Theory and Method
This week you examined appropriate resources for your program on quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods to think about how theory might align with your topic and a potential method for exploring it. For this discussion, choose one of the following options for your post:
TOPIC OPTION: ” The relationship between social media use and mental health outcomes in adolescents.”
Discuss your observations of the differences in how theory connects to qualitative and quantitative research.
Post an article on your topic that used a quantitative approach and one that used a qualitative approach. Discuss how they differed. In your view, was one more effective than the other?
Share your questions or concerns you have about aligning theory to your work. What support is available to you?
As we wrap up this week, share resources you found in the Quantitative Skills Center that may be helpful to your project and explain why.
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Read the following:
Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2023). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (6th ed.). Sage.
Chapter 8, “Quantitative Methods,” pages 157–190.
The Course Study Guide [PDF] Download Course Study Guide [PDF]highlights content to focus on as you read and absorb the materials. You may also find some additional articles with direct relevance to your field in the guide.
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European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (2023) 32:303–315
Informative value of referral letters from general practice for child
and adolescent mental healthcare
S. Aydin1,2,3
· M. R. Crone2 · B. M. Siebelink3 · M. E. Numans2
· R. R. J. M. Vermeiren3,4
· P. M. Westenberg1
Received: 31 December 2020 / Accepted: 8 August 2021 / Published online: 21 August 2021
© The Author(s) 2021
Although referral letters (RLs) form a nodal point in a patient’s care journey, little is known about their informative value in
child and adolescent mental healthcare. To determine the informative value of RLs to child and adolescent psychiatry, we
conducted a chart review in medical records of minors registered at specialized mental healthcare between January 2015 and
December 2017 (The Netherlands). Symptoms indicated in RLs originating from general practice (N = 723) were coded and
cross-tabulated with the best estimate clinical classifications made in psychiatry. Results revealed that over half of the minors
in the sample were classified in concordance with at least one reason for referral. We found fair to excellent discriminative
ability for indications made in RLs concerning the most common psychiatric classifications (95% CI AUC: 60.9–70.6 for
anxiety disorders to 90.5–100.0 for eating disorders). Logistic regression analyses suggested no statistically significant effects
of gender, age, severity or mental healthcare history, with the exception of age and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders
(ADHD), as RLs better predicted ADHD with increasing age (OR = 1.14, 95% CI 1.03–1.27). Contextual problems, such
as difficulties studying, problems with parents or being bullied were indicated frequently and associated with classifications
in various disorder groups. To conclude, general practitioners’ RLs showed informative value, contrary to common beliefs.
Replication studies are needed to reliably incorporate RLs into the diagnostic work-up.
Keywords Referral letter · Child and adolescent mental healthcare · Psychiatry general practice · Diagnostic agreement
Children’s mental health is an acknowledged key area of
concern for overall health, as is the adequate and appropriate allocation of resources available for mental healthcare
[1–5]. In many countries the general practitioner (GP) is at
the heart of this challenge with its key role in the recognition and referral of those in need of specialized care [6].
The bridge to specialized healthcare is formed mostly by
* S. Aydin
[email protected]
Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology,
Leiden University, Wassenaarseweg 52, 2333 AK Leiden,
The Netherlands
Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Leiden
University Medical Centre, Leiden, The Netherlands
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, LUMC
Curium, Leiden University Medical Centre, Oegstgeest,
The Netherlands
Youz, Parnassia Group, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
referral letters (RLs). In fact, the RL represents the only
substantive information transfer and the starting point for
decision making by the receiving services in a considerable
number of cases. Evidently, RLs are central to a patient’s
transition and can potentially contribute to the diagnostic
work-up and subsequent adequate provision of healthcare
[7–13]. Notwithstanding, it is a widespread assumption that
RLs hold very limited or no substantive value and are merely
an administrative task [5].
