Discussion #2


Group 2. Explain the ethical principles of autonomy, veracity, beneficence, and justice. What ethical principle stands out the most to you in health care: autonomy, veracity, beneficence, or justice? Give an example of how you apply this principle to support your nursing practice.

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Grading Rubric: DISCUSSION QUESTIONS #2, #3, #4, and #5 (5 x 50 points each = 250 points)



Meets Expectations



Insufficient or


Initial Discussion Post

Initial discussion post is made in a timely fashion, giving others ample time to respond.

6 points

Initial discussion post is made by Day 5, giving others limited opportunity to respond.

4 points

Initial discussion post is made by Day 6 or 7, giving others minimal opportunity to respond.

2 points

Initial discussion post is made after Day 7 or not at all keeping other students from reading and responding.

0 points

Evidence of Critical Thinking and Critical Analysis for Initial Discussion Post

Relates new content to readings and what has already been learned in the course; addresses inconsistencies; poses new possibilities or opinions not previously voiced. Evidence is supported by scholarly citations.

15 points

Relates new content to readings and what has already been learned in the course; addresses inconsistencies; makes connections to other content and real-life situations. Evidence is not clearly connected.

10 points

Makes connections to previous or current content or to real-life situations but the connections are unclear, not firmly established or are not obvious, evidence is not scholarly or not present.

5 points

Contributes no novel ideas, connections, or real-world applications; limits responses to, “I agree with…” statements.

0 points

Response #1 to Peer Discussion

Responded to alternate discussion scenario. Response includes critique and analysis of the point mentioned and how the writer supports or questions that point. Evidence is supported by scholarly citations.

6 points

Responded to alternate discussion scenario. Response includes analysis of point mentioned and why the writer agrees or disagrees. Evidence is not clearly connected.

4 points

Provides opinions; responses are rudimentary and superficial, lacking any degree of analysis or critique. No supporting evidence. Responded to post in same discussion scenario, or twice to same scenario.

2 points

No response was made to other students’ posts or was posted after the due date.

0 points

Response #2 to Peer Discussion

Responded to alternate discussion scenario. Response includes critique and analysis of the point mentioned and how the writer supports or questions that point. Evidence is supported by scholarly citations.

6 points

Responded to alternate discussion scenario. Response includes analysis of point mentioned and why the writer agrees or disagrees. Evidence is not clearly connected.

4 points

Provides opinions; responses are rudimentary and superficial, lacking any degree of analysis or critique. No supporting evidence. Responded to post in same discussion scenario, or twice to same scenario.

2 points

No response was made to other students’ posts or was posted after the due date.

0 points

Reading and Resources are Current (within five [5] years unless a classic or historical source) and Valid Peer-Reviewed References

Initial Discussion Post: Course textbook and a minimum of one professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal reference are required.

Two response posts:

A minimum of one (1) professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal reference for each response post.

All professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal references must be different.

References must be within five (5) years unless a classic or historical source.

8 points

Posts do not meet one of the following reference requirements:

Initial Discussion Post: Course textbook and a minimum of one (1) professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal reference are required.

Two (2) response posts: A minimum of one professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal reference for each Response post.

All professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal references must be different.

References must be within five (5) years unless a classic or historical source.

6 points

Posts do not meet two of the following reference requirements:

Initial Discussion Post: Course textbook and a minimum of one (1) professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal reference are required.

Two (2) response posts: A minimum of one (1) professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal reference for each Response post.

All professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal references must be different.

References must be within five (5) years unless a classic or historical source.

4 points

Required references are missing and/or do not meet the minimum criteria or are not current valid peer-reviewed references.

0 points

Grammar, Spelling, Style, APA Format

Proper grammar, spelling, and/or APA formatting style used throughout the initial discussion and peer responses.

0 to 1 error

6 points

Contains minor errors in grammar, spelling and/or APA formatting and citations.

2 to 3 errors

4 points

Contains multiple errors in grammar, spelling, and/or in APA formatting of citations and references.

3 to 4 errors

2 points

Lacks proper grammar or APA citations; contains multiple misspelled words.

Five (5) or greater errors

0 points


Participated on two (2) separate days. Posted initial discussion and responded two (2) times, once to each group.

3 points

Participated on only one (1) day. Posted initial discussion and two (2) responses.

2 points

Participated on two (2) separate days. Posted initial discussion and only one (1) response.

1 point

No initial discussion post or responses.

