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Managerial Accounting Cost ConceptsPlease have one discussion post for each chapter and one reply post (a total of 3 posts for two chapters covered each week). Choose a question or a subject from the ‘Glossary’ or ‘Questions’ sections at the end of each chapter. Then, elaborate on that matter within one paragraph that will be two posts. Second, choose one of your classmates’ posts and respond to that post by adding a further explanation within one paragraph. its super easy. I added the slides for chapter 1 and 2Chapter 01 Narrated PowerPointsLinks to an external site.

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Chapter 1
Managerial Accounting and Cost
PowerPoint Authors:
Susan Coomer Galbreath, Ph.D., CPA
Jon A. Booker, Ph.D., CPA, CIA
Cynthia J. Rooney, Ph.D., CPA
April L. Mohr, MAcc, CPA
© 2019 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Authorized only for instructor use in the classroom. No reproduction or further distribution permitted without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
Needs of Management
• Financial accounting is concerned with reporting
financial information to external parties, such as
stockholders, creditors, and regulators.
• Managerial accounting is concerned with providing
information to managers within an organization so that
they can formulate plans, control operations, and make
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Purposes of Cost Classification
Assigning costs to cost objects.
2. Accounting for costs in manufacturing companies.
3. Preparing financial statements.
4. Predicting cost behavior in response to changes in
5. Making decisions.
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Learning Objective 1
Understand cost
classifications used for
assigning costs to cost
objects: direct costs
and indirect costs.
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Assigning Costs to Cost Objects
Direct costs
• Costs that can be easily and conveniently traced to a unit of
product or other cost object.
• Examples: direct materials and direct labor.
Indirect costs
• Costs that cannot be easily and conveniently traced to a unit
of product or other cost object.
• Example: manufacturing overhead.
Common costs
• Indirect costs incurred to support a number of cost objects.
These costs cannot be traced to any individual cost object.
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Learning Objective 2
Identify and give
examples of each
of the three basic
cost categories.
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Classifications of Manufacturing
• Direct materials.
• Direct labor.
• Manufacturing overhead.
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Direct Materials
• Direct materials are raw materials that become an
integral part of the product and that can be
conveniently traced directly to it.
• Example: A radio installed in an automobile.
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Direct Labor
• Direct labor consists of labor costs that can be easily
traced to individual units of product.
• Example: Wages paid to automobile assembly workers.
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Manufacturing Overhead
Manufacturing overhead includes all manufacturing
costs except direct material and direct labor. These costs
cannot be readily traced to finished products.
• Includes indirect materials that cannot be easily or
conveniently traced to specific units of product.
• Includes indirect labor that cannot be easily or conveniently
traced to specific units of product.
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Manufacturing Overhead –
Examples of manufacturing overhead:
• Depreciation of manufacturing equipment.
• Utility costs.
• Property taxes.
• Insurance premiums incurred to operate a manufacturing
Only those indirect costs associated with operating the
factory are included in manufacturing overhead.
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Prime Costs and Conversion Costs
Manufacturing costs are often classified as
Prime cost
• Direct materials.
• Direct labor.
Conversion cost
• Direct labor.
• Manufacturing overhead.
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Nonmanufacturing Costs
Selling costs
• The costs incurred to secure customer orders and get the
finished product to the customer. Selling costs can be either
direct or indirect costs.
Administrative costs
• The costs associated with the general management of an
organization rather than with manufacturing or selling.
Administrative costs can be either direct or indirect costs.
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Learning Objective 3
Understand cost
classifications used to
prepare financial
statements: product
costs and period costs.
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Product Costs
• Product costs include all the costs involved in acquiring
or making a product.
• Product costs “attach” to a unit of product as it is
purchased or manufactured and they stay attached to
each unit of product as long as it remains in inventory
awaiting sale.
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Manufacturing Product Costs
For manufacturing companies, product costs include:
• Raw materials include any materials that go into the
final product.
• Work in process consists of units of product that are
only partially complete and will require further work
before they are ready for sale to the customer.
• Finished goods consist of completed units of product
that have not yet been sold to customers.
