Dissertation alignment exrecise correction


I need correction on this dissertation Alignment exercise. Please check attached word file for correction and ready all question and answer to answer only last question.

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What is the Theoretical Framework? (What theories covered in the program are associated with your topic?) Please list and explain each construct in the theory and how they are mapped to your Research Questions.

Please add which theory you are going to use in this theoretical framework. this theory suppose to match with my topic also.

This is example of mapping reseach questions. please do same like this mapping to my three research questions in word file.

Mapping Research Questions example

Questions Aim Hypothesis

What are the effects of unestablished hiring protocols on the confidence of company leadership?

To investigate the impact of unestablished hiring protocols on the confidence of company leadership.

It is hypothesized that unestablished hiring protocols will negatively affect the confidence of company leadership, leading to uncertainty and potential disruptions in the hiring process.

What are the key factors that influence the undefined recruitment strategy during and after Covid?

To identify and analyze the key factors that influence an undefined recruitment strategy during and after the Covid-19 pandemic.

The hypothesis is that factors such as economic uncertainty, remote work dynamics, and changes in candidate expectations will contribute to an undefined recruitment strategy during and after the pandemic.

What was the impact and utilization of technology on recruitment during Covid-19?

To assess the impact and utilization of technology in the recruitment process during the Covid-19 pandemic.

It is hypothesized that technology played a significant role in adapting recruitment practices during Covid-19, leading to increased digital recruitment processes, virtual interviews, and remote onboarding.

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Dissertation Alignment Exercise
Purpose: The purpose of this document is to outline the alignment in your dissertation. Picking
the right topic to research is critical to the success of the student. By completing and using this
document, the student is able to outline and successfully write the proposal (chapters 1-3). Please
answer each question as asked, providing proper references where needed.
When choosing a research topic, utilize the following sections to help narrow down the topic.

What is the problem and what references support (have about 3 references
supporting) the problem?
The problem is small retail business owners in Western Kentucky lack awareness of the potential
benefits CSR implementation impacting their financial performance. The study will focus on
small business owners as the leaders and decision-makers in private and franchise owned using
corporate social responsibility to affect their financial performance of small retail businesses in
Western Kentucky. According to Pestana (2023), it is essential to understand how corporate
social responsibility influences the community and their relationship with the small businesses in
the region, providing different products and services through different retailers. Comprehending
the issues related to CSR is key to providing critical insights as to why small businesses in
Western Kentucky should handle the different challenges they face (Murphy, n.d.). Socially
responsible companies have a greater tendency to adopt ethical leadership, and this relationship
has a positive impact on financial performance (Saha et al., 2020).

What is the research topic?
Examination of how corporate social responsibility affects the financial performance of small
businesses in Western Kentucky.

What is the research design? (e.g. Qualitative or Quantitative)
The research design that will be used is quantitative. This quantitative research design is causalcomparative which examines differences between private and franchise owned using corporate
social responsibility to affect their financial performance of small retail businesses in Western
• What is the method of your design? (Please review either Appendix F or H of the
Dissertation Research Handbook – Consult Announcements or live chats for details)
The method of design that will be used is a case study focusing on understanding small
businesses in Western Kentucky and their different challenges. This is important to come up with
a lasting solution to small businesses’ challenges.

What is the research question (qualitative) or hypothesis (quantitative)?
R1: How corporate social responsibility affect the financial performance of small businesses in
Western Kentucky?
R2: How does leaders and decision-makers in private and franchise-owned small businesses
corporate social responsibility implementation to affect their financial performance in Western
R3: How does leaders and decision-makers in private and franchise-owned small businesses
view the benefits of CSR to the relationship between customers and small business owners in
Western Kentucky?

How will the data be collected? What is the population you would like to address?
Where will you select your sample from?
Data will be collected through a survey with multiple-choice questions distributed to three
leaders and decision-makers in fifteen private and franchise-owned small businesses.
Questionnaire forms will be distributed among two groups: private and franchise-owned
businesses in Western Kentucky. The sample will be selected from the small business industry in
Western Kentucky, particularly the leader must have at a minimum, two to three years of
experience and is familiar with CSR. This Quantitative research aims to confirm or test
something a theory.

What is the Theoretical Framework? (What theories covered in the program are
associated with your topic?) Please list and explain each construct in the theory and
how they are mapped to your Research Questions.
Use quantitative research if you want to confirm or test something a theory Quanti The
theories that are related to the topic include the Carroll Theory and the stakeholder theories.
Carroll’s theory focuses on ensuring businesses are economically profitable, obeying the laws,
being ethically responsible and giving to philanthropic causes. This demands that as small
businesses operate, they are supposed to ensure that they adhere to these demands to meet the
different needs of the community. Hence, it shows the significance of CSR to the community and
business. The stakeholder theory focuses on the interconnection between the business,
customers, employees, suppliers, communities, investors, and others at stake in an organization.
The theory demands that the business should be able to create value for all its stakeholders.
Hence, CSR ensures the business can create value for all its stakeholders.
Mapping Research Questions
How corporate social
responsibility affect the
financial performance of small
businesses in Western
How does leaders and
decision-makers in private and
franchise-owned small
businesses corporate social
responsibility implementation
to affect their financial
performance in Western
How does leaders and
decision-makers in private and
franchise-owned small
businesses view the benefits of
CSR to the relationship
between customers and small
business owners in Western
Pestana, Z. (2023, July 25). Small Business Social Responsibility: Benefits, Ideas & Examples.
Digital banking singapore. https://aspireapp.com/blog/small-business-socialresponsibility
Murphy, C. B. (n.d.). Why is social responsibility important to some businesses?. Investopedia.
Saha, R., Cerchione, R., Singh, R., & Dahiya, R. (2020). Effect of ethical leadership and
corporate social responsibility on firm performance: A systematic review. Corporate
Social Responsibility Environmental Management, 27(2), 409
429. https://doi.org/10.1002/csr.1824

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