Economic reasoning


Participate in a discussion with your classmates regarding economic reasoning in government policies. Recall that economic reasoning is based on the premise that everything has a cost, thus, economic reasoning involves research and analysis in making decisions on the basis of costs and benefits. Therefore, based on the Discussion Rubric requirements, and your research and analysis, post your discussion explaining:Your concurrence or nonconcurrence regarding the sale of allowance market permits that industries exchange with each other.Whether or not allowance markets in California contributed to significant and equitable reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.Whether or not California allowance markets enhance or undermine the state’s economy.The research material for this discussion includes the following three (3) articles:Refer to the Real-World Application window titled, “Economics and Market Solutions,” in “Economics and Economic Reasoning” in the Review Lab textbook. This article introduces an alternative approach, called cap-and-trade, that achieves a reduction of EPA regulated emissions, but at a lower overall cost. When clicking-on the Internet link in this article,, open the “Allowance Markets and SO2 Auction” Tab below the “Doing Business with CAMD” section to review the Allowance Markets Overview and Frequently Asked Questions for this program.

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Economic reasoning
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