Several studies across various fields of medicine have
analysed the information content of RLs, but little is known
concerning the average RL for children and adolescents
accessing mental health services [14, 15]. RLs to psychiatric services could potentially guide institutions as regards
the urgency of registration or even which subspecialty may
be appropriate (e.g., emotional disorders). Studies concerning the recognition of psychosocial problems show variation depending on the type of disorder, generally with lower
recognition rates for emotional disorders compared to externalizing or developmental disorders. Within emotional disorders, anxiety disorders are often less well recognized than
depressive disorders [16–21]. These variations may well
hold when considering the informative value of RLs. Nonetheless, as per our knowledge no study has provided a comprehensive overview of the full range of common reasons
for referral, or has addressed the question of the informative
value of RLs for child and adolescent mental healthcare.
To increase understanding of the informative value of RLs,
in this study we compared information found in children’s
and adolescents’ RLs to the later diagnostic classifications
made in specialized mental healthcare. First, we asked if
RLs demanding urgency were associated with higher levels of functional impairment. Next, we inspected predictive
values for the full breadth of diagnostic categories covering
higher order level emotional and developmental disorders,
and specifically for the common disorder groups: anxiety
disorders, depressive disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD), eating disorders, autism spectrum disorders
(ASD), attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorders (ADHD),
and behavioural disorders. In an explorative approach, we
also inspected cross-relations between these categories and
indications made in RLs. Thirdly, we aimed to relate the
predictive value of RLs to age, gender, levels of functional
impairment, and length of psychiatric treatment history. In
addition, finally, to gain broader insight into the reasons for
referral, we examined the informative value of more general
reasons for referral mentioned in RLs [5], such as physical
ailments or educational and parental difficulties.
Study design and sample
We conducted a retrospective chart review of the electronic
medical records (EMRs) at Curium-LUMC, a clinic for mental health treatment affiliated to Leiden University Medical
Centre (LUMC). Curium-LUMC receives referrals from a
quarter of all municipalities in The Netherlands, and offers
outpatient, day patient, and inpatient treatment for minors
aged 3–18 years. Outcomes were based on institutional protocols designed to classify DSM-5 diagnoses following the
gold standard assessment procedure in child and adolescent
psychiatry. The diagnostic work-up facilitates combining
structured information from various informants (youth themselves, caregivers and/or teachers), as well as the clinicians’
judgement after interview and observation [16, 22–25].
For the purposes of feasibility we set a 2-year limit and
included cases that registered between January, 2015 and
December, 2017. To improve the reliability of the reference
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (2023) 32:303–315
standard [22] we only included data on cases classified
using a comprehensive assessment including interview with
a clinician, observation, and a structured multi-informant
assessment. The latter was provided by the Development
and Well-Being Assessment (DAWBA [26]) which is part
of the institution’s intake protocol. Yearly about 30% of the
total caseload of the institution follows a different intake and
assessment procedure. Those are patients that register for
inpatient care or in a critical situation, and are not included
in this study. Within the set time period 1268 patients and/
or caregivers had completed the comprehensive intake procedure. Three cases were excluded because of an illegible
RL, and six owing to the absence of an RL in the EMR. This
resulted in a sample of 1259 extracted RLs, of which the 723
(57.4%) from general practice could be included in the study.
As this is the first study to investigate RLs for a wide a range
of reasons of referral, we decided a priori to analyze only
RLs from the most frequent referrer. In The Netherlands, as
in many other European countries, this is the general practitioner [27, 28]. An overview of referrers can be found in the
supplementary material.
Data and measures
We coded and then compared which of the various mental
health disorders were indicated in RLs and whether they
corresponded to the final clinical classifications including
comorbidities. Coding followed the DSM-5 chapter structure, e.g., post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and obsessive compulsive disorders were separated from anxiety disorders, whereas phobias were included [29]. For common
disorders in psychiatric services, such as ASD and ADHD,
we present values for individual classifications rather than
a whole chapter (e.g., the neurodevelopmental disorders)
combined. Regarding the higher order disorder groups, we
present metrics for both internalizing disorders and developmental disorders, rather than the common dichotomisation of internalizing versus externalizing problems. This
approach was based on the high prevalence of ASD and
ADHD and the very low prevalence of conduct disorders in
the study sample, as well as the fact that ADHD is conceptually related to both externalizing and neurodevelopmental
disorders. All data were handled in compliance with regulatory requirements and the code of conduct for research using
health data. Based on the retrospective nature of the study,
the Medical Ethics Committee of the LUMC provided an
exemption for written informed consent (G18.080).
