discussion response 1


please respond to the following discussion post as a peer making a comment. ” In health care, having the ability to lead can come from any person on the team. What I think is special in health is the way that anyone can be a leader, whether they are in a leadership position. The qualities that a strong leader has are integrity, delegating, communication, self-awareness, gratitude, empathy, courage, and respect. (Leadership qualities that build great healthcare leaders, 2022) The qualities that I feel I am strongest in is integrity, courage, gratitude, and respect. I will always need to improve communication, whether it be making sure I am actively listening to promote trust and openness for employees. Something that I have also needed work on is delegating. As I come into my leadership role, I am getting better at trusting my team to do the work that is needed without me taking control. It is getting better, but always will need improvement. During my practicum experience, I will be exposed to many different leaders and employees throughout my organization. This will help me with developing my communication skills across all types of people. My project will help incorporate all of these qualities as well. I am excited to learn different skills that I can mold and make my own for when I am in a leadership role.References:Leadership qualities that build great healthcare leaders. Concordia University, Nebraska. (2022, May 18). https://www.cune.edu/academics/graduate/mha-degree/leadership-qualities-build-great-healthcare-leaders REPLYKS

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