Discussion Questions 2 weeks


Week 8 Discussion- Johnson & Johnson Your People Plan Staffing decisions will likely play a critical role in the successful implementation of your strategic plan. Referencing people management practices you have studied in this program and drawing on your own experience, address the following: What changes to team structures and key roles will you need make to execute your strategic initiative? Explain.Will the head count/salary costs be net positive, negative, or neutral? Why?What training and other resources will you require to support the new plan?What is the most critical element of your people plan that you will have to get right for your plan to work? Why? Week 9 Discussion- Johnson & Johnson Leading Change As you make your final preparations for your Board Presentation, what operational and organizational changes will you make to ensure the successful implementation of your plan? Comment specifically on the following: The timelines and costs for these changes.Using Kotter’s 8-Stage Process for Leading Change, pick the 3 or 4 stages that are most critical to the successful implementation of your plan. Explain why you identified these.How do your proposed changes align with your organization’s culture and where do you anticipate the greatest resistance?How will you measure the success of the changes you plan to make?

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Discussion Questions 2 weeks
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Week 8 Discussion- Johnson & Johnson
Your People Plan
Staffing decisions will likely play a critical role in the successful implementation of your strategic
plan. Referencing people management practices you have studied in this program and drawing on
your own experience, address the following:

What changes to team structures and key roles will you need make to execute your
strategic initiative? Explain.
Will the head count/salary costs be net positive, negative, or neutral? Why?
What training and other resources will you require to support the new plan?
What is the most critical element of your people plan that you will have to get right for
your plan to work? Why?
Week 9 Discussion- Johnson & Johnson
Leading Change
As you make your final preparations for your Board Presentation, what operational and
organizational changes will you make to ensure the successful implementation of your
plan? Comment specifically on the following:

The timelines and costs for these changes.
Using Kotter’s 8-Stage Process for Leading Change, pick the 3 or 4 stages that are
most critical to the successful implementation of your plan. Explain why you identified
How do your proposed changes align with your organization’s culture and where do
you anticipate the greatest resistance?
How will you measure the success of the changes you plan to make?

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