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Transfer of Product Costs
• When direct materials are used in production, their costs
are transferred from Raw Materials to Work in Process.
• Direct labor and manufacturing overhead costs are added
to Work in Process to convert direct materials into finished
• Once units of product are completed, their costs are
transferred from Work in Process to Finished Goods.
• When a manufacturer sells its finished goods to customers,
the costs are transferred from Finished Goods to Cost of
Goods Sold.
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Cost Classifications for Preparing
Financial Statements
Product costs include direct materials, direct labor, and
manufacturing overhead.
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Cost Classifications for Preparing
Financial Statements
Period costs include all selling costs and administrative
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Concept Check 1
Which of the following costs would be considered a period
rather than a product cost in a manufacturing company?
A. Manufacturing equipment depreciation.
B. Property taxes on corporate headquarters.
C. Direct materials costs.
D. Electrical costs to light the production facility.
E. Sales commissions.
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Concept Check 1a
Which of the following costs would be considered a period
rather than a product cost in a manufacturing company?
A. Manufacturing equipment depreciation.
B. Property taxes on corporate headquarters.
C. Direct materials costs.
D. Electrical costs to light the production facility.
E. Sales commissions.
Answer: B, E.
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Learning Objective 4
Understand cost
classifications used to
predict cost behavior:
variable costs, fixed
costs, and mixed costs.
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Cost Classifications for Predicting
Cost Behavior
Cost behavior refers to how a cost will react to changes in
the level of activity.
The most common classifications are:
• Variable costs.
• Fixed costs.
• Mixed costs.
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Variable Cost
• A variable cost varies, in total, in direct proportion to
changes in the level of activity.
• A variable cost per unit is constant.
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An Activity Base (Cost Driver)
An activity base is a measure of what causes the
incurrence of a variable cost.
• Units produced.
• Machine hours.
• Miles driven.
• Labor hours.
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Fixed Cost
• A fixed cost is a cost that remains constant, in total,
regardless of changes in the level of the activity.
• If expressed on a per unit basis, the average fixed cost
per unit varies inversely with changes in activity.
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Types of Fixed Costs
• Long term, cannot be significantly reduced in the short
• May be altered in the short term by current managerial
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The Linearity Assumption and the
Relevant Range
• The relevant range of activity pertains to fixed cost as
well as variable costs. For example, assume office space
is available at a rental rate of $30,000 per year in
increments of 1,000 square feet.
• Fixed costs would increase in a step fashion at a rate of
$30,000 for each additional 1,000 square feet.
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Relevant Range: Graphic
The relevant range of activity for a fixed cost is the range
of activity over which the graph of the cost is flat.
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Comparison of Cost Classifications for
Predicting Cost Behavior
Behavior of Cost (within the relevant range)
In Total
Per Unit
Variable cost
Total variable cost increases and
Variable cost per unit
decreases in proportion to changes remains constant.
in the activity level.
Fixed cost
Total fixed cost is not affected by
changes in the activity level within
the relevant range.
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Fixed cost per unit
decreases as the activity
level rises and increases
as the activity level falls.
Concept Check 2
Which of the following costs would be variable with respect to
the number of ice cream cones sold at a Baskin & Robbins?
(There may be more than one correct answer.)
A. The cost of lighting the store.
B. The wages of the store manager.
C. The cost of ice cream.
D. The cost of napkins for customers.
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Concept Check 2a
Which of the following costs would be variable with respect to
the number of ice cream cones sold at a Baskin & Robbins?
(There may be more than one correct answer.)
A. The cost of lighting the store.
B. The wages of the store manager.
C. The cost of ice cream.
D. The cost of napkins for customers.
Answer: C, D.
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Mixed Costs
A mixed cost contains both variable and fixed elements.
Consider the example of utility cost.
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Mixed Costs
The total mixed cost line can be expressed as an
equation: Y = a + bX
Y = The total mixed cost
a = The total fixed cost (the vertical intercept of
the line)
b = The variable cost per unit of activity (the
slope of the line)
X = The level of activity
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Mixed Costs – An Example
If your fixed monthly utility charge is $40, your variable
cost is $0.03 per kilowatt hour, and your monthly activity
level is 2,000 kilowatt hours, what is the amount of your
utility bill?
