Discussion Instructions


In this forum, we will get to know one another. The first thing I would like you to provide us with a brief introduction (does not have to be 350 words minimum) so we can get to know each other. You should include your name, major, the reason for taking a class over intercession, and if you have any tips for online success. Also, please include one of your favorite songs. You can put the link to it or embed it by using “Insert” in the reply box. Click insert, then either click like and paste the code or click embed and paste the embed code.You don’t have to respond to one (1) of your peers this week, but certainly, do so if you like. It is fun to say Hi to people. You can include pictures, book recommendations, or anything fun to share… These also don’t need to be a minimum 350 words – but have fun. If you want, you can record your introduction for us. Studio (main Canvas toolbar, near the bottom, looks like a TV with octopus legs) allows you all to record and save videos. You can then embed it right in your reply. I enjoy reading/watching these introductions very much.

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Discussion Instructions
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