Extraction of referral letter data
RLs were extracted from individual EMRs. Two graduate students transcribed the clinical texts from RLs into
a digital data extraction form. To achieve consistency in
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (2023) 32:303–315
data extraction, the students and author SA independently
extracted an initial set of 30 RLs. After achieving consensus,
for each 100th transcribed RL, five selections were examined
and discussed to prevent variation developing over time.
An EMR login code that only gave access to filed correspondence was created to ensure blinding for diagnoses
recorded elsewhere in a patient’s EMR. The data extraction
form included the following: a transcription of the main reason for referral, other contextual information relayed with
the RL, whether an ICPC code (International Classification of Primary Care code [30–32]) was included, which
ICPC codes were present (together with the year and textual
description of the code), the referring healthcare institution,
and whether the data extraction should be discussed. The
form also captured an approximate summary of the patient’s
psychiatric treatment history (no other previous mental
health treatments, short-term treatment of up to a year
including primary healthcare, or a relatively long treatment
history). This is an estimation for whether patients were
diagnosed earlier, as an approximation for whether the referrer might have used a formal diagnosis in the RL. To better
estimate treatment history, RLs were not our only source to
estimate treatment history. Where necessary, students were
asked to search for additional information in other correspondence present in the EMR. If RLs were sent and filed
with attached reports from earlier treatments, these attachments were not extracted.
Coding of the referral letters
Regarding indications of urgency, we distinguished three
groups of RLs: those in which priority was explicitly
requested (including the words “urgent” or “emergency”),
in which a serious need was indicated explicitly (“ASAP”,
“major” or “serious” [problems]), and those without any
such statement.
With respect to reasons for referral, we labelled the transcribed RLs using codes from the ICPC-01 classification
system currently used in general practice in The Netherlands [32]. The ICPC system provides codes for reported
symptoms and contextual problems, in addition to codes for
physician’s (tentative) diagnoses. To aid the coding process,
an extensive manual including a glossary of probable reasons for referral and corresponding ICPC codes was compiled and discussed with a GP who has extensive experience
with mental healthcare and research using the ICPC coding
system. Besides codes from chapter P (for psychological
problems), the manual also included codes from chapter
Z (for psychosocial problems), as well as some general
codes for physical ailments (e.g., A04-Weakness/tiredness,
N01-Headache, D01-Abdominal pain/cramps). This manual
was refined over the course of five meetings based on the
discussion of 20 RLs that were individually coded by SA,
PMW, BMS and MRC. During this iterative process some
extra codes that are not covered by the ICPC system were
added due to their high prevalence in RLs (e.g., self-harm,
being bullied, school attendance problems). Based on the
length and information load of the RLs, we labelled each RL
with up to five ICPC codes and coded in order of decreasing importance (from the main reason for referral to more
peripheral symptoms and problems mentioned in RLs).
To evaluate consistency in coding, a random selection of
150 RLs was made and the weighted average agreement was
computed between the first author who coded all RLs and
the three second coders who each coded a set of 50 letters.
Weighted average agreement between coder 1 and the three
2nd coders was 82% (lowest 79%, highest 83%), suggesting
generally reliable coding. Chance-corrected agreement on
the frequency of specific reasons for referral was also high,
for example, excellent agreement was reached on whether
anxiety was coded or not, with an overall = 0.81 (95% CI
0.73–0.86, Online Supplementary Material).
