
First Question – How would a low-cost price leader enforce its leadership through implied threats to a rival? Provide at least one example of such a strategy. Please explain in 200-250 words. Use the attachment if needed. (Ch.11)Second Question – Was World War II the key to ending the Great Depression or another factor? Why? (Please use below paragraph as a guide)From a previous discussion – As you point out, the U.S. was hit particularly hard. The US and Germany struggled significantly to recover, while France felt the effects of the depression more slowly. Hitler helped Germany recover with his violations of the Treaty of Versailles and also restrictions on “non Aryans” that opened up jobs to “Aryans”, helping unemployment rates. Also removing so-called Non-Aryans from those numbers gave a false perception of how much Germany had overcome unemployment. Hitler also increased employment by remilitarizing. Whereas for the U.S., It wasn’t until World War II that the US was able to come out of the Great Depression.Third Question – “Was Stalin Responsible for the Cold War?” Read John Lewis Gaddis piece from his book We Now Know: Rethinking Cold War History to defend your point. My debate answer is YES. Please explain in 200-250 words. Use attachments below. (Intro 1 and 2, Gaddis)

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