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Technology Trends in the Travel Industry
Travel technology trends represent the latest digital and technological
solutions advancements in the travel industry. They are important for
enhancing customer experience, streamlining operations, and providing new
opportunities for personalization and efficiency in travel planning and
Key Takeaways

Sustainable Technology: Emphasizes sustainable fuel in cruises and
airlines and renewable energy in hospitality, aligning with
environmental consciousness.
Artificial Intelligence & Big Data: Highlights AI in customer service, like
chatbots, and big data’s role in personalizing travel experiences and
business analytics.
Augmented and Virtual Reality: Focuses on AR for enhancing realworld travel experiences and VR for virtual tours, improving customer
Mobile Technology: Increasing reliance on smartphones for travel
bookings, check-ins, and digital travel guides.
Internet of Things (IoT): Use of IoT for personalized room settings in
hotels and real-time luggage tracking.
Biometrics: Implementing biometric technology for faster and more
secure identification at airports and hotels.
5G Connectivity: Enhances mobile internet speed, improving online
travel services and communication.
Voice Technology: Growing use in search and booking processes for
hands-free, convenient travel planning.
Blockchain Technology: Offers secure, transparent transactions in
travel bookings and loyalty programs.
Technology is crucial to the tourism and travel industry, helping businesses
with day-to-day operations while improving the customer experience. For this
reason, hotels, airlines, restaurants, and other companies must keep up with
the latest technology trends within the travel industry. In this article, you can
learn more about the new travel tech trends of 2024.
What is Travel Technology?
Travel technology is a broad term that is used to describe the application of
IT, e-commerce, and similar technology solutions within the fields of tourism,
travel, and hospitality. Hotel and tourism technology may be intended to
assist businesses and their employees, improve the travel experience for
customers, or both.
Ultimately, the goals or motivations behind implementing travel technology
include automating travel and related processes, saving time, reducing costs,
and creating a more seamless travel experience for consumers. Technology
can be deployed to enhance the customer experience before, during, and after
the trip.
Why is Travel Technology Important for Businesses
in Tourism & Travel Industry?
Travel technology can help businesses streamline their processes or even
automate processes traditionally requiring active human involvement. This
can help a business reduce staffing requirements, cut costs, and increase the
income they generate, leading to improved financial results.
In addition, technology can assist businesses through improved accuracy and
convenience while helping reduce or eliminate human error. However, it is
essential to always keep up with the latest tourism technology trends so that
the best solutions are being used and that other businesses do not gain a
competitive edge.
Why Should You Keep Up With the Latest Tourism
& Travel Technology Trends?
Businesses should always keep up with the latest travel technology trends
because your main competitors will too. This means you risk giving them a
significant advantage if you allow them to adopt new technology. At the same
time, you rest on your laurels, especially if the technology is designed to
benefit customers.
As trends emerge and new technology becomes established, customers
expect a certain level of experience and want the convenience associated.
Customers will likely feel disappointed if your business fails to meet these
expectations. This could then, in turn, lead to negative reviews and damage to
your reputation.
At the same time, keeping up with travel and tourism technology trends can
also help employees and may make recruitment easier, as candidates will
want to work with the latest tools, especially if it can reduce stress.
Which Developments Are Responsible for the Latest
Travel Tech Trends?
A trend can be defined as a general development within a particular field or as
a general shift in behavior. Within hospitality, several factors are responsible
for changes in consumer behavior and, therefore, are responsible for many of
the most relevant travel tech trends.
Emerging technology, including voice search, virtual and augmented reality,
facial recognition technology, and the Internet of Things, has led to the
adoption of smart speakers in hotels, virtual reality tours from travel
companies, and new, seamless ways to check-in, without having to queue and
speak to reception staff.
Within our personal lives, we increasingly use contactless payments, voice
search, and mobile solutions, so it makes sense that tourism technology
trends have followed this same basic pattern. The COVID-19 pandemic also
accelerated some of these behaviors, increasing the need for contactless
Discover The 15 Key Technology Trends in the
Tourism & Travel Industry
We piled up the latest and newest technology trends in tourism and travel,
along with tech trends for 2024.
1. Sustainable Technology Trends in the Travel Industry
Many of the technology trends travel industry leaders need to be aware of are
influenced by the issue of sustainability. The sections below cover some of
the most important sustainable technology trends.
Sustainable Fuel for Cruise Ships
Among the emerging technology trends for travel industry figures to focus on
is the shift towards more sustainable fuel within the cruise industry. An
example of this that is already in use is the move to renewable biofuels, while
it is anticipated that there will be a significant shift to partially batterypowered hybrid ships in the years to come.
On top of this, there is substantial interest in green hydrogen and green
methanol fuels. All of these options provide the potential for the cruise
industry to reduce its carbon footprint, which will appeal to environmentallyconscious travelers.