The reference standard and clinical context
The diagnostic process starts immediately upon registration
of a patient and receipt of an RL. RLs are scanned and filed
in EMRs. A designated employee then conducts a short telephone interview with parents or caregivers, and provides
them with an admission package that includes a login code
for the online multi-informant DAWBA tool [26]. Parents,
teachers and youth over the age of 11 years are invited to
respond, except in case of an inpatient referral. In the online
DAWBA environment informants’ responses to closedended questions generate scale scores which, together with
their responses to open-ended questions, can be remotely
reviewed by a clinical rater. A report on this review is then
copied to the EMR to facilitate reliability during a face-toface intake interview that is often led by a senior psychologist. Therein the professional is free in how to incorporate
the DAWBA data or to supplement with additional assessment methods. The intake assessment is followed by a psychiatric assessment, after which a classification and a CGAS
score [33] is entered in the EMR. CGAS (Children’s Global
Assessment Scale) scores are an estimation of the level of
functional impairment and range between zero and 100,
with lower scores indicating more impairment. Depending
on complexity and needs, variations to this protocol are common in daily clinical care. The administration of a classification can be postponed when further assessment is needed or
the endorsement of a DAWBA is passed when a case enters
with emergence. In addition, classifications can be adjusted
following insights obtained during treatment. We found, in
line with the available literature [34], that such adjustments
in classifications were made in about a tenth of cases, over
half of which considering minor changes (for example a
deletion of a V-code: other conditions). In these instances
the last entry was kept as reference. Contrary to the reasons
for referral, outcome measures could be extracted groupwise
and concurrently from the EMR system [35].
Secondary measures
To better understand sample characteristics, we obtained
data on a patient’s age and gender, their neighbourhood
socioeconomic status (nSES) score and the type of care
(outpatient, daycare or inpatient). Age and gender were
extracted from the DAWBA data, whereas nSES and type
of care were derived from the EMR. nSES is a normalized
and standardized score based on the income, education and
occupation of inhabitants for each postal code area in The
Netherlands [36].
Statistical analysis
First, the demographics of sample and excluded cases were
compared in an ANOVA, with nSES and CGAS scores as
dependent variables, and sample and type of care as main
and interaction effect. This was followed by an analysis of
descriptive statistics to gain insight into the content of the
average RL.
Using ANOVA, we compared impairment levels (as
approximated by CGAS scores) between the three types of
referral letters (priority requested, serious problems indicated or normal referral).
The reasons for referral and the final clinical diagnoses
were then cross-tabulated for the various classifications. We
noted the number of RLs that accurately predicted outcome
as a ratio of the total frequency of a psychiatric outcome.
This represents the sensitivity of a test and when plotted against the specificity of an instrument the area under
the receiver operating curve (AUROC) value is obtained.
AUROC values are considered to be insensitive to sample prevalence and indicate the strength of discriminative
ability, being graded as fair (0.50–0.70), fair to moderate
(0.70–0.80), good (0.80–0.90) and excellent (0.90–1.00)
[37]. Plots were created for those with and without multiple
classifications to obtain values representative for the daily
clinical cohort (including those with comorbidity) and to
provide insight into the potential effects of comorbidity on
the metrics. AUROCs were plotted using pROC [38] and
95% CIs of the diagnostic metrics were computed in EpiR
We computed positive predictive values (PPVs), negative predictive values (NPV) and likelihood ratios of positive and negative RLs ( LR+ and L
R−) to quantify the likelihood of classifications being made. PPVs are computed as
the number of RLs classified with their reason for referral
as a ratio of the total frequency of that reason for referral.
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (2023) 32:303–315
Similarly, NPVs represent the percentage of those who were
not referred for a particular problem and were not classified
as such, expressed as a ratio of the number of RLs without
that particular reason for referral. As a percentage, predictive
values are very intuitive. Nonetheless, they depend on the
prevalence of the outcome and are, therefore, not easily generalizable. LR+ and L
R− values, on the other hand, are less
susceptible to sample distribution [40] as they represent the
actual likelihood of a particular outcome for those positive
(LR+) or negative (LR−) on a test. For LR+, values > 2 indicate a slight increase in post-test probability of about 15%
in the likelihood of a positive outcome, and > 10 indicates a
large increase of approximately 45%. LR− values < 0.5 point
towards a slight decrease of 15%, and < 0.1 a decrease of
45%, interpreted as a strong indicator of absence. Tests with
an LR+ > 20 or LR− < 0.05 are deemed diagnostic in clinical
practice [41].
Finally, in a logistic regression analysis, we analysed
whether the predictive value of RLs differed depending on
age, gender, CGAS score or treatment history.
Sample characteristics
Demographics of the sample are depicted in Table 1. On
average, girls (43.6%) were 13 years and boys were 10 years.
