do reflection journal based off of clinical site that i am at, follow rubric and make sure to answer 1-2 clo questions


write about how

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do reflection journal based off of clinical site that i am at, follow rubric and make sure to answer 1-2 clo questions
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how it’s the last week of clinical at mend in pacioma and I couldn’t be happier. I am so relieved that the clinical is ending. I really enjoyed helping others and providing food for those in need. I just didn’t like how I was placed at mend because I feel like I needed to be more at a nursing clinical site where I can improve on my nursing skills. I just think this made me realize that people are and will be greedy, no matter how much you do for them, depending on how they’re raised and how their personality is like. I did appreciate the stuff and how they were nice and welcoming and worked with our schedule. It also made me very happy that I could make others happy and do good for the community and for people and their families. I am very glad though that it is over and I don’t need to come back I feel like I never been so mentally exhausted and physically tired as when I was at mend. I really enjoyed my professor, and I wish I could have her for another term. write how on saturday i did intake and checked people in and learned more spanish. just be creative and do 2 pages double spaced

do reflection journal based off of clinical site that i am at, follow rubric and make sure to answer 1-2 clo questions

answer 1-2 clo questions and reference page and use sample as a guide

clos are found under week 8 reflection and make sure to write out the question and answer it.

keep the subtitiles as is


answer 2 clos and make sure to write out the question you are writing and keep all the subtitles that are in the week 9 doc

