ED5100 TEKS to SlO’s


I need my document fixed to meet he rubric. This is better, Jennifer! You are still missing several pieces from the rubric that are needed to earn a passing score. Those items are as follows: –Annotations on the full SE (noted in #1 of the first three criteria of this rubric) –SE with cross-outs indicating which portion of the SE will be taught in a lesson plan (noted in #2 of the first three criteria of this rubric) –Level of thinking (noted in #3 of the first three criteria of this rubric) Each of the steps is located in the TEKS to SLOs practice video. Each step you see me do in that video would need to be included here. Once you resubmit, I will rescore the rubric. **Please do not attempt the lesson plans (the two assessments in the last module) until you receive a passing score on this assessment. If you do not understand this process, you will very likely not be successful on those assessments.(2) Identify 3 SEs within the TEKS from your certification level. Break them down into SLOs as shown in the “TEKS to SLOs” and “TEKS to SLOs Practice” videos from the corresponding activity in this module. Be sure to read the rubric prior to completing to ensure you know the expectations of the assessment to demonstrate your proficiency.

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ED5100 TEKS to SlO’s
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Jennifer Simpson
ED5100 Assessment 1
Certification Field: Special Education K-5
§110.7. English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 5. 1(B)
TEK: 1. “Developing and sustaining foundational language skills.”
SE: (B) “Follow, restate, and give oral instructions that include multiple action steps.”
1. Follow oral instructions with multiple action steps
2. Restate oral instructions with multiple action steps
3. Give oral instructions with multiple action steps
§113.14. Social Studies, Grade 3. 14(B)
TEK 14. “Social studies skills. The student applies critical-thinking skills to organize and
use information acquired from a variety of valid sources, including technology.”
SE: (B) “Interpret oral, visual, and print material by sequencing, categorizing, identifying
the main idea, distinguishing between fact and opinion, identifying cause and effect,
comparing, and contrasting.”
1. Interpret oral material by sequencing and categorizing.
2. Interpret visual material by comparing and contrasting.
3. Interpret print material by identifying the main idea and distinguishing between
fact and opinion.
§111.4. Mathematics, Grade 2. 5(B)
TEK 5. “Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to
determine the value of coins in order to solve monetary transactions.”
SE (B). “Use the cent symbol, dollar sign, and the decimal point to name the value of a
collection of coins.”
1. Use the cent symbol to name the value of a collection of coins.
2. Use the dollar sign and decimal point to name the value of a collection of coins
The process of writing SLOs from TEKS and SEs helped me learn how to break down
standards and objectives to actionable statements. I learned that TEKS statements are very
general and define the overall outcome of the lessons in that grade. SEs are intermediary in
specificity but they may have several components which need to be broken down to actionable
parts. In writing the SLOs, the lesson plan can be effectively developed and communicated to
other staff. I will use this knowledge in planning my lessons and defining the exact content to be
taught and learning from a single lesson.
Texas Education Agency. (2023). Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills.

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