Economics and Entrepreneurship


Please follow the instructions in the document and
work on these 3 tasks and deliver on time. Discussion 1. Managerial Economics. Deliver within 10 Hours time Limit.Writing Assignment 2. Managerial Economics. Deliver on This Thursday. Writing Assignment 3. Entrepreneurship and New Venture Management. Deliver on This Thursday.

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Economics and Entrepreneurship
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Discussion 1. Managerial Economics
Write 350-400 words in length.
According to our reading this week, there are three competitive strategies,
– Cost Reduction
– Product Differentiation
– Reduction in the competitive intensity
Out of these three strategies, what strategy is your company following? (If you are not a part of an
organization, please assume that you are part of an organization like Amazon, Walmart, etc.,) How is
your strategy working? How long will it allow you to maintain a competitive advantage?
What are your firm’s key resources and capabilities? How do these translate into a competitive
Discussion 1. Follow Discussion Grading Rubric Instructions
Content: 10 pts
The post adequately discusses the proposed topic and sufficiently answers questions.
Organization: 5 pts
The entire post is controlled by a clear purpose. The reader moves easily from one point to the next
Spelling, mechanics, formatting: 5 pts
Minimal grammatical and/or mechanical errors. APA formatting is used correctly.
Assignment requirement: 10 pts
All assignment requirements are met. These requirements may include word count, references,
formatting, and responses to fellow classmates’ posts.
Total Points: 30
No Plagiarism
No Spelling and Grammar Mistakes
APA 7 Style Cite Refences
If you use outside references, please cite them, and use references, APA style 7th.
Writing Assignment 2. Managerial Economics
Please review and answer the following questions in a word document:
1. Describe the pricing decision of a company? Was it optimal? If not, why not? How would you adjust
2. As economic consultant to the dominant firm in a particular market, you have discovered that, at the
current price and output, demand for your client’s product is price inelastic. What advice regarding
pricing would you give?
3. Describe an activity, process or product of a company that exhibits economies or diseconomies of
scale. Describe the source of the scale economy. How could the organization exploit the scale
economy or diseconomy?
4. Describe the difference between n economic profit between a competitive firm and a monopolist in
both the short and long run. Which should take longer to reach the long-run equilibrium?
5. Explain how a change in exchange rate affects a firm? Discuss what happens to price and quantity.
How can a company achieve profit from future shifts in the exchange rate? How can we predict future
changes in the exchange rate? Please discuss with an example.
Please provide your responses in a word document. Your response to each question should be 350400 words in length. Make sure to follow APA style 7th edition format and include two external
resources in addition to the course text.
Course Textbook Google Drive links pdf file download chapter 6 to 11:
Chapter 6 link:
Chapter 7 link:
Chapter 8 link:
Chapter 9 link:
Chapter 10 link:
Chapter 11 link:
No Plagiarism
No Spelling and Grammar Mistakes
APA 7 Style Cite Refences
If you use outside references, please cite them, and use references, APA style 7th.
Writing Assignment 3. Entrepreneurship and New Venture Management
Article Review: Find a quality business article about a new product or service innovation. Do not use
blogs but reputable sources. Write a two-page summary of the article with the following sections:

Your name and this course title and number.

Title of the article and author/date using the APA writing guide style.

Brief report of what the company introduced or innovated.

Comment and critique on any innovative concepts you have read from the text that the
company used.
Demonstrate reflective thought. Use Times New Roman, 12-point font. Single space. Align left. Use
indentions. Upload under “Safe Assignments” online.
This assignment aligns to the following course objectives:
Develop an awareness of entrepreneurship/new venture start-up issues
Apply key business concepts to various business problems/situations
Writing Assignment 3. Follow Discussion Grading Rubric Instructions
Paper is well-researched, well-organized and well-written, free of grammatical and spelling errors. Student has
demonstrated excellent use of business research and has cited the recognized authors in the topic area. Overall, the
paper is superior in both content and construct.
Total Points: 100
No Plagiarism
No Spelling and Grammar Mistakes
APA 7 Style Cite Refences
If you use outside references, please cite them, and use references, APA style 7th.

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