Discussion – Build organizational partnerships using information systems.


Critically discuss the information systems investments. Build organizational partnerships using information systems. Identify the potential vulnerabilities of information systems with respect to security and suggest methodologies for securing them. Respond to assigned questions using the lessons and vocabulary found in the reading. Support your answers with examples and research and cite your research using the APA format. In light of the following comments, discuss the questions listed below: Budgeting time is an exciting time in every organization. Managers meet to come up with an estimate of needs for the areas and functions they supervise, and on the basis of the means available, new initiatives and projects are prioritized as to their perceived promise in adding to the growth of the organization. What is the relationship between strategic IS planning and the yearly budgeting and prioritization process? What is the objective of each? Do you think that general and functional managers should be involved in decisions about funding IS assets and services? Justify your opinion. Who should be developing and presenting the business case for a new IS? Why? How would the new and existing ISs be funded and who would fund them? Propose three funding methods, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each. Risks are associated with every new project that an organization considers to undertake. In the budgeting process, organizations often think of diversification of their new efforts and initiatives in order to minimize the risk of failure. What are the principal drivers and risks associated with implementing a new IS project? What are the principal drivers and risks associated with IS outsourcing? Why should an organization evaluate the aggregate risk of its portfolio of projects? What should an organization do if the current level of portfolio risk is not aligned with the degree of risk deemed appropriate according to the strategic IS plan? Justify your answers using relevant examples.

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Discussion – Build organizational partnerships using information systems.
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core value
business process reengineering (BPR)
goals-based strategic planning
intangible benefit
issues-based strategic planning
Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model
mission statement
organic strategic planning
strategic planning
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) matrix
tangible benefit
vision/mission statement
change model
communications management
continuous improvement
core competency
cost management
cost-reimbursable contract
critical path
diffusion of innovation theory
fixed-price contract
forming-storming-norming-performing-adjourning model
Gantt chart
make-or-buy decision
network diagram
organizational change
organizational culture
predecessor task
procurement management
project champion
project deadline
project integration management
project management
project milestone
project risk
project schedule
project scope
project sponsor
project stakeholder
project steering team
process redesign
quality assurance
quality control
quality management
quality planning
process resource management
risk management
risk owner
scope management
slack time
soft side of implementing change
sponsoring business unit
stakeholder management
subject matter expert
technical resource
technology acceptance model (TAM)
time and material contract
schedule management
work breakdown structure (WBS)
Agile development
cold site
data-flow diagram (DFD)
direct conversion
disaster recovery plan
economic feasibility
extreme programming (XP)
feasibility analysis
functional decomposition
hot site
integration testing
joint application development (JAD)
legal feasibility
mission-critical processes
operational feasibility
parallel start-up
Pareto principle (80–20 rule)
performance evaluation test
perpetual license
phase-in approach
pilot start-up
product backlog
product owner
request for information (RFI)
schedule feasibility
Scrum master
site preparation
slipstream upgrade
system analysis
system construction
system design
system development
system disposal
system investigation
system investigation report
system maintenance
system operation
system review
system testing
technical documentation
technical feasibility
unit testing
user acceptance document
user acceptance testing (UAT)
user documentation
user preparation
volume testing
Waterfall system development process

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