Around a third of the sample had no history of previous
mental health treatment. The majority had one (47.4%) or
two (27.9%) DSM-5 classifications (Table 2). The study
sample had an average nSES score (M = 0.47, SD = 0.77) and
moderate to serious dysfunctioning as approximated by
CGAS scores (M = 51.01, SD = 7.61, n = 689). The included
study sample was similar to the not included caseload of the
institution regarding nSES score (F(2, 2032) = 0.58, p = 0.56,
< 0.000), but showed a higher CGAS score
= 0.016).
(F(2, 1804) = 14.53, p < 0.000, partial
Content of referral letters
The average extracted reason for referral consisted of 59
words (SD = 41, range 2–246) and depicted problems regarding psychological functioning as well as contextual information. Priority was requested in 36 RLs (5.0%), and a serious
need was explicitly indicated in another 50 RLs (6.9%). A
few RLs stated only a general request for psychiatric evaluation or treatment without any other additional information (1.2%, Table 3). Most RLs contained one (25.0%), two
(32.2%) or three (24.8%) symptoms or tentative diagnoses.
The majority of reasons for referral concerned psychological
problems. Next to the textual description of the problems
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (2023) 32:303–315
Table 1 Sample characteristics N = 723
n (%)
Mental health treatment history
Medical conditions
None classified
131 (18.1)
189 (26.1)
153 (21.2)
147 (20.3)
103 (14.2)
408 (56.4)
315 (43.6)
202 (27.9)
228 (31.5)
284 (39.3)
9 (1.2)
577 (79.8)
47 (6,5)
18 (2.5)
The Mental health treatment history variable is an estimation based
on the information available in the medical record, see below section
“data extraction”
which we coded ourselves, 45.8% (n = 331) of RLs contained
an ICPC code registered by the referrer, most of which were
from the P chapter (online supplementary table).
Informative value of referral letters
The average CGAS score of youth with an RL not explicitly
indicating urgency or a severe status (M = 51.35, SD = 7.12)
was only slightly higher when compared to those with an RL
that explicitly mentioned urgency (M = 47.27, SD = 8.12) or
an RL stating the seriousness of the condition (M = 48.83,
SD = 8.01; F(2,686) = 7.71, p < 0.001).
Whereas 41.6% of RLs did not mention any of the later
clinically established classifications, the majority of RLs
(50.8%) mentioned one, two (7.3%) or even three (0.3%)
provisional diagnoses that were in line with the outcome.
When we considered the informative value in relation
to higher order internalizing and developmental disorders,
we found that just over half of the RLs suggesting anxiety,
depression and/or trauma accurately predicted subsequent
classifications (Table 4). Indications of autism-related, attention–hyperactivity and/or behavioural problems were predictive in over two-thirds of cases. How well the indications in
RLs correlated with later higher order classifications did not
differ between girls and boys, different age groups or based
on whether there was a previous mental health treatment
history (supplementary material).
Differences were found with regard to the percentage
of specific classifications indicated in RLs (Fig. 1). Youth
with anxiety disorders were infrequently referred as such
(sensitivity = 41.9%, 95% CI 32.4–51.4), with somewhat
higher values for PTSD (52.4%, 95% CI 33.3–71.4) and
ASD (54.7%, 95% CI 48.1–61.2). Confidence intervals overlapped for many disorder groups. A notable exception was
eating disorders, which were referred with greatest accuracy (sensitivity = 92.9%, specificity = 98.4%). To explore
whether the metrics are a result of comorbidity, AUROC
values were inspected after removal of those with co-occurring classifications (lower Fig. 1). In absolute terms, sensitivity increased for depressive, eating, and attention-deficit
hyperactivity disorders, while at the same time, sample size
decreased considerably, limiting the value of these findings.
