Discussion question


Discussion 1

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The correlation between fraud risk management principles and the principles of internal control is documented in COSO’s fraud risk management guide. Analyze how fraud risk management principles may be used by companies to develop and maintain effective internal control. [MO 3.1, MO 3.

Discussion 2

In this exercise, we are going to discuss and evaluate change leaders that you have observed within your organizational environments. Post a response of between 500 and 700 words (five paragraphs), using the following as headings.

Introduction: Provide a brief description of your organization and your role in it. Include a thesis-type statement that encapsulates the purpose of your posting.
A Successful Change Leader: Tell about the person who is your example of a successful change leader and about the change that person led. Then examine their performance related to each of Kotter’s eight steps for leading change:

Create a sense of urgency.
Build a guiding coalition.
Form a strategic vision and initiatives.
Enlist a volunteer army.
Enable action by removing barriers.
Generate short-term wins.
Sustain acceleration.
Institute change.
A Less Successful Change Leader: Tell about the person who is your example of a less successful change leader and about the change that person led. Then examine their performance related to each of Kotter’s eight steps for leading change.
Effectiveness of the Kotter Model: Comment on the effectiveness of the Kotter model as a determinant of effective change management.
The Leader as Change Agent: Based on your examples, construct an argument for the importance and value of the leader as a key change agent in the change process.