Like in the cruise industry, airlines are facing growing customer apprehension
about the environmental sustainability of their services. This is driving a new
era of sustainability technology in the industry, and one of the major
technology trends travel industry marketers are promoting is the use of more
sustainable aircraft.
Some of these aircraft are already being powered by biofuels, which help to
reduce the environmental impact of each flight. Beyond this, the aviation
industry at large is exploring electric aircraft, the possibility of using hydrogen
fuel, and options to shift towards hybrid fuel so that customers can fly with
greater confidence.
Renewable Energy in the Hospitality Industry
Renewable energy ranks highly among the technology trends that travel
industry and hospitality industry leaders are interested in. This includes wind
power, solar power, hydropower and biomass. While these solutions can be
expensive to implement, the hospitality industry is becoming more willing to
spend money in this area for several reasons.
Firstly, it presents an opportunity to appeal to the ever-growing number of
ethical travelers who actively avoid unsustainable travel. Secondly, it can help
hospitality companies to win favor in the local area by minimizing the
consumption of resources. Thirdly, there are long-term cost-saving
opportunities on offer.
2. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Away from robots, artificial intelligence is being used in other ways too.
Perhaps the most obvious use within the travel and tourism industry is for
customer service purposes, with chatbots possessing the ability to deliver
rapid response times to problems or queries. It is also able to continuously
learn from interactions with customers.
In addition, hotels and other companies operating in the tourism industry can
use artificial intelligence to accurately and continuously sort through data. It
can draw conclusions about business performance or trends associated with
customer satisfaction and even intelligently manage inventories.
Find more detailed information and examples about artificial intelligence use
cases in the travel industry in the article “How Artificial Intelligence is
Changing the Travel Industry.”
3. Big Data
In modern tourism management, big data is a fact of life, and almost all
successful companies employ their own data collection techniques. One of
the biggest uses for this data is to improve personalization, with travel
companies using the information they gather to make specific adjustments to
their offerings.
Another valuable use of data is to analyze current business performance. In
particular, hotel owners can use big data for revenue management purposes,
using historical occupancy rates and other past trends to better anticipate
levels of demand. When demand is predictable, pricing and promotional
strategies can also be optimized.
4. Robots
Robotics technology is one of the most exciting forms of travel technology,
and it is constantly improving. Within hotels, for example, robots have been
used in concierge-like roles, helping to greet guests when they arrive and
provide information. Some hotels have expanded their use further, involving
them in cleaning and luggage handling.
Within restaurants, robots can potentially have a role in food preparation and
food service. In airports, they can detect concealed weapons, while some
manufacturers also use robotics to create luggage cases that intelligently
follow you. Moreover, travel agents use robots for pre-screening, making
waiting times more productive for customers.
As with many other technology trends within the travel industry, the use of
robots has increased in response to COVID, especially as they have the
potential to reduce human-to-human contact.
5. Voice Search & Voice Control
Smartphones, smart speakers, and AI assistants have all helped to increase
the relevance of voice search as far as technology trends in the travel
industry are concerned. In particular, a growing number of travel customers
are using voice search to find and book airline tickets, hotel rooms, and travel
It is, therefore, crucial to design your website with voice search in mind so
that you can capitalize on this trend.
On top of this, voice control is also playing a growing role in actual travel
experiences too. Within hotel rooms, voice-controlled devices can be used to
control lighting and heating within rooms, or to obtain tourist information
without needing to speak to a member of staff. This is likely to continue to
expand into other areas of the industry too.
6. Augmented Reality (AR)
Augmented reality is similar to virtual reality, but involves augmenting a
person’s real surroundings, rather than replacing them. One of the major plus
points of this particular technological trend is that it is cheaper than VR, with
users requiring only a smartphone or tablet device with internet access.
Through graphical overlays, those in the tourism industry can greatly enhance
the customer experience, providing customers with valuable information or
even pure entertainment. For instance, apps can allow photographs to be
augmented through filters and effects. Details about local destinations can
also be displayed as a customer points their smartphone at them, providing
information at the exact time that it is most relevant.
7. Virtual Reality (VR)
Virtual reality has been an emerging technology in a number of different
sectors, but its role within the tourism industry is especially significant. After
all, it provides travelers with the ability to experience far away locations from
the comfort of their own home, and can be the difference in whether they
ultimately complete a booking.
Using VR tours, customers can experience everything from virtual hotels
tours and restaurants to landmarks, national parks or even specific activities.
The interactivity and immersion can also help to provide you with a
competitive advantage over rivals who are not yet making the most of these
kinds of tech trends. Most VR tours or 360 tours are now compatible with
mainstream web browsers and can help those still reluctant to travel see the
benefits more clearly.
