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After watching the lectures/videos for the chapters this week, post FOUR comments – these can be insights you may have had while watching, perhaps about something from the videos that was useful to for you to learn, or made you think about something differently, or resonated with you, etc. It can also be a question you may have. Each of the 4 comments needs to be at least 100 words long, and EACH post needs to have to do with a DIFFERENT topic from the lectures/videos for the week. Posts need to contain specific references to the content of the video – (so “informative video” doesn’t work as a post).

Guidelines for posting:

Post FOUR times to participate for the week – once with an initial post, and then 3 more posts as responses to a class-mate’s post.

Each of the 4 posts are worth 2 points each, for a total of 8 points; if posts do not contain references to content, or are less than 100 words long, they will not count toward the posts for this week. Remember each post should be about a different topic you learned something about during the week.

Be thoughtful about what you write, and above all, be respectful of the opinions of your classmates.

reply 1


What I learned from watching the lectures/ videos is…

I the first video regarding “new medicine”.. new medicine is using advanced methods to help people with health issue. This includes smart approaches that consider how our thoughts, feelings, and bodies are all connected. These modern methods use the latest discovers in the brain and therapies to create personalized solution for each persons unique needs. The pain goal is to help improve mental “well- being” by adapting threatens to better fit each individual.

But my question is if they made “anti-depressant” to have reduce depression, how come the sides for that medicine is “depression”…?

Next is Stress and Health. based on what I read, health chronic stress having a significant impact on both mental and physical well being. with a a lot of stress, it could lead to heart problems, it may weaken the immune system mental disorders (anxiety and depression”. To help to mange stress, I think it really really important to find someone to talk to if not write it down, that will at least make you feel a little better. Sometimes I think the only reason some people find it hard to express their stress to people is because they may think they may judge them. and I’m not saying is not true because here are people who who actually judge that makes hard for people to open up.

I see some people manage their stress my going to the gym, which is also a great thig to do, but I think sometimes talking it out may reduce, and also some people go for medication, I don’t recommended it at all because sometimes these medicine can get addicting, and every time your stress you have to go take it even when your not, and getting off of them may take a while.

Another thing I wanted to point out is that in most culture, when expressing your feelings to others that shows a “sign of weakness”. They believe that your supposed to swallow whatever that is hurting or stressing you, if not your weak and you are seen lower than your class, I think tats even more stressful because that’s how suicide cases rises.. So getting therapy is also a “weakness” to them…

Consciousness; being aware of our surroundings and environment. “controlled processing is when you need to pay attention to something and automatic is when you already know that thing and you can do it without having to think to much about it, some examples used in the video was ” controlled processing- learning to drive for the first time and automatic processing- when you can drive without having to “think to much” it can be listening t music or talking to the passengers”.

with that being said, I see it happening to me a lot especially when I get out of work, like I’m so tired, when I’m driving home, my body obviously is doing the driving but my mind is not there, when I get home, I don’t feel like I drove there but I know I’m there if that makes sense basically zoning out.

Reply 2


After watching the”New Medicine” videos, I learned three important aspects:

1. The process of healing involves both the body and the mind

2. There’s a biochemical connection between stress, our immune system, and illness

3. How quickly we heal is affected by our state of mind, particularly our level of stress

I thought it was important to highlight these factors because all the patients who were tested, examined, and cured from the “The New Medicine” project, all had something in common: Hope and a change of perspective about how to deal with their levels of stress. For example, in the first experiment on wound healing (stressed vs unstressed), the rapid healing process between both patients was between 9 days sooner, all due to the fact to their stress levels. Another example was the meditation training experiment. While both groups got the flu vaccine, there was also a big effect of meditation on one of the groups’ immune system, which produced more antibodies to the flu.

Something I also wanted to add was this specific quote from our teacher: “Happiness should be thought of as a skill. Is better to pay attention to things that are happening in the present moment that are good for us”.

Reply 3


The lectures this week highlighted how important sleep is for our general health and cognitive abilities, despite its often-underappreciated importance. I found the conversation about the value of sleep to be quite insightful, and it made me reevaluate my own sleeping patterns and how they might affect multiple areas of my life.

It was intriguing to realize the complex relationship between sleep and health. The lectures and TED Talk demonstrated how getting inadequate rest affects not only our immune systems but also a number of other health problems, such as metabolic and cardiovascular ailments. It caused me to consider how important it is to prioritize getting enough good sleep in order to keep up optimum physical health.

Furthermore, I was fascinated by the revelations of how sleep affects memory functions. The significance of distinct sleep phases in consolidating memories and the brain’s capacity to arrange and retain data during deep sleep highlighted the indispensable connection between a restful night’s sleep and cognitive functioning. What was really fascinating to me from the TED Talk was the research being conducted about dementia patients’ memory restoration and overall brain health.

Has anyone else found the discussion on sleep particularly enlightening, or discovered personal strategies for improving sleep quality and or routine?