Discussion on Chapter 15


How you do this is up to you! You are in charge. You only need to make sure to make a meaningful post opportunity for your peers to reply to and make your replies meaningful. Use disease and disorders from chapter 15. Tips:Just use Ch 15 in your DB exercises.Discuss what interested you the most in this chapter, ask questions of classmates, and answer throughly to classmates. Primary Post at least 300 wordBe original!Make your primary post something that will encourage learning and discussion

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Discussion on Chapter 15
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Chapter 15
System and
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Chapter 15
Objective 1: Pronounce organs and
anatomic structures of
the nervous system.
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Central Nervous System:
Brain and Spinal Cord
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Simplified View of the Nervous System
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Cerebrum and Ventricles
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Pons, Medulla Oblongata, and Midbrain
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Spinal Cord Showing
Layers of Meninges
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Cranial Nerves
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Chapter 15
Objective 2: Define and spell word
parts related to the
nervous system.
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Can You Define These Suffixes?
1. -iatrist
1. specialist, physician
2. -iatry
2. treatment, specialty
3. -ictal
3. seizure, attack
4. -paresis
4. slight paralysis
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Helpful Information
• The combining form myel/o is defined as spinal
cord in Chapter 15, although it also means bone
marrow, as presented in Chapter 14.
• The suffix -paresis means slight paralysis, while
the suffix -plegia means paralysis (Chapter 12).
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Review Question
Which of the following means slight paralysis?
b) -plegia
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Chapter 15
Objective 3: Define, pronounce, and
spell disease and
disorder terms related to
the nervous system.
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Disease and Disorder Terms
Built from Word Parts
tumor composed of
developing glia
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A Disease and Disorder Term Built
from Word Parts…
Ice Cream, anyone?
Why might some decline this offer?
sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia
-algia is a suffix meaning pain
neur/o is a combining form meaning nerve
neuralgia is translated as pain in a nerve
Nerve pain of the sphenopalatine ganglion …
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pertaining to below the dura mater, tumor of blood
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Bell Palsy
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Types of Dementia
Common Types of Dementia
• Alzheimer disease
• Vascular or multiple infarct dementia
• Lewy body dementia
• Parkinson dementia
• Frontotemporal dementia (Pick disease)
Less Common Forms of Dementia
• Normal pressure hydrocephalus
• Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
• Infections
• Tumors and chronic subdural hematomas
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Alzheimer Disease
A. Normal brain
B. Changes from Alzheimer
sulci (plural of sulcus): grooves
or furrows in brain are widened
gyri (plural of gyrus): folds of
brain’s outer layer shrink in size
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Copyright © 2018, Elsevier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Causes of Stroke
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Review Question
A general term given to a group of neurologic
disorders, all characterized by abnormal
electrical activity in the brain is called?
a) epilepsy
b) Bell palsy
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Chapter 15
Objective 4: Define, pronounce, and
spell surgical terms
related to the nervous
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incision into a nerve root
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o tomy
Chapter 15
Objective 5: Define, pronounce, and
spell diagnostic terms
related to the nervous
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Diagnostic Terms Built
from Word Parts
• Diagnostic imaging
– cerebral angiography
– CT myelography
• Neurodiagnostic procedures
– electroencephalogram (EEG)
– electroencephalograph
– electroencephalography
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Cerebral Angiogram
process of recording the (blood) vessels
of the cerebrum
cerebral angiography
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Review Question
myel o graphy
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Lumbar Puncture with
Needle in Place
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Review Question
The correct spelling to label the diagram is:
a) PET scan: positron emission tomography
b) PT scan: positron emmision tomography
Copyright © 2018, Elsevier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 15
Objective 6: Define, pronounce, and
spell complementary
terms related to the
nervous system.
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Complementary Terms
Built from Word Parts
Pertaining to Below the Dura Mater
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A Closer Look at “ESTHESI/O”
sensation, sensitivity, feeling
A N E S T H E S I A : without (loss of) feeling or
D Y S E S T H E S I A : painful sensation
H Y P E R E S T H E S I A : excessive sensitivity (to
PA R E S T H E S I A : abnormal sensation
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Types of Paralysis
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quadr i
Chapter 15
Objective 7: Define, pronounce, and
spell behavioral health
Copyright © 2018, Elsevier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Clinical Psychologist or Psychiatrist
is a physician who has had additional training and
experience in prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of
mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. Psychiatrists
often prescribe medications for patients with these
is one who has had graduate training in clinical
psychology and who administers psychological tests and
treats individuals with disturbances of mental, emotional,
and behavioral disorders by counseling therapy.
Copyright © 2018, Elsevier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Review Question
PTSD is the abbreviation for
posttraumatic schizophrenia disease
b) posttraumatic stress disorder
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Chapter 15
Objective 8: Interpret the meaning of
abbreviations related to
the nervous system.
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Abbreviations – Quick Review (1 of 2)
Name the abbreviation for this sudden deficient
supply of blood to the brain lasting a short time.
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Abbreviations – Quick Review (2 of 2)
These samples tracings represent what might
be seen on a record of electrical activity of the
brain, or
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Chapter 15
Objective 9: Apply medical language
in clinical contexts.
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Pronounce Medical Terms in Use
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Comprehend Medical Terms in Use
(1 of 2)
Test your comprehension of terms in the previous
medical document by answering the following
1. While in the emergency department, the patient had:
a. inability to swallow and paralysis from the waist
b. inability to speak and slight paralysis of the right
side of the body
c. inability to swallow and slight paralysis of the right
side of the body
d. inability to speak and paralysis from the waist
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Comprehend Medical Terms in Use
(2 of 2)
2. T F A diagnosis of stroke was made after an MRI of the
brain was performed.
3. The patient had a history of:
a. sudden deficient supply of blood to the brain
b. sudden loss of consciousness
c. slight paralysis of one side
d. a clot in the cerebrum
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