Eco city……


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Eco city……
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1. Introduction

1. Background and significance

2. Research objectives

3. Research questions

2. Literature Review

1. Definition and characteristics of eco-cities

2. Eco-city indicators and measurement frameworks

3. Overview of eco-city initiatives in China

4. Overview of eco-city initiatives in Western countries

3. Methodology

1. Data collection sources

2. Selection criteria for eco-city indicators

3. Comparative analysis framework

4. Comparative Analysis of Eco-City Indicators

1. Environmental indicators

a. Energy consumption and renewable energy

b. Water management and conservation

c. Waste management and recycling

d. Air and water pollution control

2. Social indicators

a. Quality of life and well-being

b. Social equity and inclusivity

c. Health and safety

3. Economic indicators

a. Green economy and job creation

b. Resource efficiency and sustainable transportation

c. Economic viability and affordability

5. Similarities and Differences

1. Analysis of common indicators

2. Identification of divergent indicators

3. Factors influencing indicator selection

6. Key Challenges and Lessons Learned

1. Challenges faced by China in eco-city development

2. Challenges faced by Western countries in eco-city development

3. Lessons learned from both contexts

7. Future Directions and Recommendations

1. Opportunities for collaboration and knowledge exchange

2. Policy implications for China and Western countries

3. Areas for further research

8. Conclusion

1. Summary of findings

2. Implications for sustainable urban development

3. Closing remarks References

I need 8000 words [not counting what I have already written. And I will attach the part I have already done]

Just a reminder for change: I had change the research period to 3 months, it start in 1/2024 to 3/14/2024.

The research paper must match up with the template u have done. Attached below.

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Global and China Studies Programme
Honours Project 2023-2024: Interim Report
Student Name
(Full Name in English)
Student no.
Contact (Tel no.)
Student 1
Chief Project Supervisor:
A. Project Title: The Indicator of Eco-City Comparing Between China and Western
B. Research objectives: (Please add more if necessary)
To compare and analyze the eco-city indicators utilized in Chinese and Western
urban sustainability frameworks.
To analyze the institutional, policy, and expert perspectives that have influenced
the development of eco-city indicator frameworks in China and Western nations.
To compare sample Chinese and Western eco-city indicators based on priorities,
governance approaches, and functionality.
To highlight opportunities for policy learning, knowledge transfer, and
integration in eco-city indicators between China and the West that build on
relative strengths.
C. Briefly describe what you have done/achieved in the following areas (600-800 words).
1. Literature review (e.g., what areas of research literature you have read, research
questions, proposed argument(s), theoretical framework, etc.)
My literature review examines research on comparisons of eco-city development
between China and Western nations. I have extensively reviewed scholarly articles,
policy documents, and indicator frameworks related to this topic. My review covers the
emergence of eco-cities as a model for urban sustainability, the history of eco-city
initiatives in both China and Western contexts, the use of indicator systems to measure
eco-city performance, and critiques of varying approaches.
Key research questions guiding my literature review include:
1. What are the main indicators used to measure eco-city development in China
versus Western countries?
2. What governance approaches drive the use of these indicators in each context?
3. How do the priorities and functionality of indicators differ between China and
the West?
4. What are the critiques and limitations of each country’s approach?
5. How could indicator systems be integrated between China and the West to
maximize strengths?
I am utilizing an analytical framework that categorizes indicator systems based on
their priorities (environmental, economic, social), governance approaches (top-down or
bottom-up), and functionality (mandatory or voluntary, quantitative or qualitative). This
enables a systematic comparison of the differences between Chinese and Western
indicator frameworks. My proposed argument is that while there are commonalities in
eco-city indicators, China relies more on centralized, mandatory quantitative metrics,
while Western systems emphasize qualitative, voluntary assessment tools reflecting
contrasting governance models. However, an integrated approach aligning Chinese and
Western strategies could yield a robust global framework.
My theoretical framework draws on urban governance theory related to planning
processes and sustainability policy. The literature outlines an eco-city governance
spectrum from centralized to decentralized approaches. I apply this to analyses of
Chinese and Western indicator frameworks. The review also engages with academic
critiques and debates regarding eco-city development globally.
Direct comparative analysis of eco-city indicators between China and Western nations
is still lacking in academic literature. While studies have examined indicators and
sustainability frameworks within China (e.g. Wang & Sun, 2020; Ma et al., 2020) or
separately in Western cities (Wang et al. 2020), few have systematically juxtaposed
Chinese and Western indicator models (Khalid & Abaas, 2021). This study helps fill this
research gap through an in-depth, multi-case investigation centered on comparing
indicators. Indicators directly embody policy priorities and governance approaches,
making them a strategic angle for comparative analysis. As measurable representations
of sustainability objectives, indicators provide “quantified representations of
environmental policy goals.” Comparing them between contexts illuminates contrasts in
environmental governance, which provides a framework for benchmarking the best
practices in sustainable urbanization. China can benefit from the strengths of the
eco-cities in Western countries.
2. Research methodology (e.g., data collection method, research site, characteristics
and number of respondents, interview schedule, etc.)
My research employs a qualitative comparative case study methodology to
analyze and compare eco-city indicators in China and Western nations further. I am
utilizing a multi-case embedded design with a unit of analysis at the city level. My
research will involve in-depth case studies of 2 eco-cities – 1 in China and 1 in
Western countries.
In China, I am focusing on the eco-city of Tianjin, while in the West, I am
examining Stockholm (Sweden) as a pioneer in sustainable urban development. For
each case, I will carry out policy analysis of government documents to systematically
compare eco-city indicators used
Additionally, I will collect and review secondary data on indicator
performance in each city to assess outcomes on the ground. Data sources include
municipal statistics, sustainability reports, academic case studies, and media
coverage. Across the 2 cases, I will analyze patterns in indicator usage,
implementation processes, successes and challenges, and outcomes. My cross-case
comparisons will illuminate similarities and differences between Chinese and
Western eco-city strategies.
D. Further research activities to be carried out in order to complete the project satisfactorily
To successfully complete my comparative eco-city research, I will need to carry out
the following activities over the next 2 months:
1. Extend my literature review to cover additional cases of eco-city development
globally to bolster my analytical framework.
2. Develop a standardized policy analysis methodology and coding scheme for the 2
city cases.
3. Analyse and triangulate findings from the two sources of evidence (policy and
secondary data).
4. Write up the comparative findings and conclusions in a full dissertation report.
This plan will allow me to successfully execute my research design and make an
original contribution through a systematic, multi-method comparative study of
eco-city development between China and the West.
(Name and Signature)
Please save the completed Interim Report as groupnumber_interimreport.docx OR
Submit the Interim Report to BU Moodle on or before 15 December, 2023 (Friday) at

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