discussion bord 1and 2


First discussion:

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To get us to see writing as thinking, we will be answering “theory-based” questions that require no research or facts.

You could call these “opinion-based” or “philosophical questions” as well. But the idea is that: your thinking will be the only writing that is included.

To illustrate this idea more, consider the following:

Fact-based question:

A question that could be decided by facts that are already out there or could be decided by facts once those facts are determined.

Theory-based question:

A question that does not require / cannot be answered by facts.
A question where your ethos / credibility is equal to anyone.
A question that you “already” already have answered. You use the answer / theory to make decisions and structure your life already.
A question that matters to you. You feel compelled to answer it.

With this mind,

Write 3 theory-based questions and explain how they fit the above criteria.


3 theory-based questions with three justifications approx. 250 words each for a total of approx. 750 words.


Second discussion:

Over the course, we have been going over some helpful terms in thinking about the design of communication creates effects.

We’ve talked about:

Rhetorical situation

In hopes of reviewing these terms, consider the following:

Choose one text that you find especially rhetorical— that you think demonstrates the above terms all at once and shows some patterns between these terms. Remember that a “text” can be anything, as long as you see it as creating an effect and as long as you can either include it in the Canvas post or add a link for it.
Compose a central “thesis.” In other words, what do you think is the most important rhetorical strategy of the text or texts? How could you provide some evidence from the text or texts to support this?
Outline in a series of main paragraphs how you see these terms displayed in text in your reading of them. Do your best to show interconnections between the terms, noting where and when the terms support or contradict one another.
This should all result in a mini essay that discusses the correlation between design choice and intended effect, using the above terms.


approx. 750 words