Discussion Posts


I need help to have six discussion posts as explained in the attached file. Each discussion post should be addressing all the questions asked. Also, each discussion post should be up to 500 words inclusive of references. Please share with me six separate files covering each discussion post. In case of any doubt, please get in touch with me.

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Discussion Post 1
There are many types of research methods depending on your industry, position, and research
goals. One area of focus is loyalty and collecting research to understand loyalty best and
increase it.
In a competitive industry, it is essential to understand who you are marketing to, and then you
can best create a loyalty program that speaks to this market.
Research loyalty as it applies to your final paper topic in this course (UPSIDE Foods – link
to website UPSIDE Foods). Brainstorm how you will create loyalty for this new offering.
• Who is in the target market for your final marketing plan? Make sure to provide the
• What type of research methods will help you to understand this market best?
• How will you obtain loyalty from this market?
• Briefly describe the competition in this industry and any loyalty efforts that the major
competitors are using.
Discuss each question and support your ideas with validating scholarly research.
Discussion Post 2
When thinking of a strong brand, prominent names such as Starbucks, Nike and Apple may
come to mind. These companies have not only achieved high brand recognition, but they’ve
also managed to release multiple successful brand extensions under their names. Some brand
extensions have not been as successful.
Research the topic of branding and building a strong brand image, including some research on
some brand extensions that have not been successful.
• Summarize and share any conclusion that can be made from your research on this topic
• Share an example of a brand extension that could have gone better. What went wrong,
in your opinion?
• What advice can you offer a company on successful branding?
Discuss each question and support your ideas with validating scholarly research.
Discussion Post 3
As you continue working on your final marketing plan in this course (UPSIDE Foods – link
to website UPSIDE Foods), pricing will be a crucial aspect of your plan. You will want to
consider current branding efforts, the competitive environment, and the value this brings your
Research pricing as it applies to your offering and industry (UPSIDE Foods – link to website
UPSIDE Foods). Consider your options for pricing. Consider your market position in
determining your price.
• What will your price point be?
• Briefly discuss how you arrived at this price.
• How does this support your market position?
Discuss each question and support your ideas with validating scholarly research.
Discussion Post 4
Branding has been a heavy marketing focus in recent years. As you shop for products,
branding can influence your shopping behavior. You may recognize a familiar brand that is
known for its quality. Other times, you may recognize a brand that is more environmentally
conscious. Branding can help you to decide which product to buy in a competitive market.
This week do some research on branding as well as marketing channels. Consider the
relationship between these two as you reflect on the following questions.
• How important is branding or brand image for marketers?
• Marketers have many channels to consider as they decide on placement. Should
channel images be consistent with brand images? Why or why not?
• What type of effect has online availability had on branding?
Discuss each question and support your ideas with validating scholarly research.
Discussion Post 5
Marketers have many means of communicating with the public. With the rise of digital and
mobile strategies, consumers can receive marketing solicitation around the clock.
Research communication strategies carefully, considering the pros and cons of each method.
Consider how value is communicated in marketing.
• Considering the industry you work in or aspire to work in, what type of
communication strategies are predominant?
• Considering the many available mediums, is TV advertising still the most powerful, or
has it faded in importance?
• For your final marketing plan- which mediums will you focus on and why?
Discuss each question and support your ideas with validating scholarly research.
Discussion Post 6
Real World example
Your best friend owns a small children’s clothing store located in the downtown area of a
community of 50,000 citizens. The business has been slow the past year due to the
construction of several new strip malls and a new Walmart store (Increased competition). She
discovered you were taking an online marketing class and asked for your advice for ideas to
increase her sales (She owns her present building and will not relocate her business, even
though the downtown area is losing stores to the new strip malls). What would you tell her
based on what you have learned in this course?
Research small business marketing and low-cost promotional strategies

What advice would you offer to your friend?
What low-cost strategies could she employ to help stay competitive?
Share your ideas on how small businesses can compete when larger businesses come
to town.
Discuss each question and support your ideas with validating scholarly research.

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