Discussion 2


Respond to the attached discussion in 2 paragraphs. Peer responses

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Discussion three
Data visualization methods offer a different landscape for explaining
situations using data. Graphical representations of information, if
created properly, can make vital information more intuitive,
contextualized, and accessible. Visualization plays an essential part in
analyzing big data and simplifying complex data-intensive scenarios.
In this discussion, using the Viz of the Day webpage, select a businessfocused visualization to debate in your post (you may have to toggle to
more than one page to see business-specific visualizations). Consider
the audience and purpose of the visualization you selected, and think
about the strategy used to present the information and analysis visually.
In your initial post, make sure to include the link to the visualization you
selected, and address the following:

Why have you selected this one?
How does the author of the visualization address the audience?
How is the purpose of the visualization conveyed?
How does the visualization use color, ordering, layout, and
hierarchy to prioritize information?
In response to at least two of your peers, address the following:

Can you describe ways in which data visualizations make
information more accessible to their audience? What would you
recommend to make key insights in visualizations more digestible
to your audience? What would you avoid?
Peer 1
Hello Class,
From the Viz of the Day visualizations, I chose the Sales Analysis
Dashboard. the author of the visualization is Prasann Prem. Prem
addresses the audience with various charts, tables and graphs depicting
many different types of information.
The visualization has detailed labeling that explains what kind of data
the audience is reading. The interface is very user friendly and allows
the user to change the kind of data they are looking for based on a
variety of criteria. The use of a simple color scheme helps the audience
to read the different charts, graphs and types of data easily without
being distracted by too many colors. Prem uses a menu on the left side
of the menu to help the audience to find and the kind of information
they would be looking for. This layout helps the audience to
differentiate between the different types of information they are
reading. The data is clear and detailed and the interactive nature of the
visual makes it easy for different audiences to understand the data
presented in a way that makes sense to them.
Prem, P. (2023, October 13). Sales Analysis Dashboard.
Public.tableau.com. https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/prasann.pre
Peer 2
Brenda TM
Why have you selected this one?
The visualization I chose is a HR dashboard. I chose this visualization
due to my work experience in human resources.
How does the author of the visualization address the audience?
The author addresses the audience with staff insights through various
information and charts in multiple forms to make it easier for different
people to quickly identify the information they are researching. For
example, it not only provides the percentage of male/female staff but
also provides a pie chart for a visualization of this data.
How is the purpose of the visualization conveyed?
The purpose of each section is conveyed by providing the following
details for each set of data: title, numerical information, graph/chart
and explanation of the findings. For example, one section titled,
Employee age, indicates the average age is 37.6 years old, shows a bar
graph with the age ranges and sums up the data stating “The majority of
our employees are 25-44 years old. 5 employees may be preparing to
How does the visualization use color, ordering, layout, and hierarchy to
prioritize information?
The visualization primarily uses shades of gray for it’s graphs and charts.
The order, layout and hierarchy is done in a way to provide basic HR
information about the staff at the top: monthly payroll, percentage of
males to females, employee age range, and years since promotion to
provide some insight on the date in the lower portion which relates to
employee satisfaction with their work environment and working
Myers, E. (2022). Example HR Business Dashboard. tableau
public. Retrieved
from https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/ed.myers/viz/Exploratory

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