you can write on the week 9 doc and a sample paper is provided

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Providence Community Health: Week I Reflection
Student Name
West Coast University
NURS 342L: Public Health Nursing Practicum
Professor Ogundeko
April 8, 2023
Week hour: 15 Total Clinical Hours up to date : 15
Preceptor Name: Dr. Ogundeko
Date: 4/8/2023
Phone number:
Name of Agency/Clinic: Providence
Agency/Clinic Address: 7621 Van Nuys Blvd., Unit B , Van Nuys, CA 91405
Activity Type:
√ Clinical site o Conference o Community Observation o other
This activity applies toward the following requirement (check one):
√ General PH Nursing o Senior Center o Homeless Shelter o Soup Kitchen o FRC
(minimum 90hours)
o Vulnerable Populations (which pop):
Public Health Focus of this activity: (check all that apply)
Core Function(s) of Public Health:
o Assessment o Policy Development
Essential Public Health Service:
o Assurance
o Monitor health status
o Develop policies & plans for
individuals & community
o Ensure comprehensive PH work force
o Diagnose & investigate health
√ Link people to needed personal
√ Evaluate effect, access & quality of
o Enforce laws & regs for health safety
o Research new insights & innovative
√ Inform, educate, empower re: health
√ Mobilize community partnerships
Services rendered/observed:
The first week of my clinical experience in public health began by meeting with the
Providence Community Health Workers at the main Van Nuys Branch at 8:30 am. After arriving,
I was given a brief orientation and tour of the facility. Once the other students arrived, we were
introduced to the staff. We were scheduled to conduct community outreach and assemble
informational pamphlets that advertised the current services offered by the Providence
Community Health team. I spent an hour assembling the pamphlets and learning about the
available services, which included: Free COVID-19 vaccination clinics with the online
appointment management system myCAvax, schedule of COVID-19 vaccination and booster
shot (by brand: Pfizer and Moderna), and help hotlines for additional information.
After assembling the informational pamphlets, we loaded the supply carts with the
Week hour: 15 Total Clinical Hours up to date : 15
Preceptor Name: Dr. Ogundeko
Date: 4/8/2023
Phone number:
pamphlets, free COVID-19 test kits, safety vests, supply tote bags, and hand sanitizer. We were
given a map with the list of our three locations to canvass for community outreach and advised to
meet at the first location. within 10-15 minutes.
Once we arrived at the first location, we were each given supplies, a safety vest, and an
assignment. My team consisted of two students and one Community Health Worker. Our task
was distributing the information pamphlets to one side of the street. The other team would take
the opposite side. Between my three team members, we split the responsibilities as follows: one
team member would place the pamphlets on the passenger side windshields of all parked cars
along the street, and the other two would alternate houses, leaving the pamphlets either on the
gates, cars in long driveways or doorknobs.
While canvassing, we were trained to approach pedestrians and provide them with free
COVID-19 test kits for their households and information regarding Providence Community
Health’s free vaccine clinics. We visited three neighborhoods, distributing 300 pamphlets and
100 COVID-19 test kits at each location. We provided a tally of the number of pedestrians we
encountered and how many test kits were distributed.
My second day of clinical experience consisted of similar activities. I arrived at the
Providence Van Nuys Branch at 8:30 am and began to assemble the information pamphlets. As
other students arrived, they were assigned the same task. We then loaded the supply carts with
the needed supplies for the day. Those supplies included information pamphlets, free COVID-19
test kits, safety vests, and tote bags. Again, we were given the addresses and maps for our
community canvassing and left to meet at our first location.
We were divided into two teams. My team consisted of two Community Health Workers
and one student (myself). We passed the information pamphlets to homes, vehicles, and
businesses along the way. I spoke with seven pedestrians at the first location, four at the second,
and nine at the third. In total, I distributed 13 COVID-19 test kits. During my canvassing, I spoke
Week hour: 15 Total Clinical Hours up to date : 15
Preceptor Name: Dr. Ogundeko
Date: 4/8/2023
Phone number:
with several business owners and their employees. The business types included a laundromat, car
insurance company, nail salon, barbershop, and health spa. We visited a total of 3 locations,
distributing a total of 900 pamphlets and 100 COVID-19 test kits.
My third clinical day was an informational booth at the Van Nuys YMCA. A local
agency sponsored the event to promote eye health and care. I arrived at the Van Nuys facility at
8:00 am and assisted in loading the materials before we departed for the YMCA. We were a team
of three, one student (myself) and two Providence Community Health Workers. Upon arrival, we
were informed that the event provided free eye exams, eyeglasses, and sunglasses to community
members who made appointments.
Optometrist students provided eye exams, and the glasses were made on-site. We set up
our booth with other vendors and community organizations in the Gymnasium of the YMCA.
While patients waited for their exams and glasses, they visited the various booths. Our booth
