EB005: Evidence-Based Decision Making… Reflect on your current healthcare organization and think about


EB005: Evidence-Based Decision Making

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EB005: Evidence-Based Decision Making… Reflect on your current healthcare organization and think about
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For this Performance Task Assessment, you will create a narrated PowerPoint presentation recommending and supporting an evidence-based practice change for your current healthcare organization.

Submission Length: An 8- to 14-slide narrated PowerPoint presentation.

Your response to this Assessment should:

Reflect the criteria provided in the rubric.
Adhere to the required assignment length.

This Assessment requires submission of one (1) file, a narrated PowerPoint presentation. Save your file as EB005_presentation_firstinitial_lastname (for example, EB005_presentation_J_Smith).

Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the Assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.


To complete this Assessment:

Reflect on your current healthcare organization and think about potential opportunities for evidence-based change.

(You may have completed the next three points in previous competencies.)

Identify a clinical issue of interest that can form the basis of an evidence-based change. (Note: You are required to focus on the same clinical issue of interest in the competencies EB002–EB006.)
Develop a PICOT question to address this issue.
Using the keywords from the PICOT question, search at least four different databases in the Walden Library to identify at least four relevant peer-reviewed articles at the systematic-reviews level.

Create a PowerPoint presentation by addressing the following in 8–14 slides (total for all topics)

Briefly describe your healthcare organization, including its culture and readiness for change. (You may opt to keep various elements of this anonymous, such as your company name.) (1–2 slides)
Describe the current problem or opportunity for change. Include in this description the circumstances surrounding the need for change, the scope of the issue, the stakeholders involved, and the risks associated with change implementation in general. (2–3 slides)
Propose an evidence-based idea for a change in practice using an evidence-based practice approach to decision making. Note: You may find further research needs to be conducted if sufficient evidence is not discovered. (3–5 slides)
Be sure to include a description of the PICOT question that you developed for your search, and which databases you consulted.
Describe your plan for knowledge transfer of this change, including knowledge creation, dissemination, and organizational adoption and implementation. (1–2 slides)
Describe the measurable outcomes that you hope to achieve with the implementation of this evidence-based change. (1–2 slides)
Be sure to provide APA citations for the supporting evidence-based, peer-reviewed articles that you selected to support your thinking.

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EB005: Evidence-Based Decision Making: Recommend evidence-based organizational changes using an evidence-based practice approach to
decision making.
Assessment Rubric
Rubric Criteria
Does Not Meet Expectations
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations
Module 1: Internal Evidence
Create a PowerPoint presentation Response does not adequately
Response adequately describes
Response accurately and clearly
by addressing the following in 8–
describe a healthcare
a healthcare organization,
describes in detail a healthcare
14 slides (total for all topics):
organization, including an
including an explanation of its
organization, including a
explanation of its culture and
culture and readiness for
detailed explanation of its
readiness for change.
culture and readiness for
 Briefly describe your
healthcare organization,
The response does not
The response synthesizes and
including its culture and
adequately synthesize or
integrates at least two outside
The response synthesizes and
readiness for change.
integrate outside resources or
resources and two competency- integrates at least two outside
competency-specific resources
specific resources that
resources and two competencyLearning Objective 1.1: Describe
that support the responses
adequately support the
specific resources that fully
healthcare organizations’ culture
responses provided.
support the responses provided.
and readiness for change

Describe the current problem
or opportunity for change.
Include in this description the
circumstances surrounding the
need for change, the scope of
the issue, the stakeholders
involved, and the risks
associated with change
implementation in general.
Learning Objective 1.2: Analyze
organizational problems or
opportunities for change
© 2022 Walden University
Response does not adequately
describe a current problem or
opportunity for change.
Response adequately describes
a current problem or
opportunity for change.
Response does not adequately
describe the circumstances
surrounding the need for
change, the scope of the issue,
the stakeholders involved, and
the risks associated with change
Response adequately describes
the circumstances surrounding
the need for change, the scope
of the issue, the stakeholders
involved, and the risks
associated with change
Response accurately and clearly
describes in detail a current
problem or opportunity for
Response provides an accurate,
specific, and detailed
description of the circumstances
surrounding the need for
change, the scope of the issue,
the stakeholders involved, and
the risks associated with change
Rubric Criteria
Does Not Meet Expectations
Module 2: Translating Evidence Into Decision Making for Practice
Response does not adequately
 Propose an evidence-based
describe an evidenced-based
idea for a change in practice
idea for change in practice that
using an evidence-based
is aligned to an evidencedpractice approach to decision
based practice approach for
making. Be sure to include a
decision making.
description of the PICOT
question that you developed
Response does not adequately
for your search, and which
describe the PICOT question
databases you consulted.
used and the databases
consulted to obtain peerLearning Objective 2.1:
reviewed research to support
Recommend evidenced-based
the evidence-based idea that is
changes for practice informed by
evidenced-based and peerreviewed research approaches for
Response does not adequately
decision making
synthesize or integrate outside
resources or competencyspecific resources that support
the responses provided.