Y = a + bX
Y = $40 + ($0.03 × 2,000)
Y = $100
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Learning Objective 5
Understand cost
classifications used in
making decisions:
differential costs, sunk
costs, and opportunity
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Cost Classifications for
Decision Making
• Decisions involve choosing between alternatives. The
goal of making decisions is to identify those costs that
are either relevant or irrelevant to the decision.
• It is important to understand the terms differential cost
and revenue, sunk cost, and opportunity cost.
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Differential Costs
• Differential cost (or incremental cost) is the difference
in cost between any two alternatives.
• A difference in revenue between two alternatives is
called differential revenue.
• Both are always relevant to decisions.
• Differential costs can be either fixed or variable.
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Sunk Costs
• Sunk costs have already been incurred and cannot be
changed by any decision made now or in the future.
• These costs should be ignored when making decisions.
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Opportunity Cost
• Opportunity cost is the potential benefit that is given
up when one alternative is selected over another.
• These costs are not usually found in accounting records
but must be explicitly considered in every decision.
• For students: What is the opportunity cost you incur by
attending class?
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Concept Check 3
Suppose you are trying to decide whether to drive or take the
train to Portland to attend a concert. You have ample cash to
do either, but you don’t want to waste money needlessly. Is
the cost of the train ticket relevant in this decision? In other
words, should the cost of the train ticket affect the decision of
whether you drive or take the train to Portland?
A. Yes, the cost of the train ticket is relevant.
B. No, the cost of the train ticket is not relevant.
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Concept Check 3a
Suppose you are trying to decide whether to drive or take the
train to Portland to attend a concert. You have ample cash to
do either, but you don’t want to waste money needlessly. Is
the cost of the train ticket relevant in this decision? In other
words, should the cost of the train ticket affect the decision of
whether you drive or take the train to Portland?
A. Yes, the cost of the train ticket is relevant.
B. No, the cost of the train ticket is not relevant.
Answer: A.
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Concept Check 4
Suppose you are trying to decide whether to drive or take the
train to Portland to attend a concert. You have ample cash to
do either, but you don’t want to waste money needlessly. Is
the annual cost of licensing your car relevant in this decision?
A. Yes, the licensing cost is relevant.
B. No, the licensing cost is not relevant.
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Concept Check 4a
Suppose you are trying to decide whether to drive or take the
train to Portland to attend a concert. You have ample cash to
do either, but you don’t want to waste money needlessly. Is
the annual cost of licensing your car relevant in this decision?
A. Yes, the licensing cost is relevant.
B. No, the licensing cost is not relevant.
Answer: B.
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Concept Check 5
Suppose that your car could be sold now for $5,000. Is this a
sunk cost?
A. Yes, it is a sunk cost.
B. No, it is not a sunk cost.
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Concept Check 5a
Suppose that your car could be sold now for $5,000. Is this a
sunk cost?
A. Yes, it is a sunk cost.
B. No, it is not a sunk cost.
Answer: B.
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Learning Objective 6
Prepare income
statements for a
merchandising company
using the traditional and
contribution formats.
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The Traditional and Contribution
Traditional format → Used primarily for external reporting
Contribution format → Used primarily by management
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Uses of the Contribution Format
The contribution format income statement is used as an
internal planning and decision-making tool. We will use this
approach for:
1. Cost-volume-profit analysis (Chapter 6).
2. Segmented reporting of profit data (Chapter 7).
3. Budgeting (Chapter 8).
4. Special decisions such as pricing and make-or-buy analysis
(Chapter 11).
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End of Chapter 1
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Chapter 2
Job-Order Costing:
Calculating Unit Product Costs
PowerPoint Authors:
Susan Coomer Galbreath, Ph.D., CPA
Jon A. Booker, Ph.D., CPA, CIA
Cynthia J. Rooney, Ph.D., CPA
April L. Mohr, MAcc, CPA
© 2019 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Authorized only for instructor use in the classroom. No reproduction or further distribution permitted without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
Job-Order Costing: An Overview
Job-order costing systems are used when:
1. Many different products are produced each period.
2. Products are manufactured to order. Many service
industries use job-order costing.