We then investigated the predictive value of various reasons for referral (Table 5). The highest PPV was found for
eating problems, where 67.6% of RLs were concordant with
an ensuing eating disorder classification. PPVs varied, with
behavioural problems showing the lowest PPV value, followed by trauma, anxiety, depression, autism and attentionhyperactivity problems. The value of the RL in predicting
specific disorder groups did not differ between girls and
boys, different age groups or depending on treatment history (supplementary material), with the exception of a small
age effect for the indication ADHD. Information in the RLs
predicted the diagnosis of ADHD better with increasing age
(OR = 1.14, 95% CI 1.03–1.27, p = 0.026).
Broader investigation of the reasons for referral revealed
that a quarter of children referred for mood problems were
later classified with an anxiety disorder (24.3%, online supplementary material). The reverse association, i.e., referred
for anxiety then classified with depression, was not found.
A similar pattern was seen for those eventually diagnosed
with behavioural disorders, as they were equally likely to
be referred for suggested behavioural problems (14.3%) or
trauma (13.9%). Although high raw values were found for
some other disorder groups, the frequencies were no more
than expected by chance.
Finally, we investigated the informative value of other
general problems frequently indicated in RLs (Table 6).
Those referred with academic problems were often classified with ADHD (46.4%), and those referred for school
attendance problems with an anxiety disorder (42.9%). Half
of children referred with possible learning disorders were
diagnosed with ADHD. Referral with physical symptoms
was significantly associated with a subsequent diagnosis of a
depressive disorder (34.4%), and relatively high percentages
were also found for anxiety, ASD and ADHD (25%, 25% and
12.5%, respectively). Similarly, around 40% of indications
for suicidal ideation or self-harm were subsequently related
to a diagnosis of a depressive disorder. Over 80% of children
with an indication of bullying or related problems in the
Table 2 Prevalence of the
various clinical classifications
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (2023) 32:303–315
n (%)
Clinical classifications
Neurodevelopmental disorders
Intellectual disability
Communication disorder
Motor disorders
Autism spectrum disorder
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Specific learning disorder
Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders
Depressive disorders
Anxiety disorders
Separation anxiety disorder
Specific phobia
Social anxiety disorder
Panic disorder
Generalized anxiety disorder
Anxiety disorder not otherwise specified
Obsessive–compulsive and related disorders
Trauma and stressor-related disorders
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Adjustment disorder
Reactive attachment disorder
Disinhibited social engagement disorder
Disorder of infancy, childhood, or adolescence not otherwise specified
Somatic symptom and related disorders
Feeding and eating disorders
Elimination disorders
Gender dysphoria
Disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorders
Oppositional defiant disorder
Intermittent explosive disorder
Conduct disorder
Other specified- or Unspecified Disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorders
Substance-related and addictive disorders
Personality disorders
Number of clinical classifications
425 (58.8)
21 (2.90)
18 (2.49)
14 (1.94)
214 (29.60)
243 (33.61)
38 (5.26)
25 (3.46)
2 (0.28)
92 (12.72)
105 (14.5)
8 (1.11)
6 (0.83)
16 (2.21)
8 (1.11)
1 (0.14)
47 (6.50)
28 (3.87)
8 (1.11)
39 (5.4)
21 (2.90)
4 (0.55)
15 (2.10)
1 (0.14)
24 (3.32)
17 (2.35)
27 (3.73)
8 (1.11)
6 (0.83)
43 (5.95)
15 (2.10)
2 (0.28)
2 (0.28)
24 (3.32)
2 (0.28)
34 (4.70)
91 (12.6)
343 (47.4)
202 (27.9)
71 (9.8)
15 (2.1)
1 (0.1)
The distribution of the clinical classifications is depicted as per the DSM-5 chapters, excluding the classified V-codes
NOS not otherwise specified
There were no cases classified with Bipolar and related disorders, Mutism, Body dysmorphic disorder, Dissociative disorders, Acute stress disorder or Sleep–wake disorders. Cases could be classified with more
than one diagnosis
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (2023) 32:303–315
Table 3 Frequencies of problem
areas in referral letters
No code labelled at
this spot
685 (94.7)
26 (3.6)
3 (0.4)
9 (1.2)
402 (55.6)
113 (15.6)
18 (2.5)
190 (26.3)
196 (27.1)
95 (13.1)
10 (13.8)
422 (58.4)
82 (11.3)
30 (4.1)
9 (1.2)
602 (83.3)
29 (4.0)
12 (1.7)
3 (0.4)
679 (93.9)
Depicted are the frequencies (%) of the coded ICPC codes, per domain, per coding spot (N = 723). Psychological = codes from the P and T chapters (eating disorders and symptoms) combined. Social = Z chapter.