Describe your plan for
knowledge transfer of this
change, including knowledge
creation, dissemination, and
organizational adoption and
Learning Objective 2.2: Develop
plans for knowledge transfer of
organizational changes in practice
© 2022 Walden University
Response does not adequately
describe a plan for knowledge
transfer of this change, including
a plan for knowledge creation,
dissemination, and
organizational adoption and
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations
Response adequately describes
an evidenced-based idea for
change in practice that is aligned
to an evidenced- based practice
approach for decision making.
Response accurately and clearly
describes in detail an evidencedbased idea for change in
practice that is fully aligned to
an evidenced- based practice
approach for decision making.
Response adequately describes
the PICOT question used and the
databases consulted to obtain
peer-reviewed research to
support the evidence-based idea
that is proposed.
Response adequately
synthesizes and integrates
outside resources and
competency-specific resources
that adequately support the
responses provided.
Response adequately describes
a plan for knowledge transfer of
this change, including an
adequate plan for knowledge
creation, dissemination, and
organizational adoption and
Response accurately and clearly
describes in detail the PICOT
question used and the
databases consulted to obtain
peer-reviewed research to fully
support the evidence-based idea
that is proposed.
Response synthesizes and
integrates at least two outside
resources and two competencyspecific resources that fully
support the responses provided.
Response accurately and clearly
describes in detail a plan for
knowledge transfer of this
change, including a detailed and
specific plan for knowledge
creation, dissemination, and
organizational adoption and

