
After reading “Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity”, write an essay that aims to explore how people’s choices and their impact on development/human wellbeing are shaped by the interaction of their own personal traits and social circumstances. Your essay will be between 800 and 1200 words. It will be fact and knowledge-based, informed by verifiable claims and the appropriate use of theories discussed in class, and will be presented as a response to the following prompt: Drawing upon the circumstances of your life, and considering at least one personal character trait, and or unique ability you possess, consider how the decisions (between 2 and 4 examples) made by two or more of the central characters in the book, and the impact on the well-being or development of themselves/others might be different, and or the same compared to what is described in the book.

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7/11/23, 11:10
Bonus – Development Theory 015 (Elliott) – Texas Christian University
Bonus Essay
Course: Development Theory 015 (Elliott)
Level 3-Superior-
Level 2-Above Average-
Level 1-Average-
Criterion 1 Essay
writer displays an
understanding of
how personal
traits/talents shape
choices, using
examples from at
least two central
characters and their
own lives.
Criterion 2 Essay
writer displays an
understanding for
how personal
traits/talent can
impact on the self
and others,
retarding or
promoting progress
by using examples
from at least two
central characters
and their own lives.
Criterion 3 Essay
writer displays an
appreciation for
how social
circumstances can
interact with
traits/talent to
impact lives,
positively and
negatively, using
examples from at
least two central
characters and their
own lives.
7/11/23, 11:10
Bonus – Development Theory 015 (Elliott) – Texas Christian University
Level 3-Superior-
Level 2-Above Average-
Level 1-Average-
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Criterion 4 Essay
writer conveys an
understanding of
the meaning of
development, using
examples from at
least two central
characters and their
own lives to convey
its complexity which
often goes beyond
solutions suggested
by theory.
Criterion 5 Essay
writer followed
protocols including
the appropriate use
of AI tools, and the
creation of a list of
Overall Score
Level 4

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