discussion post


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Week 5 – Discussion Forum 1
Weekly Learning Objectives Covered
In this discussion forum, you will design strategies for a communication process that
facilitates successful change.
Imagine that:

You are the liaison between the decision makers and the followers.
Your role is to communicate potential personnel change initiatives.
In your post, using the communication strategies found in the text,

List the actions you will take to format the conversation with employees
regarding the restructuring process.
Design a strategy to communicate the personnel change initiatives.
Your main post must be a minimum of 300 words.
Week 5 – Discussion Forum 2
Weekly Learning Objectives Covered
In this discussion forum, you will define the skills required to effectively communicate
change initiatives.
There are specific qualities required to successfully communicate change initiatives
within an organization. In your post, drawing from the week’s lecture and readings,
discuss some of the most important leadership skills required to develop employee
ownership and acceptance of change initiatives within an organization.
Your main post must be a minimum of 300 words.
Week 6 – Discussion Forum 1
Weekly Learning Objectives Covered
In this discussion forum, you will:

Demonstrate a clear understanding of the organizational change process.
Discuss a productive failure and the significant lessons that emerged.
Sometimes things go wrong, and that is not always a bad thing. You can learn from
failure. If the organizational members learned from the failure, the failure was productive
However, if no learning occurred, the failure was not productive.
In your post,

Define and discuss the concept of productive failure.
Discuss a time in your organization’s history (or in an organization you are
familiar with) when a change process failed.
Explain the situation and what you learned in the process.
Why do some organizations fail but become stronger while others fail to
Your main post must be a minimum of 300 words.
Week 6 – Discussion Forum 2
Learning Objectives Covered
In this discussion forum, you will:

Demonstrate a clear understanding of the organizational change process.
Analyze the use of ethical thinking on change processes.
While change is inevitable in most organizations, there is a difference between
superficial change and embedded, sustaining change. Drawing from this week’s lecture
and readings, in your post,

Discuss the processes for successfully implementing and sustaining change.
Provide examples designed to help make change stick.
Apply at least one of the examples to an organizational change with which you
are familiar.
Your main post must be a minimum of 300 words.

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