Physical = all other labels given. On some of the RLs referrers had written ICPC codes themselves—these
can be found in the supplementary material
Table 4 Informative value of the referral letter for higher order categories
n = 179
PTSD n = 195
n = 391
n = 412
All neurodevelopmental/
n = 444
Cases/positive PPV (95% CI) Non-cases/
NPV (95% CI) Sensitivity
LR+ (95% CI) LR− (95% CI)
54.0 (49.0–
88.4 (86.0–
67.6 (60.2–
81.1 (77.5–
3.57 (2.92–
0.40 (0.32–
55.0 (50.3–
87.8 (85.2–
70.3 (63.3–
78.8 (75.1–
3.31 (2.74–
0.38 (0.30–
70.9 (67.7–
70.3 (67.7–
69.1 (64.8–
73.9 (68.5–
76.0 (71.4–
86.2 (82.5–
63.3 (57.8–
51.8 (46.1–
2.07 (1.78–
1.79 (1.58–
0.38 (0.31–
0.27 (0.21–
70.1 (64.4–
86.3 (82.7–
51.3 (45.2–
1.77 (1.56–
0.27 (0.21–
73.8 (71.3–
Depicted are the accuracy metrics in numbers for the combined higher order disorder groups, e.g., Anxiety/Depression depicts the accuracy metrics between RLs containing anxiety and/or depression and the final clinical classification anxiety and/or depression
PTSD post-traumatic stress disorder, ASD autism spectrum disorders, ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, PTSD post-traumatic stress
disorder, ASD autism spectrum disorders, ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, PPV positive predictive value: the number of children
with an issued reason for referral who were also classified with that reason for referral as a ratio of the total frequency of that reason for referral,
NPV negative predictive value: the number of RLs without any indication of the disorder and no final classification, as a ratio of the total number
of RLs
Sensitivity = number of children with an issued reason for referral who were also classified with that reason for referral as a ratio of the total
prevalence of that diagnostic classification. Specificity = number of RLs without an indication that were also not classified with it as a ratio of
the total sample without that diagnostic classification
social environment were classified with an ASD or ADHD.
Other infrequently mentioned problems can be found in the
supplementary material.
The adequate provision of mental healthcare is an ongoing
topic and any additional role for RLs beyond an administrative process is a subject of debate within the field. Nonetheless, over half of children in this clinical sample were
subsequently classified with at least one condition mentioned in their RL. For higher order combined categories
we found PPVs of over 50% for internalizing disorders and
over 70% for developmental disorders. Scrutinising PPVs
for each of the common diagnostic categories, we found
that over two thirds of RLs that suggested eating disorders
were in concordance with the outcome. Half of RLs that
suggested autism or ADHD as the underlying problem concurred with the later classification. Around two fifths of RLs
that mentioned anxiety or depression were later classified
as such, and a third of RLs indicating trauma resulted in
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (2023) 32:303–315
Fig. 1 AUROC values of indications made in RLs by disorder group
and sample Plotted are the 95% confidence intervals of the sensitivities and specificities, depicted together with the 95% confidence intervals of the AUROC values. The figure on the left presents values of
the complete sample (N = 723), thus including those with multiple
classifications. The figure on the right depicts values in a sample cre-
ated by excluding cases with co-occurring diagnoses. Note that here
the sample size decreased substantially (n = 306) as did the number
of cases (anxiety disorders n = 44, depressive disorder n = 28, PTSD
n = 6, eating disorders n = 13, ASD n = 102, ADHD n = 92, behavioural disorders n = 13)
Table 5 Informative value of RLs for the seven most widespread mental health disorders
Cases/positive RLs
PPV (95% CI)
negative RLs
NPV (95% CI)
LR+ (95% CI)
LR− (95% CI)
Anxiety n = 105
Depressive n = 92
PTSD n = 21
Eating n