ED 108, art and music for young children


follow the format attached to create an art lesson plan. it could be a lesson regarding any age-appropriate topic based on music, movement, art, or dramatic play. As an example, I’ll attach the same format completed with another art lesson plan. it doesn’t need to be long or complicated, you can follow the example for length and format.

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ED 108, art and music for young children
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Finals 2 lessons plan
CONTENT AREA___________
ANTICIPATORY SET-(What will you present to the children as a “hook” to get them excited to
engage in this lesson?)
LEARNING OBJECTIVES-(What are your objectives and why you are teaching this lesson?)
OUTCOMES-(What do you expect the children to learn and how will theY demonstrated it?)
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS (What materials and supplies will be needed?)
TEACHING STRATEGIES-(What will be your procedures to teach this lessons?)
ASSESSMENT-(What will you use to help you know this lesson worked?)
DIFFERENTATION-(What method will you use to differentiate your instruction?)
REFLECTION-(How and what will you reflect on?)
CLOSURE-(How will you close this lesson and transition for the next activity?)
CONTENT AREA___________
ANTICIPATORY SET-(What will you present to the children as a “hook” to get them excited to
engage in this lesson?)
LEARNING OBJECTIVES-(What are your objectives and why you are teaching this lesson?)
OUTCOMES-(What do you expect the children to learn and how will theY demonstrated it?)
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS (What materials and supplies will be needed?)
TEACHING STRATEGIES-(What will be your procedures to teach this lessons?)
ASSESSMENT-(What will you use to help you know this lesson worked?)
DIFFERENTATION-(What method will you use to differentiate your instruction?)
REFLECTION-(How and what will you reflect on?)
CLOSURE-(How will you close this lesson and transition for the next activity?)
TEACHER____Martina Mazzoni___
TOPIC_ spring! Paint with flowers_____
CONTENT AREA____art_______
DURATION___30-45 minutes______
ANTICIPATORY SET-(What will you present to the children as a “hook” to get them excited to
engage in this lesson?)
To start my lesson about spring I’ll bring in real fresh flowers or plants that are blooming in the springtime,
I’ll let the children touch, smell, and explore the flowers, I’ll also set up a small sensory bin filled with items
that represent spring, such as plastic flowers, toy animals, and grass, I’ll encourage the children to
explore the bin and talk about what they see and feel and ask them to guess what we’ll talk about today.
After I’ll read a book about spring like when spring comes by Kevin Henkes.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES-(What are your objectives and why you are teaching this lesson?)
I think having children learning about seasons is very important. It can help them understand the natural
world around them and develop a range of important skills and knowledge like:

Scientific knowledge: Studying seasons can help kids develop an understanding of the scientific
principles that govern the changing of the seasons.
Vocabulary and language skills: Learning about seasons can help kids develop their vocabulary
and language skills as they learn new words and concepts related to the seasons.
Observation skills: Studying seasons can help kids develop their observation skills as they learn
to notice and identify changes in the natural world around them.
Critical thinking skills: Studying seasons can help kids develop their critical thinking skills as they
learn to analyze and interpret patterns in the natural world.
Creativity and imagination: Studying seasons can inspire kids to be creative and imaginative as
they explore the natural world and express their ideas and observations through art, writing, and
other forms of creative expression.
By providing sensory objects and an art activity alongside the lessons I want to help improve their
sensory awareness and fine motor skills.
OUTCOMES-(What do you expect the children to learn and how will theY demonstrated it?)
With this lesson, I would expect children to learn about spring vocabulary so they can improve their
“seasons vocabulary” skills, and sense of time, by teaching them seasons I would expect children to start
learning about months and when seasons change which could help them to start understanding time and
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS (What materials and supplies will be needed?)
For the art activity, I would provide:

Paper plates
flowers: carnations, mums, and daisies.
tempera paint
white construction paper or any kind of sturdy paper
TEACHING STRATEGIES-(What will be your procedures to teach this lessons?)
ASSESSMENT-(What will you use to help you know this lesson worked?)
I would assess the children’s knowledge by asking them open-ended questions, for example, I would ask
them to describe the differences between different seasons, explain why the seasons change, or identify
the signs of a particular season.
DIFFERENTATION-(What method will you use to differentiate your instruction?)
I would divide the children into small groups (max 4 children per group), I would provide a few flowers, a
paper plate with different color tempera, and a paper for each child. I would like to not demonstrate the
activity for them but instead, just start it by saying something like “dip the flowers in the paint and use
them as brushes” to see how they will handle this activity. There’s no right or wrong in this activity that’s
why I plan to not demonstrate it, but if I notice that some kids are not doing anything at all and they seem
lost I would suggest a few techniques that they can use. I’ll let the children free to do whatever they feel
like doing, they can use the flowers as stamps, use the side of the flowers and roll it over the paper, or
use them just like traditional brushes, can use the colors singularly or they can combine them. I’ll then let
the paintings and the flowers dry and when everything is completely dry I’ll create a big poster named
“Class X spring garden” where I’ll set up each kid’s painting and the flowers that they used to paint with.
REFLECTION-(How and what will you reflect on?)
I will think about how the activity went and how I handled the class. I will reflect on:

Learning objectives: Reflect on whether the art activity effectively met the learning objectives that
were set for the lesson. Did the students demonstrate an understanding of the concepts related to
spring that were being taught through the art activity?
Engagement: Reflect on how engaged the students were during the art activity. Did they seem
interested and excited about the activity? Did they participate actively and enthusiastically?
Differentiation: Reflect on whether the art activity was differentiated to meet the needs of all
learners. Did all students have access to the materials and support they needed to participate
fully in the activity?
Assessment: Reflect on how the art activity can be used as a form of assessment. Did the art
activity provide insights into the students’ understanding of the concepts related to spring? Did it
reveal any misconceptions or gaps in knowledge that need to be addressed?
Next steps: Reflect on what the next steps should be in the lesson or unit. Based on the art
activity, what additional activities or lessons might be needed to reinforce the concepts related to
CLOSURE-(How will you close this lesson and transition for the next activity?)
I think I will close this lesson by running a circle time and asses the class with the various questions I
mentioned before, I would also ask them what they liked about the activity and what they didn’t I would
also encourage them to bring to class something from home or from the park that reminds them of spring
(favorite flower, or leaves or a book).

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