

Watch the video on Malden MillsLinks to an external site..Read the article, Was Aaron Feuerstein Wrong?Links to an external site.For discussion, address the following:Was Feuerstein guided by morals or ethics?Do you think he could have made the decision if Malden were a publicly traded company?Why do you think he has critics for his decision?In order to receive credit, for all assignments, you must follow the time frame set for each assignment and you must complete one (1) original post and at least a minimum two (2) reply posts to two (2) classmates . Failure to follow instructions will result in no credit.You must provide citations for all materials used. If you use outside sources, provide URL.Your original post must show effort. There is no hard rule for length, but many of these can be expressed in 3-5 paragraphs. The post is graded on content, grammar, spelling, and presentation. You can, and are encouraged, to use outside material such as web sites but you must provide a citation (even an informal citation is acceptable).

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