Discussion Post


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Public Finance
Discussion 1 post: You must post your original answer on Thursday by 11:59 pm
before responding to another student’s post by Sunday 11:59 pm. (300 Words)

One (1) original post by Thursday at 11:59 pm and one (1) response post by Sunday
11:59 pm are required per assigned discussion (The system requires you to post an
original post before a response, it will not allow a response without an original post!)
The original post should be a minimum of 300 words, and 30 lines.
The approximate length of the response post is 100 words, 10 lines.
Two posts are required by the stated deadline, Sunday at 11:59 pm.
Discussion posts will be graded within a week.
Each discussion forum is worth 5 points.
Answer these questions in your original post (please remember to cite in-text
using module resources):
1. The adopted Budget of a government is said to be a Policy Document, a Financial
Plan, an Operations Guide, and a Communication Device among others:
a. Explain in what sense the Budget is a Policy Document. Provide an example if
you feel that helps make your point.
b. To whom and how does the Budget serve as a Financial Plan, an Operations
Guide, and a Communication Device during the fiscal year?
2. Review the Exercise. Choose an organization of your interest, review its budget, and
answer the following questions as best as you can:
a. What is the mission(s) of this government/agency?
b. What are the major programs carried out by this agency? What object of
expenditure category is the largest? Which is growing the fastest?
c. Is the number of personnel (full-time equivalent or FTE) in the agency growing,
and is the growth rate faster or slower than the personnel budget (in dollars)?
d. What information does this budget give you on the productivity and performance
of this government/agency? What information would you like to have to be able to
assess the ‘efficiency’ and ‘effectiveness’ of this government/agency?
e. Provide an assessment of the overall readability of the budget document. Your
assessment could consider the following: length of the budget document, clear
statement of policy priorities, cogent narrative with limited use of jargon, etc.
Discussion No. 2
Think critically about crime on your college campus. Briefly outline how a researcher
would use each of the following types of research to investigate campus crime:
exploratory research, descriptive research, and explanatory research. (300 Words)
To get the maximum score for participation, you are required to: i) read course materials for the week
they are assigned; ii) post your original response to the discussion question by Thursday at 11:59
pm, January 25th; iii) read the messages posted by your classmates; iv) write meaningful responses
to two (2 )classmates’ posts (January 28th). Note that you must post your original response to see
classmates’ posts.

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