3. The unique nature of each order requires tracing and
allocating costs to each job, and maintaining cost
records for each job.
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Job-Order Costing: An Overview
Examples of companies that would use job-order costing
1. Boeing (aircraft manufacturing).
2. Bechtel International (large scale construction).
3. Walt Disney Studios (movie production).
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Job-Order Costing – Cost Flow 1
Direct costs
• Direct materials.
• Job No. 1.
• Job No. 2.
• Job No. 3.
• Direct labor.
• Job No. 1.
• Job No. 2.
• Job No. 3.
Charge direct material and direct labor costs to each job
as work is performed.
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Job-Order Costing – Cost Flow 2
Direct costs
• Direct materials.
• Direct labor.
Indirect costs
• Manufacturing overhead.
• Job No. 1.
• Job No. 2.
• Job No. 3.
Manufacturing overhead, including indirect materials and
indirect labor, are allocated to all jobs rather than directly
traced to each job.
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The Job Cost Sheet
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Measuring Direct Materials Cost
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Measuring Direct Materials Cost
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Measuring Direct Labor Costs
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Job-Order Cost Accounting
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Learning Objective 1
Compute a
overhead rate.
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Why Use an Allocation Base?
An allocation base, such as direct labor-hours, direct labordollars, or machine-hours, is used to assign manufacturing
overhead to individual jobs.
We use an allocation base because:
a. It is impossible or difficult to trace overhead costs to
particular jobs.
b. Manufacturing overhead consists of many different items
ranging from the grease used in machines to the
production manager’s salary.
c. Many types of manufacturing overhead costs are fixed even
though output fluctuates during the period.
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Manufacturing Overhead
The predetermined overhead rate (POHR) used to apply
overhead to jobs is determined before the period begins.
Estimated total manufacturing
overhead cost for the coming period
Estimated total units in the
allocation base for the coming period
Ideally, the allocation base is a cost driver that causes
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Recording Labor Cost: Journal Entry
Predetermined overhead rates that rely upon estimated
data are often used because:
1. Actual overhead for the period is not known until the
end of the period, thus inhibiting the ability to
estimate job costs during the period.
2. Actual overhead costs can fluctuate seasonally, thus
misleading decision makers.
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Computing Predetermined
Overhead Rates
The predetermined overhead rate is computed before the
period begins using a four-step process.
1. Estimate the total amount of the allocation base (the
denominator) that will be required for next period’s
estimated level of production.
2. Estimate the total fixed manufacturing overhead cost
for the coming period and the variable manufacturing
overhead cost per unit of the allocation base.
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Computing Predetermined
Overhead Rates
Use the following equation to estimate the total amount of
manufacturing overhead:
Y = a + bX
Y = The estimated total manufacturing overhead cost
a = The estimated total fixed manufacturing overhead cost
b = The estimated variable manufacturing overhead cost per
unit of the allocation base
X = The estimated total amount of the allocation base
Compute the predetermined overhead rate.
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Learning Objective 2
Apply overhead
cost to jobs using a
overhead rate.
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Overhead Application Rate
PearCo estimates that it will require 160,000 direct laborhours to meet the coming period’s estimated production
level. In addition, the company estimates total fixed
manufacturing overhead at $200,000, and variable
manufacturing overhead costs of $2.75 per direct laborhour.
Y = a + bX
Y = $200,000 + ($2.75 per direct labor-hour × 160,000
direct labor-hours)
Y = $200,000 + $440,000
Y = $640,000
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Overhead Application Rate
$640,000 estimated total manufacturing overhead
160,000 estimated direct labor-hours (DLH)
POHR = $4.00 per direct labor-hour
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Recording Manufacturing Overhead
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Learning Objective 3
Compute the total
cost and the unit
product cost of a
job using a
overhead rate.
