

For the discussion board assignment this week, you should start with a brief summary of the module readings. Your summary should be about 150 words. Then, write about 150 word response to the following prompt:Consider the possible relationship between education and prejudice. Discuss how this relationship might be examined. Discuss how you might narrow the topic to one that could be researched.

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Chapter 2
Identifying a Topic, a Purpose,
and a Research Question
Learning Objectives
• Describe why a research topic is necessary, and
identify several sources for developing a research topic
• Compare and contrast the four primary purposes of
• Identify the purpose of a research question, and
demonstrate your ability to evaluate a research
Rennison, Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology 1e
SAGE Publications, Inc., 2019
Learning Objectives
• Evaluate the importance of the Federal Policy for
Protection of Human Subjects, its subparts, and the
role of the Common Rule
• Summarize a “vulnerable population,” and identify the
ways in which a group may be vulnerable
• Define “human subjects” and “research” according to
the Common Rule
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SAGE Publications, Inc., 2019
Identifying a Topic, Purpose, and
Research Question
• All research is guided by an interest in a topic
• Science is a recursive process
– It is never ending and works as a continuous loop
– Walter Wallace created a visual depiction of the
scientific process
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SAGE Publications, Inc., 2019
Wallace’s Wheel of Science
Rennison, Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology 1e
SAGE Publications, Inc., 2019
Wallace’s Wheel of Science
• The wheel of science includes the following:
– Theory
– Hypotheses
– Research design
– Observation
– Analysis and findings
– Empirical generalizations
Rennison, Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology 1e
SAGE Publications, Inc., 2019
How to Identify a Research Topic?
• A research topic is a subject that you are curious about
• Published research is a valuable resource for
identifying topics of interest
• Available data are an excellent resource for identifying
research topics
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SAGE Publications, Inc., 2019
How to Identify a Research Topic?
• Requests for proposals (RFPs) are formal statements
asking for research proposals on a particular topic
• Personal experiences are another way of identifying a
research topic
• Viewing the news, movies, and documentaries also
can help identify a topic
Rennison, Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology 1e
SAGE Publications, Inc., 2019
How to Identify the Purpose/Goal of
• A researcher must narrow down a research topic and
make it into a feasible research question
• One way to narrow down the topic is to identify the
purpose of the research
– The purpose can be thought of as the goal of the
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SAGE Publications, Inc., 2019
How to Identify the Purpose/Goal of
• There are different purposes for research
– Exploratory research is appropriate when little or
nothing is known about a topic
– Descriptive research describes a topic
– Explanatory research provides explanations about
– Evaluation research assess a program based on
objective criteria
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SAGE Publications, Inc., 2019
Gathering More Information and
Refining the Topic
• After selecting a topic, it is necessary to focus the topic
• Narrowing the topic requires the gathering of more
information about the topic and purpose selected
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SAGE Publications, Inc., 2019
How to Construct the Research
• A formal research statement needs to be constructed
that identifies the purpose and the narrowed topic
• A research question is the impetus behind the research
– It guides every step in the research endeavor
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SAGE Publications, Inc., 2019
Common Pitfalls in Research
• The research question should be a question
• Answering the research question must be feasible
• The research question should be interesting
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Common Pitfalls in Research
• The research question should increase knowledge
• The research question should be crafted so that it is
not overly broad
• The research question should not be too narrow
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SAGE Publications, Inc., 2019
Ethical Considerations
• Ethical considerations must remain at the forefront
during the entire research process
• A research question must consider the three principles
from the Nuremberg Code and the Belmont Report
– Respect for persons, beneficence, and justice
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SAGE Publications, Inc., 2019
Ethical Considerations
• The primary sources of guidance for human subjects
research originated in the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS)
– Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects
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SAGE Publications, Inc., 2019
Ethical Considerations
• There are five subparts to HHS’s Federal Policy
• Subpart A (referred to as the Common Rule)
– Outlines the fundamental procedures for conducting
human research
o IRB and informed consent
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Contemporary Role of IRB
• IRB committees must be diverse
• The Common Rule identifies research that must be
reviewed by an IRB
• IRB committees must review many elements of the
proposed research
– Has authority to approve, require modifications, or
disapprove of any research
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SAGE Publications, Inc., 2019
Contemporary Role of IRB
• IRB committees also ensure the following:
– Risks to subjects are minimized
– Risks are reasonable to benefits
– Selection of research subjects is equitable
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Vulnerable Populations
• Vulnerable populations receive an additional layer of
• Vulnerable populations include:
– Pregnant women
– Human fetuses and neonates
– Prisoners
– Children
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Exempt, Expedited, or Full Panel
Review at the IRB
• There are three types of research categories when
submitting to IRB
– Exempt
– Expedited
– Full panel review
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Exempt, Expedited, or Full Panel
Review at the IRB
• Exempt research occurs when researchers analyze
existing data, documents, or records
– No way to identify the subjects
• Expedited review of research means that the review of
the research protocol will be done by the IRB chair and
perhaps other members
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Exempt, Expedited, or Full Panel
Review at the IRB
• Full panel review is required in all other types of
• With full panel review, the research protocol is
reviewed and discussed by the full IRB committee
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SAGE Publications, Inc., 2019
Training in Protecting Human
• Your institution will likely require you to take training on
the topic of human subjects research
• You can access free human subjects online training
through the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
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Open-Access Student Resources
• Quizzes
• eFlashcards
• SAGE Journal Articles
• Multimedia Resources
• And more at edge.sagepub.com/rennisonrm
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SAGE Publications, Inc., 2019

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