Discussion Questions


Discussion #1: Read this article and then explain how you think it is best to weigh physicians’ responsibility to patients based on the Hippocratic Oath with their responsibility to protect their own health during times of crises. What is the best guidance in terms of making those decisions?https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/pdf/10.2105/AJPH.2018.304582Links to an external site.Discussion#2: This weeks’ topic is medical conscientious objection and the article specifically discuses the decriminalization of abortion in Mexico. I have included my questions below and I look forward to reading everyones thoughtful responses. Please respond to one question only.The author states that conscientious objection is a right, justified through autonomy and integrity however in the case of abortion conflicts with women’s reproductive rights. Do you believe CO is a right? In the case of abortions how might this compromise reproductive rights or on the other hand violate others moral or religious opinions? Many physicians, nurses and other hospital staff in Mexico at the time of the decriminalization of abortion believe that it went against their moral or religious beliefs and refused to perform the termination procedures. Do you believe this violates their duty to treat? How can the government, public health organizations or other health care systems balance the right for conscientious objection while also protecting women’s reproductive rights?

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