
I. You will notice HOOK in the right margin: with this you grab the reader’s attention! This is a statement that stands out. Ex If the essay is about ‘Immigration’, a HOOK could be, for EX:

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More than 300,000 migrants, the highest number ever reported, were processed at the US border with Mexico, in four weeks of December, according to multiple news sources.

Now the reader is hooked by the stats and wants to read on. Under Hook see: THESIS=It controls the entire essay. Writing the thesis is a skill that you will learn: A THESIS STATEMENT lists the points that will be covered in the essay. As a rule, you have a different main idea in each BODY paragraph, so you need to list 3 different points in a THESIS STATEMENT contained in ONE SENTENCE!

II. Three BODY paragraphs support the Thesis. Body of the essay has evidence to support thesis which includes: quotes and examples from the Readings and from research on the topic.

III. These must be followed by a critic’s objection or COUNTERARGUMENT to the thesis. Followed by your REBUTTAL, that refutes the counterargument, and therefore proves your thesis is valid. CONCLUSION restates thesis, in other words, you have proved your point and persuaded the reader to believe in your thesis.

These three parts make up the Structure of an Essay. These are easy to do. Writing A DEBATABLE THESIS is the skill that you need to master. (Discussion #3 will explain how to write a debatable thesis. Check the English 101 Essay Rubric in Module I ).

Please answer these questions in short answers for credit. Post before you read your peers’ replies. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and interact with your peers!

Q1. In Basic Structure of an Essay what is most important? Why?

Q2. How do you grab the reader’s attention to read your essay?

Q3. How many different points are listed in the thesis statement? Why?

Q4. Which paragraphs contain examples, quotes, and research on the topic of the essay?

Q5. What is another word for a Counterargument? What follows it?

Q6. What does a restated thesis prove?

Click Module 1 to study the Structure of an Essay carefully. Basic Structure of an Essay: IMG-1696.jpg