, so the description of the literature should not only describe what has been studied but also support the need for additional study.


Turn in the best-written 2 pages of a Literature Review to date based upon the topic selected in Module 2.

These 2 pages must represent your best writing.

Your best writing includes:

No direct quotes
Complete and descriptive sentences
Integrated to beautifully organized and written paragraphs
Logical transitions from one paragraph to another.

• You should make use of APA style (refer to handbook)

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

The following assignments are due in the upcoming weeks, but related to the software and this assignment.

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EDCO 745
• Data screening is fundamental prior to any analysis.
• This is the second time you will do data screening.
• The data are retrieved from the course-provided SPSS file based upon the instruments and
variables you identified in Module 2. The type of data screening conducted with a variable is
dependent upon the variable’s level of measure.
• The basics of data screening is outlined in your Warner text (refer to Chapter 4, p. 125-182 and
Chapter 6, p. 224; also refer back to previous Week 2 assignment handout)
• Turn in your data screening output for analysis of group differences.
Note: You only have to turn in output for data screening of the variables you use in your analysis.
No writeup ios required
Output should include:
• Variable Selections (choose 2)
• Frequencies
• Boxplots
• Histograms
Note: There are a number of demographics that you can explore differences
between (e.g., gender) in the dataset.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
EDCO 745
Writing a results section is the foundation of the peer-reviewed research journal article. When
you write a results section, you are producing the building block to the discovery of new
• Using data based upon the topic, instruments, and variables selected in Module 2, provide a
results section of a between-groups analysis (Chapter 6, p. 219) written in the current APA
format. Include all relevant tables and figures.
• Attach your SPSS output to the assignment as well.
• Be sure to include a title page and a reference page.
You will find examples of between-subjects write-ups in Warner (refer to Chapter 6, p. 253256).
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
EDCO 745
Academic writing is challenging because the writer must communicate compellingly while
maintaining a steady focus on the argumentrationale. In the social sciences, there is an
additional requirement to provide your argument and provide the weaknesses in, and alternatives
to your argument. This multi-position approach is contrary to how we generally interact with the
world. The literature review’s goal is to develop an argument for examining the proposed
research problem, so the description of the literature should not only describe what has been
studied but also support the need for additional study.
Turn in the best-written 2 pages of a Literature Review to date based upon the topic selected in
Module 2.
These 2 pages must represent your best writing.
Your best writing includes:
• No direct quotes
• Complete and descriptive sentences
• Integrated to beautifully organized and written paragraphs
• Logical transitions from one paragraph to another.
• You should make use of APA style (refer to handbook)
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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