Rubric Criteria
Describe the measurable
outcomes you hope to achieve
with the implementation of
this evidence-based change.
Learning Objective 2.3: Describe
measurable outcomes achieved
through organizational
implementation of evidence-based
 Be sure to provide APA
citations for the supporting
evidence-based, peerreviewed articles that you
selected to support your
Does Not Meet Expectations
Response does not adequately
describe the measurable
outcomes desired for the
implementation of the
evidence-based change
Meets Expectations
Response adequately describes
the measurable outcomes
desired for the implementation
of the evidence-based change
Exceeds Expectations
Response accurately and clearly
describes in detail the
measurable outcomes desired
for the implementation of the
evidence-based change
Response does not adequately
provide APA citations for the
supporting evidence-based,
peer-reviewed articles selected.
Response adequately provides
APA citations for the supporting
evidence-based, peer-reviewed
articles selected.
Response provides accurate,
complete, and full APA citations
for the supporting evidencebased, peer-reviewed articles
Content contains significant
spelling, punctuation, and/or
grammar/syntax errors. Writing
does not demonstrate adequate
sentence and paragraph
structure and requires additional
editing/proofreading. Key
sections of presented content
lack clarity, logical flow, and/or
Content contains few spelling,
punctuation, and/or
grammar/syntax errors. Writing
demonstrates adequate
sentence and paragraph
structure and may require some
editing. Content presented is
satisfactorily clear, logical,
and/or organized, but could
benefit from additional
Content is free from spelling,
punctuation, and
grammar/syntax errors. Writing
demonstrates appropriate
sentence and paragraph
structure. Content presented is
clear, logical, and well-organized.
Learning Objective 2.4: Provide
APA citations for evidence-based,
peer-reviewed articles
Professional Skills Assessment
Professional Writing
Professional Writing: Clarity,
Flow, and Organization
© 2022 Walden University
Professional Writing: Context,
Audience, Purpose, and Tone
Professional Writing: Originality,
Source Credibility, and
Attribution of Ideas
Professional Presentation
Professional Presentation:
Clarity, Flow, and Organization
Professional Presentation:
Context, Audience, Purpose, and
© 2022 Walden University
Content minimally or does not
demonstrate awareness of
context, audience, and/or
purpose. Writing is not reflective
of professional/scholarly tone
and/or is not free of bias. Style is
inconsistent with the
professional setting/workplace
context and reflects the need for
additional editing.
Content does not adequately
reflect original writing and/or
paraphrasing. Writing
demonstrates inconsistent
adherence to reference
requirements, including the use
of credible evidence to support a
claim, with appropriate source
attribution (when applicable) and
reference. There are numerous
and/or significant errors.
Key sections of presented
content lack clarity, logical flow,
and/or organization.
Presented content minimally
or does not demonstrate
awareness of context, audience,
and/or purpose. Writing is not
reflective of
Content demonstrates
satisfactory awareness of
context, audience, and purpose.
Tone is adequately professional,
scholarly, and/or free from bias,
and style is mostly consistent
with the professional
setting/workplace context.
Content clearly demonstrates
awareness of context, audience,
and purpose. Tone is highly
professional, scholarly, and free
from bias, and style is
appropriate for the professional
setting/workplace context.
Content adequately reflects
original writing and
paraphrasing. Writing
demonstrates adequate
adherence to reference
requirements, including the use
of credible evidence to support
a claim, with appropriate source
attribution (when applicable)
and references. There are one
or two minor errors.
Content reflects original thought
and writing and proper
paraphrasing. Writing
demonstrates full adherence to
reference requirements,
including the use of credible
evidence to support a claim, with
appropriate source attribution
(when applicable) and
Content presented
is satisfactorily clear, logical
and/or organized, but could
benefit from additional
Content presented
demonstrates satisfactory aware
ness of context, audience, and
purpose. Tone is adequately
professional, scholarly, and/or
Content is presented clearly,
logically, and is well-organized.
presented clearly demonstrates a
wareness of context, audience,
and purpose. Tone
is highly professional, scholarly,
Presentation: Originality, Source
Credibility & Attribution of Ideas
© 2022 Walden University
professional/scholarly tone
and/or is not free of bias. Style is
inconsistent with the
setting/workplace context and
reflects the need for additional
Content presented does not
adequately reflect original
writing and/or paraphrasing.
Writing demonstrates
inconsistent adherence to
reference requirements,
including the use of credible
evidence to support a claim, with
appropriate source attribution
(when applicable) and
references. There are numerous
and/or significant errors.
free from bias and style is
mostly consistent with the
setting/workplace context.
free from
bias and style is appropriate for t
he professional
setting/workplace context.
Content presented adequately
reflects original writing and
paraphrasing. Writing
demonstrates adequate
adherence to reference
requirements, including the use
of credible evidence to support
a claim, with appropriate source
attribution (when applicable)
and references. There are one
or two minor errors.
Content presented reflects origin
al thought and writing and
proper paraphrasing. Writing
demonstrates full adherence to
reference requirements,
including the use of
credible evidence to support a
claim, with appropriate source
attribution (when applicable) and
Presentation Title
Your Name
Program Name or Degree Name, Walden University
COURSE XXX: Title of Course
Instructor Name
Month XX, 202X
Slide Title
• Go to the “Home” tab at the top and click the “New Slide” or “Layout” button to
access different formatting for your slides.
• Choose formatting that presents your information in the most logical way.
• Use consistent, grammatically parallel format for bulleted lists (for example, on this
slide, each element begins with an imperative verb).
• You can also consult APA’s suggestions on formatting lists.
• End bullet points consistently, either with or without a period.
Slide Title
• Keep font of text consistent.
• Be sure headings are consistent in their spacing, placement, size, etc.
• Consider using the slide after the title slide to summarize your presentation’s points
(like an abstract for a paper).
Slide Title
Your slides can also contain entire paragraphs, like this one does. In both paragraphs and
bulleted lists in your presentation, citation rules apply just as they do in papers: when
using or referencing another author’s ideas, you must cite that source. When
incorporating a citation in a slide, do so just as you would in a traditional paper:
According to Jones (2020), presentations are not very different from papers.
• According to Smith and Cat (2020), you should make your presentation great, not
just good.
Use APA style rules to format any tables and figures in your presentation:
Figure 1
Title Reflecting Figure
Note. Any needed general
notes on figure. From
“Utilizing Bar Graphs,” by A.
Jones, 2020, Journal of
Handy Graphs, 76(2), p. 3
abc). Reprinted with
Slide Title
• Remember to adhere to any assignment guidelines regarding presentation format.
This template contains suggestions only.
• Keep in mind that there is no such thing as an “APA standard PowerPoint.” Review
our presentation tips for more information!
• Visit the Academic Skills Center for more tips on how to use PowerPoint or visit
Microsoft’s PowerPoint help and learning website.
Slide Title
• Always include a reference list at the end of your presentation, just like you would in
a paper. Reference list entries take the same format they would in a paper,
including a hanging indent. Visit the Common Reference List Examples page for the
correct APA format. Here are a few examples:
Jones, P. (2020). This great book. Publisher.
Smith, W., & Cat, D. (2020). How to make a good presentation great. Presentations
Quarterly, 45(4), 56-59. https://doi.org/10.123.45/abc

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