Discussion 5


Imagine you are hired as an advisor for a large company to assess and manage their supplier relationships. Complete the attached discussion

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Negotiating and Managing Supplier Relationships: Outline and Rubric
Purpose of this Assessment
The Final Assessment for this competency is to write a paper that demonstrates an understanding
of how to negotiate and manage relationships with suppliers.
Items Required for Submission
In order to demonstrate mastery of this competency, you will submit a 4-5 page paper, in proper
APA format, 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced.
Step ONE: Preparation
In order to prepare for this assignment, it is important to carefully read this document in its
entirety before starting the Final Assessment. Ensure to review each required item and submit the
essay and calculations that align with the rubric. When reviewing each problem, the following
questions should be considered:
What possible tasks are required?
What will you need to complete the paper?
What information will you need?
What resources from this competency might you reference to complete this Final
Assessment successfully?
5. Think about possible plans of action for the steps you will take – what strategies will you
use to address each scenario?
Final Assessment: Outline and Rubric
Negotiating and Managing Supplier Relationships: Outline and Rubric
Step TWO: Develop the Paper
Imagine you are hired as an advisor for a large company to assess and manage their supplier
relationships. Specifically, you have been added to the team that will be meeting with
prospective new suppliers and then maintaining that relationship once the contract is finalized.
1 – On Day One of this new job, you are told that there will be a meeting next week with a
potential new supplier. You have been tasked with preparing for the meeting which includes
researching the new supplier. Looking back at the competency section titled, “Preparing for
Negotiation,” how will you prepare for this meeting? What information will you try to garner
about this company that will be supplying a product/service?
Ensure to include the steps of researching a prospective buyer and the importance of:
● Preparation
● Style
● Porter’s 5 Forces
● SWOT analysis
2 – Now pretend that the negotiation meeting went well and the company finalized the contract
with the supplier. Fast forward 60 days from the contract being signed. You have demonstrated a
strong knowledge of supplier relationships. Your boss tasks you with maintaining the supplier
relationship. The competency describes principles and practices that will build strong supplier
● Name five of the principles mentioned in the competency on promoting good relations
and trust.
● Define these principles and describe how you will use them to effectively foster a strong
supplier relationship.
Step THREE: Complete Checklist for Submission
Before you submit your work, check to see if you have met the criteria noted below. Did you:

Ensure your paper meets the page requirements
Provide a clear and comprehensive strategy for preparing for a negotiation meeting
including: Preparation, Style, Porter’s 5 Forces, and SWOT analysis
Comprehensively defined and described five of the principles of promoting good
Answers each question completely and correctly
Paper is APA format, Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced, 3-5 pages in length
Step FOUR: Submit Your Work

Your completed files should be submitted through the Final Assessment page of your

Please note, for files smaller than 10MB (e.g., most Word documents), use the
Final Assessment: Outline and Rubric
Negotiating and Managing Supplier Relationships: Outline and Rubric
corresponding “+UPLOAD STUDENT FILE” button to upload your Final Assessment
documents. For larger files of any type (e.g., voice over PowerPoint files, video
presentations), please use the optional TEXT EDITOR to provide a URL where your
tutorial faculty can download your file.

How you create a download URL is up to you, but various free online providers, including
Google Drive and Dropbox, offer this service. Please make sure that the URL you provide
can be accessed by anyone with the link. For further instructions on how to create public
links for uploaded files, consult the support pages for your chosen provider.
Final Assessment: Outline and Rubric
Negotiating and Managing Supplier Relationships: Outline and Rubric
Scoring Rubric for Final Assessment
Preparing for
APA Writing
Provides a vague
strategy for
preparing for a
meeting. This
section included
garnering research
about a prospective
supplier, and the
importance of:
preparation, style,
Porter’s 5 Forces,
and SWOT
Provides a partial
strategy for
preparing for a
meeting. This
section included
garnering research
about a
supplier, and the
importance of:
preparation, style,
Porter’s 5 Forces,
and SWOT
Vaguely defined
Partially defined
and described five
and described five
of the principles
of the principles
mentioned in the
mentioned in the
competency on
competency on
promoting good
promoting good
relations and trust
relations and trust
and how they will
and how they will
be used to
be used to
effectively foster a effectively foster a
strong supplier
strong supplier
Does not use APA
Uses APA and
effectively or
academic writing
academic writing in displaying some
a clear, concise, or
correct manner. The conciseness, and
paper is not 3-5
correctness. The
pages in length,
paper is 3-5 pages
although it may be
in length, APA
format, Times
using Times New
New Roman,
Roman, 12 point
12-point font,
font. There are
more than 7
There are 5-6
Final Assessment: Outline and Rubric
Provides a clear
strategy for
preparing for a
meeting. This
section included
research about a
supplier, and the
importance of:
preparation, style,
Porter’s 5 Forces,
and SWOT
Clearly defined
and described five
of the principles
mentioned in the
competency on
promoting good
relations and trust
and how they will
be used to
effectively foster
a strong supplier
Uses APA and
academic writing
with a
presentation of all
displaying clarity,
conciseness, and
correctness. The
paper is 3-5 pages
in length, APA
format, Times
New Roman,
12-point font,
There are 3-4
Provides a clear and
strategy for preparing
for a negotiation
meeting. This section
included garnering
research about a
prospective supplier,
and the importance
of: preparation, style,
Porter’s 5 Forces, and
SWOT analysis.
Clearly and
defined and described
five of the principles
mentioned in the
competency on
promoting good
relations and trust and
how they will be used
to effectively foster a
strong supplier
Uses APA and
academic writing
with sophisticated
presentation of all
material, displaying
clarity, conciseness,
and correctness. The
paper is 3-5 pages in
length, APA format,
Times New Roman,
12-point font,
double-spaced. There
are 0-2 grammar,
punctuation, or APA
Negotiating and Managing Supplier Relationships: Outline and Rubric
punctuation, or
APA errors.
Final Assessment: Outline and Rubric
punctuation, or
APA errors.
punctuation, or
APA errors.

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