Discussion about Health Informatics


DISCUSSION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS: Write 4 Discussions that consist of a thread. Each 4-discussion thread must be at least 600 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. Each 4 thread must include at least 1 biblical integration and 2 peer-reviewed source citations in the current APA format in addition to the textbooks.

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Discussion about Health Informatics
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Add in-text citations in APA format.

Discussion Topic and Questions:

1. Discussion Thread: The U.S. Healthcare System and Health Informatics

Discuss how the United States healthcare system has advanced in technology and how health informatics evolved from being a concept to becoming a discipline or specialty. Emphasize the importance of forming professional organizations and educational programs in advancing health informatics as a field. As you begin to research, explore (and cite in your discussion) an early journal article or excerpt from a seminal book on health informatics. If applicable, how has informatics evolved since then?

2. Discussion Thread: Roles and Functions of the HI Professionals

With the increased demand for health informatics professionals, it is important to understand the skills set that are needed in this profession. What unique skill set(s) are needed to work in this evolving field? What are some potential ways to advance in this field? Why is this position important? How can this position assist in providing quality care?

3. Discussion Thread: Governance and Organizational Structures in Informatics

Although health IT governance is a relatively “new” concept, the demands for this expertise are vast and the needs are immediate. Healthcare reform is one example. How is health IT governance being used to ensure that the requirements of the Affordable Care Act are being met, implemented, monitored, and maintained?

4. Discussion Thread: Tasks, Careers, and Credential of the HI Professional

Discuss the difference between an electronic health record and an electronic medical record. Since there is an increase in adopting electronic medical records, why is it important to keep track of the location of paper health records and why is this step unnecessary in an electronic record system?

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Discussion Threads Questions and Instructions
Discussion Instructions:
Write 4 Discussions that consist of a thread. Each 4-discussion thread must
be at least 600 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. Each 4 thread
must include at least 1 biblical integration and 2 peer-reviewed source citations in
current APA format in addition to the textbooks.
Discussion Topic and Questions:
1. Discussion Thread: The U.S. Healthcare System and Health Informatics
Discuss how the United States healthcare system has advanced in technology and
how health informatics evolved from being a concept to becoming a discipline or
specialty. Emphasize the importance of the formation of professional
organizations and educational programs in advancing health informatics as a field.
As you begin to conduct research, explore (and cite in your discussion) an early
journal article or excerpt from a seminal book on the topic of health informatics. If
applicable, how has informatics evolved since then?
2. Discussion Thread: Roles and Functions of the HI Professionals
With the increased demand for health informatics professionals, it is important to
understand the skills set that are needed in this profession. What unique skill
set(s) are needed to work in this evolving field? What are some potential ways to
advance in this field? Why is this position important? How can this position assist
in providing quality care?
3. Discussion Thread: Governance and Organizational Structures in Informatics
Although health IT governance is a relatively “new” concept, the demands for this
expertise are vast and the needs are immediate. Healthcare reform is one
example. How is health IT governance being used to ensure that the requirements
of the Affordable Care Act are being met, implemented, monitored, and
4. Discussion Thread: Tasks, Careers, and Credential of the HI Professional
Discuss the difference between an electronic health record and an electronic
medical record. Since there is an increase in adopting electronic medical records,
why is it important to keep track of the location of paper health records and why
is this step unnecessary in an electronic record system?

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