Discussion 8 week 8


For this discussion, you are to prepare a 1000–1100-word essay focusing on one of the cases from the Milton and Lambe text. Case studies are a great way of telling a story. They are also a proven method for applying theory and concepts learned from course readings and coursework. Remember, a case analysis is not simply a summary.

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Discussion 8 week 8
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Analyzing a case allows students to stretch their critical thinking muscles. Ensure you cover these points. See APA internal headings, https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/paper- format/headings.

Identify the case you selected.Introduce the case.DISCUSSION 8: (Due Day 4 of Week 8- 10 Points)

For this discussion, you are to prepare a 1000–1100-word essay focusing on one of the cases from the Milton and Lambe text. Case studies are a great way of telling a story. They are also a proven method for applying theory and concepts learned from course readings and coursework. Remember, a case analysis is not simply a summary.

Analyzing a case allows students to stretch their critical thinking muscles. Ensure you cover these points. See APA internal headings, https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/paper-format/headings.

Identify the case you selected. Introduce the case.
Describe the focus (the central problem) of the case.
Explain why you selected this specific case.
Identify the most important facts surrounding the case.
State which KM concepts are highlighted.
Detail the course(s) of action that was taken and why.
Evaluate the course(s) of action that was taken.
Conclusion: Provide your concluding remarks, and ensure you add the lessons learned (the organization’s and yours).

Write succinctly using essay format with integrated paragraphs and appropriate internal APA headings. It is recommended that you prepare your post as a word document, proofread and edit it, and then cut and paste it into the discussion area. Integrate at least five of evidence taken from the text, course readings, and relevant and credible source material. Outside literature should have been published within the last five years.

Do not post as an attachment.

Provide your initial substantive response [300-350 words] integrating course literature, by Thursday at 11:59 pm CT. Respond to at least two peers [150-175 words], using the course text, and course readings as support, prior to Saturday, 11:59 pm CT. Review the discussion expectations and the corresponding discussion rubric.

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Responses (2)

Amanda Nelson

4 hours ago, at 1:32 PM


Knowledge Management Analysis: The Singapore Youth Olympics

The Singapore Youth Olympic Games’ use of knowledge management (KM) demonstrates how organizations can leverage