Discussion 4A and 4B


Two separate discussions, For discussion 4B some of the personal technology applications used in clinical settings could include; EPIC, Med Connect, and Power Chart… etc

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Discussion 4A and 4B
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Discussion 4A
As mentioned last week, the TIGER Nursing Informatics Competencies Model consists of three
parts: Basic Computer Competencies, Information Literacy, and Information Management. This
week we will focus on information management and security. As a nurse, you must chart all
patient care activities with a high level of efficiency and accuracy. All activities in the electronic
health record (EHR) are electronically captured via an audit trail.
For this week’s discussion response, please address each of the following prompts:

What measures should be taken to ensure adherence to ethical charting?

What security measures should be taken to protect patients’ healthcare data?

How can you ensure that you are effectively documenting in the electronic health record
and that your documentation would hold up to scrutiny in a court of law?

Please support your response with a scholarly source. Please be sure to respond to at least
two peers each week.
This activity aligns with course outcome:

Explain the ethical implications associated with the management of healthcare data and
the patient’s personal health record. (Essential IV.2. IV.3, IV. 6, IV. 8, IV.11, and IV.12)
Discussion 4B
This week we focused on the development of health information systems and had an opportunity to
review the elements of an implementation plan. For your discussion response this week, you will examine
computer applications and technology that you interface with in your practice. Please discuss the
following in your post:

What computer applications and technology do you interface with the most in your practice as a

What technology do you feel you need to be competent and efficient in your role? Explain.

Which technology or applications do you feel support nursing as a whole? Explain.
Please support your response with a scholarly source. Please be sure to respond to at least two peers each
This activity aligns with course outcome:

Evaluate patient and personal technology applications used in clinical settings. (Essential IV.2,
IV. 7, IV, 9, and IV.10)

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