8. Internet of Things (IoT)
One of the most exciting emerging travel technology trends is the Internet of
Things (IoT), which involves internet-based interconnectivity between
everyday devices, allowing them to both send and receive data. We already
see examples of its role within the travel and tourism industry, and this will
only increase.
For instance, IoT technology can be used in hotel rooms to provide customers
with a device that connects to everything from the lights, to the heaters and
air conditioning, allowing all to be controlled from one place. In airports,
meanwhile, luggage cases can be installed with sensors that will alert
passengers when they pass by.
9. AI Chatbots
AI-powered chatbots can be one of the single most sensible travel technology
investments you can make, because these chatbots can provide customers
with swift answers to questions on a 24/7 basis, regardless of staff
availability. This can be essential for living up to current expectations of
customer service.
Typically, these chatbots are at their best when answering common
questions, which have standard answers. Yet, advances in AI technology
mean modern chatbots continually improve as they have more and more
interactions. They can also be especially good at responding to queries about
policies and other measures or procedures.
10. ChatGPT Use in the Travel Industry
The use of ChatGPT is one of the technology trends travel industry leaders
simply must familiarize themselves with. ChatGPT is an AI-powered tool that
responds intelligently to user prompts. It can be used for tasks ranging from
answering simple user questions to automatically generating entire articles or
blog posts.
In the “ChatGPT Travel Guide: How the Travel Industry Can Benefit!“ article,
you will have the opportunity to learn about how ChatGPT is being used
throughout the industry to improve customer satisfaction, reduce costs,
improve booking experiences, assist with personalization, aid with data
analytics, and much more.
11. CyberSecurity Measures
Cybersecurity is a major focus area for those in travel management roles
because companies in the industry are increasingly at risk from cyber-attacks
and more vulnerable to other kinds of data breaches. Travel companies are a
major target because they employ many people and have access to abundant
customer data.
Some of the biggest threats in this area include phishing attacks and
ransomware attacks, although the modern reliance on data also leaves
companies at risk from human error caused by their own employees. This
requires investment in cybersecurity training and various hardware and
software solutions to keep your business safe.
It is also important to keep up with the latest regulations and to comply with
data protection laws.
12. Recognition Technology
Finally, recognition technology is especially interesting within this list of key
tech trends, due to its potential for removing friction from purchases and
making interactions seamless. The technology itself includes fingerprint
recognition, facial recognition, retina scanning, and various other biometric
Such technology is already being used in some hotels to allow access to
rooms via fingerprints or to allow for semi-contactless check-outs. However,
in the future, it is hoped that this technology may allow customers to pay for
meals in the hotel restaurant simply by walking through the exit.
13. Metaverse & Travel
Another of the technology trends travel industry businesses need to be aware
of is the growth of the metaverse. This expands upon virtual reality and
augmented reality technology, providing a digital environment where social
interactions can take place.
14. NFTs Enter the Travel Industry
NFTs are a significant technology trend in general, but also one of the
technology trends travel industry stakeholders must become familiar with.
NFTs are digital assets on the blockchain and represent unique digital items.
15. Contactless Payments
Another important form of travel tech is the ability to accept contactless
payments. This will allow travel companies to process payments much more
quickly, including when customers do not have access to cash or their credit
or debit cards. It can also enhance the customer experience because it is a
time saver.
The availability of contactless payments started as a convenience, but it has
emerged as a key part of tourism marketing in the wake of the coronavirus
pandemic. With travelers nervous about the spread of the virus, many are
reluctant to handle cash. Using contactless payments as much as possible
can also protect your staff.
What Are the Latest Trends in Travel Marketing?
Aside from staying up to date with the latest travel technology trends, you
should also keep pace with the latest trends in travel marketing too. There is a
significant cross-over between travel and tourism technology, with examples
including virtual reality marketing and voice search marketing, but there are
also specific marketing trends too.
What Are the Latest Trends in Tourism?
Much of the popular travel technology has been influenced by wider tourism
and travel trends. For instance, the trend of environmentally conscious travel
has influenced the rise of electric vehicle hire, while the trend for greater
personalization has influenced the increased use of IoT devices within hotel
Learn More About Tourism & Travel Tech During
Tourism Courses
Enrolling in a tourism course is one of the best ways to learn about travel
technology and its various applications. There is a wide range of options
available, depending on what area of tourism you would like to specialize in,
with examples including travel & tourism, leisure & tourism, tourism
marketing, and tourism management.
The Best Tourism Industry Job Boards
Travel technology plays a role in a variety of tourism jobs, and technology can
also be used to find a job too. Whether you are at the beginning of your career
or already experienced in the industry and looking to progress, tourism
industry job boards can be extremely useful when searching for vacancies
and applying for a new job.

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