Discussion Question


Discussion Question

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This week is about the various philosophical worldviews researchers utilize to help guide their choice of research methodology. Each worldview reflects assumptions about the benefits research can bring to society. Please post something related to the content covered this week to the discussion board.

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Here are some ideas for your post to get you started:

Discuss your personal preference of the four philosophical worldviews; which do you gravitate to and why?
After completing the readings for this week, share which reading most interested you or you felt was most immediately relevant to your own professional or academic career.
Response Guidelines

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Student 1 Response

After reviewing the various types of research methodologies I believe I could relate best to the pragmatism approach. I believe that I lean towards this methodology because I tend to focus more on real-world practicality/practice as well as trying to focus on solving problems, both of which are qualities of pragmatism (Cresswell & Cresswell, 2022). Further I believe that this methodolgy allows for the most flexibility in research, as pragmatism allows for the utilization of mixed research methods, as well as offering the most freedom when it comes to researcher choice (Cresswell & Cresswell, 2022). By allowing so much freedom in how a researcher can conduct their experiments, I believe that this methodology allows for the most benefits/information to be discovered, as researchers would have the freedom to design the most effective research methods possible.


Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2022). Research Design (6th ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc. (US). https://capella.vitalsource.com/books/978107181796…

Student 2

This week’s readings focused on the four main worldviews relative to research. The four main worldviews, according to Creswell, are Postpositivism, Constructivism, Transformative, and Pragmatism (Creswell, 2017).

While completing the readings, I found myself to be more familiarized with the Postpositivism worldview, also known as the view based more on scientific methods containing a Hypothesis that the research is based upon. Although this is the one I more commonly know, if given the choice, I would not use it for my own research. This worldview is very black and white and as we all know, Psychology is far from that!

If given the choice for my own research, I would lean more towards the Pragmatism worldview. This view allows for both quantitative and qualitative research designs (Creswell, 2017). My focus, studying Clinical Psychology with a focus on forensics, is to one day open my own practice for first responders and their families and study methods and research new ways to help first responders cope with trauma. When dealing with individuals, the Pragmatism worldview allows the freedom to navigate research and questions without heavy restrictions and the need for a definite final solution.


Creswell J. W., & Creswell J. D. (2017). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed
Methods Approaches. [Capella]. Retrieved
from https://capella.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781506386…