Discussion Thread: Psychoeducational Groups 250 words max (Liberty COUC 512) Week 1


Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to identify a topic of interest for a Psychoeducational group and identify factors that must be considered in planning.

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Discussion Thread: Psychoeducational Groups 250 words max (Liberty COUC 512) Week 1
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Question/Prompt: To begin this Discussion, select one of the following group topics and use it to title your initial thread. Please review other titled submissions so that no more than 12 students are grouped under one topic. The student group formed within each topic will later collaborate (during intensive week) to lead a Psychoeducational group.

Group Topics:

Positive Thinking Skills

Anger Management Skills

Social-Emotional Learning Skills

Conflict Management Skills

Stress Management Skills

Substance Abuse Education

After choosing your psychoeducational topic from the above list, please answer the following questions. Be sure to cite your textbook and other appropriate resources.

What is a psychoeducational group?

Who can benefit from a psychoeducational group?

What specific goals would you want clients/students to meet from attending this group?

Do you have any specific activities you think would be helpful to use in this group?

Why does this topic interest you?

What does any applicable research say about the impact of psychoeducation groups related to this particular topic?

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The student will complete 3 Discussions in this course. The student will post one thread of at
least 200-250 words in response to the initial prompt by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of the
assigned Module. The student must then post 1 reply of at least 100-150 words in response to
the provided reply prompt by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the assigned Module. For each
thread, students must support their assertions with citations from at least 2 scholarly sources
in current APA format. Each reply must incorporate citations from at least 2 scholarly sources
in current APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years.
Acceptable sources include peer-reviewed journals and the textbook. The student should
consider the discussion topic from a Christian/Biblical worldview and integrate his or her
thoughts from this perspective along with any applicable Biblical references.

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