Economics Question



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Economics Question
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Final Project: Labor Market Analysis and Policy Recommendations

Project Description: For the final project, students will select a specific labor

market issue or problem of their choice and conduct a comprehensive analysis using the principles and methodologies covered in the course. The goal is to provide an in-depth understanding of the chosen issue and propose evidence-based policy recommendations that address the problem.

1. Issue Selection: Students choose a labor market issue that interests them.

This could include minimum wage policies, the gender pay gap, technological automation’s impact on employment, skill shortages, discrimination, the gig economy, etc.

2. Literature Review: Students research and review relevant articles, academic literature, economic studies, and policy reports on their chosen issue. This will help you understand the existing knowledge and debates surrounding the topic.

3. Data Collection and Analysis: Depending on the chosen issue, students

gather relevant data. This could involve analyzing wage data, employment

statistics, survey results, or other relevant datasets. Use appropriate

statistical methods to analyze the data and draw meaningful conclusions.

4. Economic Frameworks: Students apply relevant economic frameworks

from the course to their analysis. This could include supply and demand,

human capital theory, discrimination models, etc.

5. Policy Recommendations: Students formulate evidence-based policy

recommendations based on their analysis. These recommendations should

be realistic, considering economic, social, and political considerations.

6. Presentation Preparation: Students prepare a presentation summarizing

their research process, key findings, economic insights, and policy

recommendations. The presentation should be engaging and clear, tailored

to a general audience.

Your final paper should be 3-5 pages. You should have a works cited page. APA format.

Assessment Criteria: The final project will be assessed based on the following criteria:

· Clarity of the chosen labor market issue and its relevance.

· Thoroughness of the literature review and understanding of existing research.

· Effective use of economic concepts and theories.

· Quality of data collection and analysis.

· Soundness of policy recommendations and their alignment with the analysis.

· Quality and clarity of the presentation.

Benefits of the Project:

· Real-world Application: Students apply theoretical knowledge to a practical scenario, enhancing their

understanding of labor market dynamics.

· Critical Thinking: Students critically assess data, literature, and policy options, promoting analytical


· Research Skills: Students learn to gather, analyze, and interpret relevant data, improving their research


· Communication Skills: The presentation hones their ability to effectively convey complex economic ideas

to a general audience.

· Policy Relevance: Students engage with contemporary labor market issues, fostering a sense of social and

economic responsibility.