provided free COVID-19 test kits, vaccine clinic information, free N-95 masks, and free travelsize hand sanitizer. In addition, we provided information on enrolling in Medi-Cal, CHIP, and
WIC and connecting needy families with local food banks. We were on location from 9:00 am
until 3:00 pm. In addition to providing information and free test kits, we registered individuals
and families for appointments at the Providence COVID-19 Clinics for April 2023. My team and
I took turns walking the campus to hand out COVID-19 test kits to the patrons, vendors, and
YMCA staff.
Problems or difficulties identified:
I identified serval problems during my first clinical week with Providence Health. The
parking lot that is provided for the staff and the students is in an unsupervised alley behind the
facility. The alleyway and parking lot is filled with trip hazards and trash. The walls of the
facility and surrounding buildings were covered with graffiti and several individuals were
Week hour: 15 Total Clinical Hours up to date : 15
Preceptor Name: Dr. Ogundeko
Date: 4/8/2023
Phone number:
smoking cigarettes and cannabis. The outreach supplies were stacked haphazardly atop each
other. In the event of an earthquake the boxes would fall atop each other and anyone walking
close by. Several of the students were confused about which location to meet at and subsequently
were late upon arrival. Additionally, due to some slight mismanagement my email to the
coordinator was deleted and they removed me from the schedule of events. After forwarding my
initial email to the coordinator to the volunteer manager they were able to correct the mistake
and re-instate my hours.
One of the locations that was canvassed was near West Coast University. The
neighborhood was dangerous, and we were not provided with any personal protective equipment
or any means of protecting ourselves from physical harm. We canvassed a local park with a large
population of unhoused individuals openly participating in drug use and prostitution.
Information obtained (what I learned-CLO):
Utilize theoretical and empirical knowledge from previous nursing courses to gain an
understanding of individuals, families, groups, and communities, and their health care needs.
During this clinical week, I identified several community health problems. The
population encountered requires the resources that Community Health Nursing can provide.
Public health nursing focuses” on a population-focused approach to planning, delivering and
evaluating nursing care” (Holman et al., 2019). When considering the health issues facing a
community, it is essential to understand the factors that will determine their level of health.
These health-defining factors include “neighborhood and built environment, social and
community context, economic stability, health, and healthcare and education” (Holman et al.,
Week hour: 15 Total Clinical Hours up to date : 15
Preceptor Name: Dr. Ogundeko
Date: 4/8/2023
Phone number:
The neighborhoods were close to freeways, empty lots, environmental pollutants, and
excessive litter. Exposure to this environment can lead to allergic triggers that may cause
respiratory distress, specifically exacerbating chronic respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and
asthma. Asthma is a chronic respiratory illness that “causes repeated episodes of wheezing,
breathlessness, chest tightness, and nighttime or early morning coughing” (Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, 2023). Excessive cigarette smoking, smog, traffic pollution, dirt, and
lack of cleanliness would provide environmental triggers that would cause repeat asthma attacks
in those affected. Those living in these neighborhoods would benefit from upstream education
regarding the environmental triggers that can cause asthma attacks and what can be done to
prevent them in the future.
The neighborhoods consisted of mainly low-income multi-generation families and single
older individual households. Canvassing the neighborhood revealed a deficit in knowledge
regarding COVID-19, the available vaccines, and boosters. This lack of education resulted in a
higher fear of the vaccine than the illness.
Many individuals articulated their distrust of vaccines and COVID-19 testing. During the
community outreach, I provided education regarding the nature of vaccines. I informed potential
clinical patients that “vaccines are injections (shots), liquids, pills, or nasal sprays that you take
to teach your body’s immune system to recognize and defend against harmful germs” (Medline
Plus, 2023). There was a misconception that vaccines created illness within the body due to the
immune response that resulted from the vaccine. After providing education, many individuals
were more inclined to receive information regarding the free vaccination clinics provided by
Week hour: 15 Total Clinical Hours up to date : 15
Preceptor Name: Dr. Ogundeko
Date: 4/8/2023
Phone number:
This lack of education was consistent within the surrounding neighborhoods and
businesses. When multiple family members were available for vaccine education, there was a
familial consensus regarding their views toward vaccinations. It is important to remember that
“the family unit plays an important role in health” (Holman et al., 2019). Many family members
initially attempted to shield the individual from perceived misinformation. This act of uniformity
and conformity in health care perspectives and beliefs is shared in a family unit. Many family’s
“beliefs, cultural values, and environment can positively or negatively influence an individual’s
health” (Holman et al., 2019), resulting in shared health status and similar positive or negative
