Discussion Discussion


please answer the question and respond to 3 peers separately in a short paragraph.Share with your classmates an example of something you (or your child) has learned via classical conditioning. Share something that you (or your child) learned via operant conditioning? And share something that you (or your child) learned via observational learning? Which of these different types of learning do you think is most proficient in help us acquire new information and abilities? Explain your answer. Peer 1: Growing up in a mentally abusive household, I’ve learned a lot about how people can be conditioned to behave in certain ways. For instance, I remember how my parents would always criticize me whenever I made a mistake, which made me feel worthless and incompetent. This constant negative reinforcement made me afraid to try new things and always second-guess myself. On the other hand, I’ve also experienced classical conditioning in my life. For example, whenever I would hear my parents yelling at each other, I would feel anxious and afraid, even if they weren’t yelling at me. This is because I had learned to associate their yelling with danger and distress. I’ve also learned through observation. For instance, I’ve learned how to navigate social situations by watching how other people interact with each other. This has helped me develop social skills and understand social cues, even though I struggle with social anxiety. Overall, I believe that observational learning has been the most helpful for me in acquiring new information and abilities. This is because it allows me to learn from others’ experiences and adapt my behavior accordingly. However, I also recognize that different types of learning can be effective in different situations, and that everyone’s experience is unique.Peer 2: This may be TMI, but when my mom would yell my name a certain way, very loud and slightly tense like, “Shaniya Shanice Salley!” I would know when I was I was in trouble. For operant condition, as a kid my mom would scold me if I tried asking her something/talking to her if she was on the phone, so I learned to wait until she was off the phone or just forget about what I wanted to ask/say. With observational learning, I think I learned the most, but spcifically I can say that I learned how to order my own food, ask for things at a store, and act in public. I would observe my mom, my friends, and starnger behavior and I would deem what is appropriate/acceptable by the reactions of others. I am a strong believer that observational learning is the most proficient in helping us acquire new information and abilities. I say this because kids, and adults, want to fit in; humans need to feel accepted/belonging. This feeling can be very intense which leads to subconscily paying more attention to the actions or whatnot that we’re trying to learn at the moment. Peer 3: We all experience operant conditioning. You don’t buckle your seatbelt, an annoying chime goes off until you buckle it. Soon you are buckling it to avoid that chime in the first place. That’s negative reinforcement. So is taking out the garbage to get rid of the unpleasant stink in your house. You go to work and get a paycheck, so you continue going to work. Positive reinforcement. You run a red light and get a ticket and a fine, and that stops you from running red lights. Positive punishment. You drive drunk and get driving privileges suspended which stops you from driving drunk. Negative punishment.It’s not inherently unethical unless the punishments you use are abusive in some way, or you are withholding the necessities of life to use as rewards. Some people think that positive reinforcement damages kids because they learn to not do something unless they’re getting praised for it, but i don’t think that is the case. I mean, would you go to work every day unless you got some sort of reward for it (i.e. money or personal fulfillment)? My guess is no. I don’t know why we should expect kids to learn to do unpleasant tasks without any expectation of reward, and not every task is going to be intrinsically motivating.

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