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Calculating Total Cost of Job
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Calculating Unit Product Cost
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Concept Check 1
Job WR53 at NW Fab, Inc. required $200 of direct
materials and 10 direct labor-hours at $15 per hour.
Estimated total overhead for the year was $760,000 and
estimated direct labor-hours were 20,000. What would
be recorded as the cost of job WR53?
A. $200.
B. $350.
C. $380.
D. $730.
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Concept Check 1a
Job WR53 at NW Fab, Inc. required $200 of direct
materials and 10 direct labor-hours at $15 per hour.
Estimated total overhead for the year was $760,000 and
estimated direct labor-hours were 20,000. What would
be recorded as the cost of job WR53?
A. $200.
B. $350.
C. $380.
D. $730.
Answer: D.
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Concept Check 1a
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Job-Order Costing – A Managerial
Perspective – Part 1
Inaccurately assigning manufacturing costs to jobs
adversely influences planning and decisions made by
1. Job-order costing systems can accurately trace direct
materials and direct labor costs to jobs.
2. Job-order costing systems often fail to accurately
allocate the manufacturing overhead costs used
during the production process to their respective jobs.
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Job-Order Costing – A Managerial
Perspective – Part 2
Choosing an Allocation Base
Job-order costing systems often use allocation bases that
do not reflect how jobs actually use overhead resources.
The allocation base in the predetermined overhead rate
must drive the overhead cost to improve job cost
accuracy. A cost driver is a factor that causes overhead
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Job-Order Costing – A Managerial
Perspective – Part 2
Many companies use a single predetermined plantwide
overhead rate to allocate all manufacturing overhead
costs to jobs based on their usage of direct labor-hours.
1. It is often overly-simplistic and incorrect to assume
that direct labor-hours is a company’s only
manufacturing overhead cost driver.
2. If more than one overhead cost driver can be
identified, job cost accuracy is improved by using
multiple predetermined overhead rates.
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Learning Objective 4
Compute the total
cost and the unit
product cost of a
job using multiple
overhead rates.
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Information to Calculate Multiple
Predetermined Overhead Rates
Dickson Company has two production departments, Milling
and Assembly. The company uses a job-order costing system
and computes a predetermined overhead rate in each
production department. The predetermined overhead rate in
the Milling Department is based on machine-hours and in the
Assembly Department it is based on direct labor-hours. The
company uses cost-plus pricing (and a markup percentage of
75% of total manufacturing cost) to establish selling prices for
all of its jobs. At the beginning of the year, the company made
the following estimates:
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Information to Calculate Multiple
Predetermined Overhead Rates
Access the long description slide.
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Step 1 – Calculate the
Predetermined Overhead Cost for
Each Department
During the current month the company started and completed
Job 407. It wants to use its predetermined departmental
overhead cost and rate for the Milling and Assembly
• Milling Department = $390,000 + ($2.00 per MH × 60,000
MHs) = $510,000.
• Assembly Department = $500,000 + ($3.75 per DLH ×
80,000 DLHs) = $800,000.
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Step 2 – Calculate the
Predetermined Overhead Rate for
Each Department
Use the amounts determined on the previous slide to
calculate the predetermined overhead rate (POHR) of
each department.
• Milling Department = $510,000 ÷ 60,000 MHs =
$8.50 per MH.
• Assembly Department = $800,000 ÷ 80,000 DLHs =
$10.00 per DLH.
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Step 3 – Calculate the Amount of Overhead
Applied from Both Departments to a Job
Use the P O R calculated on the previous slide to determine the
overhead applied from both departments to Job 407:
Milling Department = 90 MHs × $8.50 per MH = $765
Assembly Department = 20 DLHs × $10 per DLH = $200
Access the long description slide.
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Step 4 – Calculate the Total Job
Cost for Job 407
We can use the information given to calculate the
amount of the total cost of Job 407. Here is the
Access the long description slide.
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Step 5 – Calculate the Selling Price
for Job 407
Here is the selling price of Job 407 assuming a 75%
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Step 5 – Calculate the Selling Price
for Job 407
• It is important to emphasize that using a departmental
approach to overhead application results in a different
selling price for Job 407 than would have been derived
using a plantwide overhead rate based on either direct
labor-hours or machine-hours.