0 points

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Ethics and Legal
Copyright © 2023 by Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC an Ascend Learning Company. www.jblearning.com.
Chapter Objectives
▪Ethical principles to decision making with consideration of
importance of ethics
▪Implications of healthcare fraud and abuse, research ethics, and
organizational ethics
▪Relevance of legal issues, such as malpractice, to nursing
▪Examples of ethical and legal issues in healthcare delivery
Copyright © 2023 by Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC an Ascend Learning Company. www.jblearning.com
▪Legal issues arise that every nurse must understand.
▪Ethics and legal issues involve:
▪practice concerns.
▪health policy.
▪reimbursement issues.
▪organizations that provide health care.
Copyright © 2023 by Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC an Ascend Learning Company. www.jblearning.com
▪The nursing profession has ethical responsibilities.
Ethics and Ethical Principles (1 of 4)
▪Ethics: a standard code or guide to behavior
▪Morals: an individual’s code of acceptable behaviors
▪Ethical principles
▪Autonomy: focuses on patients’ right to make decisions about
matters that affect them
▪Beneficence: relates to doing something good and caring for the
▪Justice: treating people fairly
▪Veracity: truth
Copyright © 2023 by Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC an Ascend Learning Company. www.jblearning.com
Ethics and Ethical Principles (2 of 4)
▪Other suggested principles:
▪ Advocacy
▪ Caring
▪ Stewardship
▪ Respect
▪ Honesty
▪ Confidentiality
Copyright © 2023 by Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC an Ascend Learning Company. www.jblearning.com
▪Ethical principles (cont.)
Ethics and Ethical Principles (3 of 4)
▪Ethical dilemma: occurs when a person is forced to choose
between two or more alternatives, none of which is ideal
▪ Involvement
▪ Assessment
▪ Plan
▪ Implementation
Copyright © 2023 by Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC an Ascend Learning Company. www.jblearning.com
▪Ethical decision-making
Ethics and Ethical Principles (4 of 4)
▪Benner et al., 2010
▪ Nursing education needs to focus more on ethical comportment.
▪ Students need to develop skills to respond ethically to errors and to
make ethical decisions.
▪American Nurses Association Code of Ethics
▪Reporting incompetent, unethical, or illegal practices
▪Role of the state boards of nursing
Copyright © 2023 by Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC an Ascend Learning Company. www.jblearning.com
▪Professional ethics and nursing practice
Critical Ethical Issues in
Healthcare Delivery (1 of 2)
▪Ethics and research
▪Informed consent
▪ Institutional review boards (IRBs)
▪Risks of:
▪ Physical harm
▪ Psychological harm
▪ Social and economic harm
Copyright © 2023 by Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC an Ascend Learning Company. www.jblearning.com
▪Healthcare fraud and abuse
Critical Ethical Issues in
Healthcare Delivery (2 of 2)
▪Reimbursement compliance
▪ Compliance officer
▪ False Claims Act
Copyright © 2023 by Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC an Ascend Learning Company. www.jblearning.com
▪Organizational ethics
Legal Issues: An Overview (1 of 4)
▪Nurse Practice Act
▪Critical terminology
▪Civil law
▪Criminal law
▪Doctrine of res ipsa loquitur
Copyright © 2023 by Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC an Ascend Learning Company. www.jblearning.com
Legal Issues: An Overview (2 of 4)
▪Expert witness
▪False imprisonment
▪Good Samaritan laws
▪Respondent superior
▪Standards of practice
Copyright © 2023 by Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC an Ascend Learning Company. www.jblearning.com
▪Critical terminology (cont.)
Legal Issues: An Overview (3 of 4)
▪Negligence occurs in nursing and can lead to a malpractice suit.
▪ The nurse has a duty to the patient.
▪ The duty was breached.
▪ The breach of duty was the cause of harm.
▪ Damage or injury to the patient occurred.
▪All elements must be proved for a successful suit.
▪Professional liability insurance for nurses can be carried.
Copyright © 2023 by Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC an Ascend Learning Company. www.jblearning.com
▪Malpractice: why should this concern you?
Legal Issues: An Overview (4 of 4)
▪There are pros and cons to nurses carrying professional liability
▪When a nurse is sued:
▪ the nurse should not rely on his or her employer’s attorneys to
provide defense.
▪ the nurse needs an attorney who represents only the interests of the
▪There are differences in the types of malpractice insurance.
Copyright © 2023 by Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC an Ascend Learning Company. www.jblearning.com
▪Malpractice: why should this concern you? (cont.)
Examples of Issues with Ethical and Legal
▪Rationing care: who can access care when needed
▪Advance directives, living wills, medical powers of attorney,
and do-not-resuscitate orders
▪Organ transplantation
▪Assisted suicide
▪Social media and ethical and legal issues: a new concern
Copyright © 2023 by Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC an Ascend Learning Company. www.jblearning.com
▪Privacy, confidentiality, and informed consent

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