Discussion #4 – Subjects Related to Real Life


Discussion #4 – Subjects Related to Real Life

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4.1 Introduction

Hi and welcome to the fourth discussion of the class! As we quickly approach the end of the semester, it is important to reinforce how this class relates to real life. The goal of this week’s discussion is to talk or discuss about real events that we have learned about (or will learn about) in Geography (GEOG) 1112: Weather and Climate impact our everyday life. After you have talked about an event, you will then respond or reply to your fellow classmates.

The fourth discussion of the semester will be broken into 2 sections. You will need to complete both sections of the discussion to receive full credit. Please read the instructions carefully and if you have any questions, please contact your instructor.

4.2 Requirements

– You MUST complete the following TWO requirements* to receive full credit:

Select an Event from one of the following prompts in section 4.5, Write about the Topic, and Explain the topic.
Select and respond to TWO of your fellow classmate’s post

*Please read the instructions (section 4.5) for further background information about each discussion requirement

4.3 Rubric

You will be graded for this discussion using the format below:

Section #1: 10 Points
Section #2: 10 Points

4.4 Submission Deadline

– Discussion #4 opens on Wednesday, November 1st at 12:00 (noon) pm ET and closes on Monday, November 13th at 12:00 (noon) pm ET.

4.5 Instructions

Section #1: Selecting an Event

In your first message (post), You will select an one event based on a (1) current event (find an article about a weather event that has occurred such as tornado, severe storm, flood, extreme heat), (2) a climatological event (how the climate could be changing or unique climate events that have been mentioned in articles), or (3) a personal experience that you have had with weather. The prompts for each are listed below.

Through this course, we have been slowly building our “base” or “blocks” about key concepts and definitions related to weather and climate. We are also moving into a severe weather and climate unit. It is beneficial to understand how these events can impact lives. It is important to understand how we can relate what we learn in this course to real life and tools that can help you in real life. You might not be going into a weather field but you can learn a lot from the weather around you and past events that have occurred.

I would like you to select an event presented to you in any part of the course (a topic we have discussed or will discuss). This could be anything from chapter 1 to chapter 7, from the temperature unit to severe weather to climate change. For your first post (thread), you MUST pick a prompt and answer or talk about the following SIX questions:

Prompt #1: A Past or Current Event in the News

What to do: Find an article (from the news or online from a creditable source) of a weather event that has occurred in the past that we have learned about (or will learn about) in this class. Note: Please make sure to include the url link as part of your post.
Then answer the following questions in paragraph form (two paragraphs):
First Paragraph (include these 5 questions):
1. What was the weather event and Where did it start and end? (Note: Please make sure to include the url link as part of answering this question)
2. How did this weather event form (use information from what you have learned in this course)?
3. Were the areas impacted ready for the event or was it more of a surprise?
4. What was the aftermath of the event?
5. Does the article mention anything of preparing for a future event similar to this event?
Second Paragraph:
6. Lastly, give a summary of the event from start to finish. (Note: Your response should be a least 150 words for your second paragraph)

Prompt #2: A Climatological Event

What to do: Find an article (from the news or online from a creditable source) of a climatological event that has occurred in the past or is predicted to occur in the future that we have learned about (or will learn about) in this class. Note: Please make sure to include the url link as part of your post.
Then answer the following questions (2 paragraphs):
First Paragraph (Answer the first 5 questions):
1. What was the climate event and has it already occurred, currently occurring, or starting/predicted to start? (Note: Please make sure to include the url link as part of answering this question)
2. How did this climate event form or how is it forming (use information from what you have learned in this course)?
3. Were the areas impacted ready for this event or are they ready for this event?
4. What was the aftermath of the event or what possible impacts could this event cause?
5. Does the article mention anything of preparing for a future event or are they preparing for the event?
Second Paragraph
6. Lastly, give a summary of the event from start to finish. (Note: Your response should be a least 150 words for your second paragraph)

Prompt #3: A Personal Experience

What to do: Discuss a personal experience with weather or climate that you have encountered.
First Paragraph
1. Give a summary of how the event occurred from start to finish. If you have any pictures of the event include it as part of summary. (Note: Your response should be a least 150 words for your first paragraph)
Second Paragraph
2. Did you know the event was going to happen or did it catch you of guard?
3. Did you take shelter or did it impact you in any way?
4. Was there any aftermath of the event in the area you were in?
5. Can you find any media coverage or articles of the event? If so, please include any url links as part of answering this question.
6. Have you only experienced this event once or multiple times?

Note: As you answer these specific questions posed by your instructor, please make sure to write in SENTENCE format. Imagine that you are writing an English paper or research paper as you answer each question. Please do NOT write in bullet points or a numbered list for your post. If you use bullet or numbered format, 2 points will be deducted from your post. If you have questions about writing your post, please contact your instructor for additional assistance.