• The appeal of using predetermined departmental
overhead rates is that they presumably provide a more
accurate accounting of the costs caused by jobs, which
in turn, should enhance management planning and
decision making.
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Multiple Predetermined Overhead
Rates—An Activity-Based
• When a company creates overhead rates based on the
activities that it performs, it is employing an approach
called activity-based costing.
• Activity-based costing is an alternative approach to
developing multiple predetermined overhead rates.
Managers use activity-based costing systems to more
accurately measure the demands that jobs, products,
customers, and other cost objects make on overhead
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Job-Order Costing for Financial
Statements to External Parties
The amount of overhead applied to all jobs during a
period will differ from the actual amount of overhead
costs incurred during the period.
1. When a company applies less overhead to production
than it actually incurs, it creates what is known as
underapplied overhead.
2. When it applies more overhead to production than it
actually incurs, it results in overapplied overhead.
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Financial Adjustment for
Overhead Applied
The cost of goods sold reported on a company’s income
statement must be adjusted to reflect underapplied or
overapplied overhead.
1. The adjustment for underapplied overhead increases
cost of goods sold and decreases net operating
2. The adjustment for overapplied overhead decreases
cost of goods sold and increases net operating
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Job Cost Sheets: A Subsidiary
All of a company’s job cost sheets collectively form a
subsidiary ledger.
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Job Cost Sheets: Balance Sheet
The job costs sheets provide an underlying set of
financial records that explain what specific jobs comprise
the amounts reported in Work-in-Process and Finished
Goods on the balance sheet.
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Job Cost Sheets: Balance Sheet
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Job Cost Sheets: Income
Statement Reporting
The job costs sheets provide an underlying set of financial
records that explain what specific jobs comprise the
amounts reported in Cost of Goods Sold on the income
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Job Cost Sheets: Income
Statement Reporting
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Job-Order Costing in Service
• Although our attention has focused upon
manufacturing applications, it bears re-emphasizing
that job-order costing is also used in service industries.
• Job-order costing is used in many different types of
service companies such as law firms, accounting firms,
and medical treatment.
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Measuring Direct Materials Cost
Long Description
Requisition Number: X7-6890
Date: 3-4-17
Job Number: A-143
Department B3
Description, quantity, unit cost, and total cost of
materials is shown with the total cost equaling $116.
Authorized signature appears at the bottom of the
Return to slide containing original image.
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Concept Check 1a Long
POHR is $760,000 divided by 20,000 hours for $38
Direct materials are $200
Direct labor is $15 times 10 hours for $150
Manufacturing overhead is $38 times 10 hours for
Total cost is $730
Return to slide containing original image.
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Information to Calculate Multiple Predetermined
Overhead Rates Long Description
Milling Department data:
Machine-hours, 60,000
Direct labor-hours, 8,000
Total fixed manufacturing overhead cost, $390,000
Variable manufacturing overhead per machine-hour, $2.00
Variable manufacturing overhead per direct labor-hour, not applicable
Assembly Department data:
Machine-hours, 3,000
Direct labor-hours, 80,000
Total fixed manufacturing overhead cost, $500,000
Variable manufacturing overhead per machine-hour, not applicable
Variable manufacturing overhead per direct labor-hour, $3.75
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Step 3 – Calculate the Amount of Overhead
Applied from Both Departments to a Job
Milling Department data:
Machine-hours, 90
Direct labor-hours, 5
Direct materials, $800
Direct labor cost, $70
Assembly Department data:
Machine-hours, 4
Direct labor-hours, 20
Direct materials, $370
Direct labor cost, $280
Return to slide containing original image.
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Step 4 – Calculate the Total Job
Cost for Job 407
Direct materials are $800 for Milling and $370
Assembly, for a total of $1,170. Direct labor is $70
Milling, $280 Assembly, total of $350.
Manufacturing overhead applied is $765 Milling,
$200 Assembly, for total of $965. Adding these totals
gives us total cost of Job 407 of $2,485.
Return to slide containing original image.
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End of Chapter 2
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