impacts on health.
Week hour: 15 Total Clinical Hours up to date : 15
Preceptor Name: Dr. Ogundeko
Date: 4/8/2023
Phone number:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2023, February 28). Asthma. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention. Retrieved April 8, 2023, from,t
Holman, H. C., Williams, D., Sommer, S., Johnson, J., & Elkins, C. B. (2019). Rn Community
Health Nursing: Review Module (8th ed.). Assessment Technologies Institute.
U.S. National Library of Medicine. (n.d.). Vaccines | immunization | inoculation. MedlinePlus.
Retrieved April 8, 2023, from
Week hour: 8 Total Clinical Hours up to date : 8
Preceptor Name: Dr. Ogundeko
Date: November 4, 2023
Phone number:
Clinical Journal—N342L West Coast University
Name of Agency/Clinic: Mend
Agency/Clinic Address: 10641 N. San Fernando Rd. Pacoima, CA 91331
Activity Type:
x Clinical site  Conference  Community Observation  other
This activity applies toward the following requirement (check one):
x General PH Nursing  Senior Center  Homeless Shelter  Soup Kitchen  FRC
(minimum 90hours)
 Vulnerable Populations (which pop):
Public Health Focus of this activity: (check all that apply)
Core Function(s) of Public Health:
 Assessment  Policy Development
Essential Public Health Service:
 Monitor health status
 Diagnose & investigate health
 Inform, educate, empower re: health
 Mobilize community partnerships
Services rendered/observed:
 Develop policies & plans for
individuals & community
 Link people to needed personal
 Enforce laws & regs for health safety
 Assurance
 Ensure comprehensive PH work force
 Evaluate effect, access & quality of
 Research new insights & innovative
Week hour: 8 Total Clinical Hours up to date : 8
Preceptor Name: Dr. Ogundeko
Date: November 4, 2023
Phone number:
Problems or difficulties identified:
Information obtained (what I learned-CLO):
Course Learning Outcomes (Address 1-2)
1. Utilize theoretical and empirical knowledge from previous nursing courses to gain an
understanding of individuals, families, groups, and communities, and their health care needs.
2. Incorporate evidence-based nursing practices that will demonstrate ethnic identity, cultural
awareness strategies, and sociocultural practices of clients in the community.
3. Examine the healthcare delivery system in the United States and its effects on community health
nursing with appropriate nursing actions, reflective of legal, political, geographic, economic,
ethical, and social influence.
4. Utilize leadership behaviors in collaborating with health team members in the community to
identify the need for planned change, education of the change, and facilitation of the change with
the community through cooperative participation and education.
5. Analyze the roles of community health nurses and other members of the community health team
(e.g., healthcare providers, community groups).
6. Discuss primary and preventive healthcare nursing in the context of primary, secondary, and
tertiary settings with the levels of prevention.
Name:Marina Saroyan
Week hour: 8 Total Clinical Hours up to date : 80
Preceptor Name: Dr. Ogundeko
Date: January 13, 2024
Phone number: 818-897-2443
Clinical Journal—N342L West Coast University
Name of Agency/Clinic: Mend
Agency/Clinic Address: 10641 N. San Fernando Rd. Pacoima, CA 91331
Activity Type:
x Clinical site  Conference  Community Observation  other
This activity applies toward the following requirement (check one):
x General PH Nursing  Senior Center  Homeless Shelter  Soup Kitchen  FRC
(minimum 90hours)
 Vulnerable Populations (which pop):
Public Health Focus of this activity: (check all that apply)
Core Function(s) of Public Health:
 Assessment  Policy Development
Essential Public Health Service:
 Monitor health status
 Diagnose & investigate health
 Inform, educate, empower re: health
 Mobilize community partnerships
Services rendered/observed:
 Develop policies & plans for
individuals & community
 Link people to needed personal
 Enforce laws & regs for health safety
 Assurance
 Ensure comprehensive PH work force
 Evaluate effect, access & quality of
 Research new insights & innovative
Name:Marina Saroyan
Week hour: 8 Total Clinical Hours up to date : 80
Preceptor Name: Dr. Ogundeko
Date: January 13, 2024
Phone number: 818-897-2443
Problems or difficulties identified:
Information obtained (what I learned-CLO):
Course Learning Outcomes (Address 1-2)
1. Utilize theoretical and empirical knowledge from previous nursing courses to gain an
understanding of individuals, families, groups, and communities, and their health care needs.
2. Incorporate evidence-based nursing practices that will demonstrate ethnic identity, cultural
awareness strategies, and sociocultural practices of clients in the community.
3. Examine the healthcare delivery system in the United States and its effects on community health
nursing with appropriate nursing actions, reflective of legal, political, geographic, economic,
ethical, and social influence.
4. Utilize leadership behaviors in collaborating with health team members in the community to
identify the need for planned change, education of the change, and facilitation of the change with
the community through cooperative participation and education.
5. Analyze the roles of community health nurses and other members of the community health team
(e.g., healthcare providers, community groups).
6. Discuss primary and preventive healthcare nursing in the context of primary, secondary, and
tertiary settings with the levels of prevention.

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