Dr. Martin Luther King vs. Malcolm X


Dr. Martin Luther King vs. Malcolm X

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Dr. Martin Luther King vs. Malcolm X
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write arguments in FAVOR of Malcolm X

For this assignment, please answer the following:

If you lived in the same government and institutional oppression and violence as African Americans did, what approach would you pick to demand your rights? Martin Luther King Jr, civil disobedience, or Malcolm X by any means necessary? Dr. King used the “civil disobedience approach.” What does this mean? Mr. X used the “by any means necessary” approach. What does this mean? Be careful here because many people misunderstand Mr. X’s position of “by any means” necessary.”

You can also use the current BLM movement as an inspiration for this assignment.

It is important that you provide thought-out ideas. Use quotes, facts, and examples to support your argument. Your argument should be 2 paragraphs long.

Your answer must be at least 400 words